Monday, October 31, 2016

April Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Ryback vs. Cesaro

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Tamina

Match 3. New Day vs. Wyatt Family 

Match 4. Rusev vs. Neville

Main Event. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Batista
Batista immediately sent Cena to the outside and all three fought out there for a minute. Sheamus planted Cena with a spine buster. Batista hit Sheamus with a sledgehammer. Cena hit Sheamus with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Sheamus countered the AA, but received a Jack Hammer from Batista. Cena hit Batista with the AA and won.

Cena is the likely candidate to earn a WWE Championship match. He deserves it.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler w/ Jack Swagger vs. Tyson Kidd
I wonder why Swagger is standing in Ziggler's corner. They competed last week. With the success Kidd had in NXT, he wants to translate that to success on SmackDown. Ziggler hit a diving elbow drop. Kidd countered a super kick into a flipping neck breaker. After a jumping DDT, Ziggler won with the Zig Zag.

Swagger didn't get involved too much, but I guess the support helped Ziggler's confidence.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton
Owens landed a German suplex on the outside. Back in the ring, Orton hit his back breaker and stomped all over Owens. There was a lot of back and forth before Orton connected with the RKO, but Owens kicked out. Orton kept the pressure and won with the punt kick.

Orton was a different animal this match. He was very aggressive. Good showing.

Match 1. Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. No Way Jose vs. Adam Rose vs. Rich Swann vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas
Big debut for three of these guys. A win here could go a long way. Jose hit Swann with a somersault leg drop. Swann came back with a back drop on the apron. All four men were now on the outside. Almas hit Rose with a sit-out powerbomb. After a big leg drop, Jose won with a swinging ax smash.

The big Venezuelan gets a nice win in his debut. He's someone to watch.

Match 3. Bobby Roode vs. Bo Dallas
After the match, Roode attacked Dallas.

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Authors of Pain
Whoa. These two guys are huge! The tattooed one, Akam clotheslined the heads off both Gable and Jordan. Jordan almost got the tag, but Akam cut him off. Rezar landed a spinning side slam and got a near fall. They then hit a double pounce. After destroying Gable, they won with a clothesline/leg sweep combo.

Oh my. These two dominated one of the best teams in NXT.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Apollo Crews

Match 1. Chris Jericho vs. Bret Hart
Two of the best Canadian wrestlers. They could get a TV title shot with a win. Hart hit a belly-to-belly slam and diving forearm smash. He then got a near fall after a piledriver. Jericho locked in the Liontamer. He later hit a super reverse suplex and three powerbombs. They went back and forth with submission attempts before Jericho won with three more powerbombs.

A great opening match. Jericho almost tapped a couple of times. He's starting from scratch with the new brand splits.

Match 2. Harlem Heat vs. Hall and Nash

Match 3. Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Vader vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Raven
Interesting to see Raven on TNA and not the ECWCW show.

Match 2. Christian vs. R-Truth vs. Matt Hardy
This Matt Hardy is not someone I'm used to

Match 3. Christopher Daniels w/ Kazarian vs. Bobby Lashley

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Drew hit a flapjack. Jeff came back with a flipping powerbomb. He then hit a fisherman piledriver. Nice move. Jeff landed the Whisper in the Wind and got a near fall. Drew got his own near fall after a running knee. Jeff hit the drive-by dropkick on the apron. Jeff kicked out of the Future Shock DDT. Drew won with a second Irish Curse.

A great match. Drew and Jeff both pulled out some big moves. Drew defeated a big star.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 1. Pentagon Jr vs. Fenix

Match 2. T.J. Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Zack Sabre Jr
Big win.

Match 3. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Jay caught Cole with a cheap shot in the corner. They went back and forth as Lethal hit a Complete Shot and a diving forearm. Jay continued with a shoulder tackle through the ropes. Jay kept the attack going. A bloody Adam tossed Lethal up and connected with a super kick and got the win.

Whoa! Cole took a beating, but somehow still got the win. That's impressive.

Match 4. Shelton Benjamin vs. Prince Puma

Main Event. Drago vs. Matt Sydal

Recap: What a good week. This was the second-full week and things are starting to pick up.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

April Week 2, Year 3

With the modifications I made, April Week 1 had to be skipped. Nothing major. With 6 shows, I lowered the matches to 5 per show. I will watch/play at least 1 per show, some will have 2.

Get ready to see the new rosters.

Match 1. Naomi vs. Charlotte

Match 2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Gallows and Anderson
This feud carries over from SmackDown. Both teams want a shot at the tag titles. Enzo hit Karl with a tornado DDT from the second rope. The Club hit Cass with the Magic Killer, but Enzo broke it up. Cass came back and won with a big boot.

Wow. Gallows and Anderson had this won, but Enzo snuck in to keep them alive. Good match.

Match 3. Big Show vs. Bad New Barrett vs. Cesaro

Match 4. The Shield vs. The New Day

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar
The Beast vs. The Demon. If Balor wins, he will be in line for a title shot. Balor hit the shotgun dropkick and DDT'd Lesnar on the apron. Lesnar pummeled Balor on the outside. Balor hit Bloody Sunday, but got a near fall. He then won with a reverse t-bone suplex with a bridge to win.

Balor defeated Lesnar. What a first night.

Match 1. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 2. Hype Bros vs. The Dudleyz

Match 3. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger vs. Bray Wyatt
The winner could be the next IC champion. Swagger and Ziggler have a long history. SmackDown has a good mid-card division. Bray pulled out a baseball bat and hit Swagger. Ziggler went after both men. Bray countered a super kick and hit Sister Abigail. Swagger then pulled Bray to the outside and they brawled out there. After a splash to Swagger, he rolled up Bray and got the win.

Huge win for Ziggler. He booked himself an IC title match in the future.

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. The Miz
Rollins stakes his claim at being the new SmackDown champion.

Match 1. Hideo Itami vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. Samoa Joe
Dillinger has a big match with the new NXT champ. Tye got the upper hand, which pissed off Joe. Joe kicked Tye before hiting 3 German suplexes. Tye connected with a wheel kick. Joe hit the running elbow and enziguiri in the corner. Dillinger lifted Joe up and hit the Tye Breaker, but Joe kicked out. Whoa. Close near fall. Joe won with a Muscle Buster.

Dillinger put up a good fight, but the champ is the champ for a reason.

Match 3. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Bobby Roode vs. Elias Samson

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Austin Aries
The King of Strong Style is here! A win over Aries would skyrocket Nakamura's value. There was a test of strength early. Aries connected with a spinning forearm. Nakamura got a near fall with a Michinoku Driver. He later hit the Kinshasa, but Aries kicked out. Aries landed three suplexes and a 450 splash. He later connected with a comeback combo and won with his feet on the ropes.

Well, Aries technically won, but he needed a little help. Nakamura will look for his revenge.

This show consists, obviously, of both WCW and ECW superstars.

Match 1. Chirs Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio
Jericho went back to his long tights with the roster switch. Rey landed a couple of flying head scissors. He then hit a supercanrana. Jericho connected with a moonsault and sitout powerbomb. Rey got a near fall after the 619. Rey countered a powerbomb and hit a second 619 to get the win.

This was a good fast-paced opening match. Jericho was acting a little heelish in this match.

Match 2. Ricky Steamboat vs. Cactus Jack

Match 3. Roddy Piper vs. Vader

Match 4. Dallas Page vs. Rhyno vs. Arn Anderson

Main Event. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Impact Players

Match 1. X-Pac and Billy Gunn vs. American Wolves

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Jeff Hardy

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 4. Bobby Lashley vs. Christian
Past meets present. Christian hit a front suplex and atomic drop. He then hit a diving headbutt. Lashley hit a huge powerbomb and snapmare. He connected with two back breakers. Christian countered a back suplex and hit the Killswitch, but got a two count. Lashley hit a super butterfly suplex. Christian busted Lashley open with a flapjack and won with a diving elbow.

Interesting result. I thought Lashley's power would have prevailed.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Drew Galloway

This roster will feature both ROH and Lucha Underground talents.

Match 1. Matt Sydal vs. Fenix

Match 2. Chris Hero vs. Tyler Reks

Match 3. Cedric Alexander vs. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. T.J. Perkins
Four of the best wrestlers in one ring. TJP and Cedric went to the outside. Cedric hit a delayed suplex. Shelton and Sabre joined them. Zack pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Shelton in the ribs multiple times. Cedric landed multiple suplexes to TJP. He then won with the Kick to Kill.

An exciting 4-way match. I'm surprised Zack Sabre Jr. went for a weapon, though.

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Pentagon Jr. vs. Roderick Strong

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Drago

Recap: Well, that was the first full week. Raw/SmackDown have a pay-per-view at the end of the month. After that, there will be 3 PPVs per month. Raw/SmackDown, NXT/WCW and TNA/ROH will all share events. It limits the card a bit, but I can't do 6 different events.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Year 2 Recap and Year 3 Preview

Year 2 is now over.

The final champions are as follows.

NXT - Samoa Joe
US - Triple H
Women's - Asuka
Tag Team - Rowan/Harper

WWE - Seth Rollins
IC - The Miz
Women's - Charlotte
Tag Team - Ambrose/Reigns

Things are going to get completely flipped in Year 3. There are going to be more shows in my attempt to get everyone involved. It's going to take a lot of planning and set-up, so it won't be started immediately.

I have so many CAWs in my "awaiting to debut" list that I couldn't debut them all at once. I am even thinking of a show for the Legends/HOFers, like a WCW or NWA-themed show. Not sure yet.

All I know is that things are going to be amazing.


Here we are. The end of an era.

Pre-Show. 6-Man Legends Battle Royal
The participants are Dusty, Warrior, Rude, Mr. Perfect, Piper and Boss Man. There were a lot of close calls early. Dusty scored the first elimination by kicking Warrior off the apron. He then eliminated Hennig. Piper eliminated Boss Man. Rude shook off a piledriver and eliminated Dusty. They went back and forth before Piper eliminated Rude.

Cool showcase for the legends. Now, it's time for the real show.

Match 1. WWE vs. NXT - Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan
What a way to kick off the show. Neither man was able to get the upper hand. Both superstars have excellent mat skills. Angle scored the first point with a belly-to-back take down. Bryan came back with a kick to the chest and an arm bar. Things slowed down for a bit. Angle landed two German suplexes before Bryan countered the third into the Yes Lock and made Angle tap out.

A great WRESTLING match to start the show. I expect these two to meet again.

Match 2. Rhodes vs. Booker vs. Ryback vs. Jericho vs. Miz vs. Show - WWE IC Championship
Yes, it's another battle royal. Show punched Ryback off the apron. Cody and Jericho worked together to try to eliminate Show, but it wasn't enough. Cody eliminated Booker. One in four chance now. Jericho hit Show with a moonsault. He then eliminated Cody. We will have a new IC champion. Show chokeslammed Jericho over the top. Miz dodged Show's power and was able to eliminate him.

This was quicker than the legends' one, but just as fun. Miz is the new champion.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka won the exchange early and connected three kicks to the head. Alexa hit a northern lights suplex and snap mare. Asuka hit the hip attack and a striking combination. Asuka sent Alexa to the outside and then hit a huge diving splash. Alexa caught Asuka with a huge roundhouse kick. Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock to win.

Alexa more than held her own against Asuka. Yet, the champ was just too much. She has been champion for 49 weeks. Wow.

Match 4. John Cena vs. CM Punk
Cena accidentally knocked out the ref when going after Punk. Cena stomped on Punk for a bit. Punk tossed Cena to the outside. Cena made a comeback and hit a suplex and 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Punk kicked out of the AA. Cena continued with his offense until he was able to win with a belly-to-belly slam.

It was good at the beginning, but Cena went into Superman mode and dominated.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins - WWE World Championship
Owens hit a back suplex and spinning sidewalk slam. Rollins hit a reverse DDT and STO. He then hit a full nelson suplex. Rollins landed the Falcon Arrow and got a near fall. He hit the roll through super kick. Rollins was on fire. Owens was able to kick out of the Pedigree. He then hit the package powerbomb. Rollins countered a superplex and busted him open. He hit one final Pedigree to win.

That was an amazing match. Rollins is once again WWE champion. The Shield have all the belts again.

Match 6. WWE vs. NXT - Brock Lesnar vs. Shane McMahon
I don't like Shane's odds. Shane came out firing, throwing everything he had at Brock. Lesnar just stood there for a bit before he blocked a punch and suplexed Shane. He then hit a few more suplexes. Shane went for a chair to even things up, but Lesnar stepped on it. As the ref took care of the chair, Shane hit Lesnar below the belt and got a near fall. Shane hit a diving elbow, but Lesnar kicked out. He then hit what looked like 10 German suplexes before winning with an F5.

That was not a fair fight at all. I wish the ref allowed Shane to use the chair. Lesnar is a beast.

Match 7. Cesaro vs. Triple H - NXT United States Championship
Is Trips looking to win the title or punish Cesaro? After some transitions, Cesaro landed an uppercut. The match quickly spilled to the outside, but made it back into the ring. Cesaro hit a straight jacket suplex for a near fall. Cesaro got a couple of near falls with some amazing suplexes. Triple H landed the spine buster and Pedigree, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro landed another suplex, but Trips cut him off and won with a second Pedigree.

Triple H not only took Cesaro's title, but he took his dignity with him. That sucks for Cesaro.

Match 8. Loser Leaves WWE - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Two legends enter. One leaves...for good. Taker overpowered Michaels early. Michaels went for the Sharpshooter, but Taker countered and hit a chokeslam. Michaels landed a flying forearm and went to the top for a diving elbow, but Taker caught him for the Tombstone, yet Michaels kicked out. Taker kicked out of the Sweet Chin Music.

Taker hit snake eyes, a big boot and leg drop. Michaels came right back with an atomic drop, scoop slam and diving elbow. They left the ring again and fought up the ramp. Michaels connected with another super kick, but neither man could make it back to the ring in time.

What?! That's not how it ends, right? What happens now? Nobody lost, but nobody won either.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
It's time! Who will walk out as NXT champion? The two traded counters in the early going. They have a long history. Joe suplexed AJ on the ramp. AJ countered a suplex and hit a standing moonsault. AJ took out Joe on the outside and almost won by count out. Joe hit a senton splash and his three German suplexes. Joe then connected with the Muscle Buster, but got a two count. AJ landed the Pele kick. Joe kicked out of the Styles Clash at the last possible moment. AJ landed a back suplex and almost won. Joe hit three more suplexes and another Muscle Buster to win.

Oh. My. God. That was a WrestleMania main event. These two left it all in the ring. What a match.

Recap: What a night. What a WrestleMania! Four title changes and (possibly) two first-ballot Hall of Famers calling it a career. How can the following year top this?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

WWE - March Week 4, Year 2

This is it. The final regular show before WrestleMania.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Goldust w/ R-Truth

Match 2. Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens
Owens charged at Rollins as soon as the bell rang. Owens then hit the cannonball splash. Rollins got some moves in. Owens hit a package powerbomb and a package piledriver to win.

Owens took the cheap route to defeat Rollins. It won't be that easy at 'Mania.

Match 3. The Pretty Express vs. Gallows and Anderson
Rose was taking it to Anderson. Breeze gave it a shot, but Gallows landed a back body drop. Anderson hit a snap powerbomb. Rose planted him with a headlock driver. Breeze and Gallows were back on the outside. Breeze went after Anderson, who was doing nothing. Rose hit a snap suplex and spine buster to win.

Match 4. John Cena vs. CM Punk

Match 5. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The New Day
Cass landed a back suplex. He went for a back breaker, but E countered. Cass was able to connected with a press slam. He continued with a modified back breaker and big boot. They then hit the Rocket Launcher, but Kofi broke it up. E hit a super fall away slam and tagged in Kofi. He hit Cass with the Boom Drop. Enzo kicked out of 2 Super Big Endings. E won after a super back suplex.

That was a great tag match. New Day want their titles back.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Match 1. Cameron vs. Alicia Fox

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Fandango

Match 3. JBL vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Here's what we know going into WrestleMania.

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Title
Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins - WWE Titlte
Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Title
Triple H vs. Cesaro
John Cena vs. CM Punk
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

It looks like an amazing card so far.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

NXT - March Week 4, Year 2

This is it.

Match 1. Baron Corbin vs. Zack Ryder w/ Mojo Rawley

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss
Alexa attacked Asuka from behind in the ring. Alexa targeted the head with punches and knee strikes. After a dropkick to the head, Alexa won with the Sparkle Splash.

It took a sneak attack, but Alexa defeated the champion.

Match 3. Blake and Murphy vs. The Ascension
Konnor hit Murphy with a diving shoulder tackle. Blake countered a slam and got a near fall. Konnor hit an Electric Chair Drop. The Ascension connected with the Fall of Man, but Blake broke up the pin. Blake picked Konnor up with ease and hit a powerslam to win.

The Ascension lose to a team they should have beaten. They puzzle me sometimes.

Match 4. Sting vs. Curtis Axel

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Triple H
Trips clotheslined Cesaro from behind in the ring. He then hit the Pediree, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro hit a running uppercut and shoulder tackle. Trips went to the top, but missed a diving fist drop. Cesaro got a near fall after a European uppercut. Triple H landed a superplex and spine buster. He then hit the Pedigree, but Cesaro kicked out again. It took a third Pedigree to keep Cesaro down.

Yet another win for Triple H. All because Cesaro eliminated him in seconds.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
Two wins in a row. Can Joe shake it off and win the title?

Recap: WrestleMania should be awesome for the NXT matches.

WWE - March Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Ryback vs. Dallas Page

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz

Match 3. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T

Match 4. John Cena vs. CM Punk
Cena hit a clothesline and snapmare. He then hit a flipping powerbomb. Cena tossed Punk up and caught him in mid-air for the AA, but Punk kicked out. Punk made a comeback with a northern lights suplex and multiple kicks. Cena cut him off with a shoulder tackle and 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He landed a second AA, but got another near fall. Cena then won with a superplex.

After the match, Cena went to check on Punk, but Punk clocked Cena with a punch.

Well, that was uncalled for. Punk is a jerk and turned on the fans.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Seth Rollins
This week, Angle takes on the challenger. Kevin Owens attacked Rollins as he was walking down the ramp. In the ring, Angle hit a belly-to-belly slam and 3 German suplexes. Rollins landed a couple of kicks and a suplex, but it wasn't enough. Angle hit the Angle Slam and won.

The pre-match attack helped Angle win this match. He's become a beneficiary to this feud. The fans are cheering for both Rollins and Owens.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Kane
Taker was pummeling his brother, who was wearing slacks and nice shoes. Kane landed a belly-to-belly overhead slam. After a back suplex, Taker hit the chokeslam. They traded punches before Taker hit the Tombstone and won.

After the match, Shawn Michaels came out and crotch chopped at Taker.

A blah main event. Kane didn't provide as much offense as I thought he would.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Goldust vs. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth

Match 3. Christian vs. Fandango

Recap: Jesus Christ. What a week. Punk turned on Cena and the fans while Owens got revenge and the adolation of those same fans. Taker destroyed his brother and sent a message to HBK. One week left.

NXT - March Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Alexa Bliss vs. Alicia Fox
Bliss picks up a big win.

Match 2. The Ascension vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. James Storm vs. Elias Samson

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Rusev
This should be good. Braun picked Rusev up with ease and slammed him down. He then dropped Rusev over the railing. He continued with a pump handle piledriver, but Rusev kicked out. Strowman tossed Rusev in the air and caught him in mid-air with a chokeslam to win.

Wow. I can't believe how quickly Strowman defeated Rusev.

Match 5. Triple H vs. Bobby Roode
A dream match, of sorts. Cesaro walked down and sat next to the announcers. Roode hit a knee smash. Trips hit a back breaker on the outside. Roode speared Trips off the apron. H whipped Roode into the corner and then went after Cesaro. Roode attacked him from behind. He then hit the spine buster and won.

Roode' spine buster overpowered Triple H's. Trips was focused on Cesaro more than Roode.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
AJ left the ring and attacked Joe as he was walking down. Joe came back with three modified German suplexes. After a tornado DDT, AJ left the ring and took apart the announce table. He then hit a Styles Clash through the table. Oh my God! AJ won by count out.

That was a quick main event. Joe just missed the 10 count. He will be back next week.

Recap: What a week. I'm still surprised at how quickly Rusev and Joe both lost. Braun and AJ made their statements.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

WWE - March Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Big Cass w/ Enzo vs. Bubba Ray w/ D-Von

Match 2. The Pretty Express vs. Gallows and Anderson
Anderson hit Rose with a deadlift powerbomb. Gallows hit Breeze with a huge suplex. Anderson got the hot tag to Gallows after a back breaker from Rose. Gallows and Anderson hit a double team move before Gallows won with a Baldo Bomb.

These two are vicious pitbulls. They will attack you at your weakest point. Watch out.

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Dolph Ziggler

Match 4. Shawn Michaels vs. Ryback
The Undertaker made a special appearance for this match. Ryback overpowered HBK early. Ryback powerbombed Michaels on the outside mat. Michaels recovered and hit a piledriver and the Sweet Chin Music and won.

Taker didn't get involved. Good for him. How did Michaels win that match?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kane
Punk caused a distraction.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins
Owens countered Rollins and hit a one-arm slam off the ropes. He then hit a release German suplex. Rollins landed a full nelson suplex. He then hit a roll through super kick. Owens hit a Samoan drop. Rollins hit a dive through the ropes and a huge diving elbow to Owens' back. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. Rollins hit the Buckle Bomb. Rollins hit the Pedigree and put hit feet on the ropes to secure the win.

After the match, Rollins grabbed a chair and hit Owens multiple times.

Rollins is doing everything he can to weaken Owens before 'Mania.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Fandango

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Shelton Benjamin

Recap: Michaels pulls out a big win. Seth Rollins is on a war path. I'm excited for this WrestleMania.

NXT - March Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Curtis Axel vs. Jack Swagger vs. Apollo Crews

Match 2. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 3. Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles
How will Joe get his revenge? He attacked AJ from behind and threw him into the steps. Bryan followed it up with the Yes Kicks. Bryan DDT'd Styles on the apron. Styles recovered and landed a sit-out slam. Bryan cut him off and hit more kicks to win.

Can Bryan really celebrate this win? He got a lot of help from Joe.

Match 4. Drew Galloway vs. X-Pac

Match 5. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss
Asuka was woman-handling Alexa for a couple of minutes. Alexa came back with belly-to-back slam and STO. She continued with a leg drop and missile dropkick. Asuka slammed her down and hit a bunch of kicks. She then connected with a huge superkick to win.

Asuka took care of Alexa with ease. She's been a dominant champion.

Main Event. Triple H vs. Cesaro
Is it happening? The match quickly spilled to the outside, but went back into the ring. Cesaro hit a deadlift gut wrench slam. He later hit a huge powerbomb. Trips hit a spike piledriver. He then connected with a spine buster and Pedigree, but Cesaro kicked out. He continued with a superplex and won.

Did Triple H get the revenge he was looking for?

Recap: A great week of NXT. Only 2 more left before 'Mania.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

WWE - March Week 1, Year 2

Wow. SmackDown put together a big show.

Match 1. The Shield vs. The Pretty Express
What an upset!

Match 2. John Cena vs. CM Punk
Cena kept Punk grounded early. Punk had a leg lock and hit a back breaker. Cena hit a snap DDT and Five Knuckle Shuffle. He then connected with the AA, but Punk kicked out. Punk hit a spike head scissors. Cena hit a second Shuffle and AA to get the win.

This was mostly Cena's match. Punk had a couple of spots, but nothing comparative to Cena's.

Match 3. Neville vs. The Miz

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Kevin Owens
Owens landed a couple of slams and a rare dropkick. Angle snapped back and hit three German suplexes. Owens slowed the match down. He later hit a package side slam and got a near fall. They traded German suplexes. Angle locked in the Angle Lock. Owens landed the package piledriver for the win.

Seth Rollins came out and stared down the champ.

Angle/Owens would be a good title feud. Rollins wants to prevent that from happening.

Match 5. Ryback vs. Cody Rhodes
Another big win.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Whoa! Taker flipped Michaels over the ropes with an Irish whip. He then hit a huge spine buster. Michaels hit a back breaker. Taker connected with a chokeslam, but HBK kicked out. Taker then kicked Michaels' head into the steel post. God damn! Michaels somehow got up and locked in the Sharpshooter. HBK kicked out of the Tombstone. Michaels grabbed the rope on a pin. He then countered a Tombstone and won with the Sweet Chin Music.

Michaels went for a handshake, but Taker ignored it. What disrespect from the veteran.

Wow. That was an amazing match. I can't believe Michaels pulled out the win. I'm actually amazed.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 2. Christian vs. Viktor

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry

Recap: I'm not sure which brand had the more exciting week. I think I have to give the edge to SmackDown. This is just the beginning.

NXT - March Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. The Ascension vs. TM61
Big win for the Aussies.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Paige
Alexa Bliss came out and stood at ringside. The two women wrestled around before Asuka clotheslined Paige out of the ring. Paige locked in a modified cloverleaf. Alexa distracted Asuka, allowing Paige to hit a back breaker. Asuka came back with a big splash and kicks. She then won with a huge kick to the head.

This could have been a good match, but Alexa ruined it. Why is she targeting Asuka?

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Fandango

Match 4. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin
Triple H walked down before the bell rang. Cesaro landed a running boot. Cesaro slammed Corbin down. Trips jumped up on the apron and grabbed Cesaro. Corbin took apart the announce table before taking control. After a scoop slam, Corbin hit the End of Days and won.

Thanks to Triple H, Corbin pinned the US champ. This is the week of interference.

Match 5. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Edge
Make it a third. AJ Styles walked out. Joe sent Edge to the outside. Edge countered with a flapjack. Back in the ring, Edge hit a suplex and back suplex. Joe threw Edge into the steel post. He then turned his attention to AJ and the two were face to face. Edge then busted Joe open. Joe crawled into the ring just to receive a spear and lost.

Edge received help from AJ, which is a little weird considering they're on opposite sides.

Recap: AJ gets the first win between he and Joe. Triple H is still targeting Cesaro. Alexa aims for the target on Asuka's back.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Match 1. The New Day vs. The Shield - WWE Tag Team Championship
Ambrose and Big E traded spine busters. E hit Reigns with a back suplex and clothesline before tagging in Kofi. Reigns took him out with two clotheslines. Ambrose landed a diving elbow and dragon sleeper. After a snap DDT, he hit Dirty Deeds and won.

That was a fast-paced opening match. The Shield are the title holders again. What a 3 months this feud was.

Match 2. Steel Cage - Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Can these two be contained? Henry tried making a quick escape, but Ryback pulled him down. He then locked in a camel clutch. Moments later, he hit three powerbombs and a diving forearm smash. Ryback then climbed out of the cage and won.

Either Ryback wanted no part of Henry or the powerbombs were that effective.

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella - WWE Divas Championship
Charlotte landed a back body drop. Brie connected with a basement dropkick and jaw breaker. Brie went to the second rope, but missed a dropkick. Charlotte later hit the spear, but Brie kicked out. Brie landed a bulldog from the second rope before hitting the Bella Buster. Brie countered the spear. Charlotte connected with a second spear to win.

A good women's match. Charlotte looked poised and ready to take out Brie.

Match 4. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
The two big men started the match. After some back and forth, Gallows was done and tagged in Anderson. Gallows locked Enzo in a camel clutch and then wore him down on the outside. Enzo and Cass hit the Rocket Launcher, but Gallows broke up the pin. Cass hit two powerslams and a second Rocket Launcher, but got another near fall. Gallows hit Cass with a two-handed chokeslam and won.

If I didn't mention it, I apologize, but Cass and Enzo are now on SmackDown. Gallows and Anderson got a big win over the new tag team.

Match 5. The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
Rock hit a shoulder breaker. Lesnar quickly got up and began to overpower Rock. He hit a back breaker and back suplex. Rock landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Lesnar hit a deadlift powerbomb. Rock locked in the Sharpshooter, but Lesnar escaped. He got a near fall after an F5. Rock landed a superplex. Rock hit another belly-to-belly slam before getting the win.

Hmm. Another questionable finish. Not the winner, but how he won. Rock was a former champion, though.

Match 6. Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk - WWE Intercontinental Championship
This should be fun. They took each other down early. Cody hit a slingshot suplex. He then connected with a Muscle Buster, but Punk got right up. He connected with a roundhouse kick. Punk hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Cody hit the Alabama Slam, but Punk kicked out. Cody then stole Punk's finisher and won with the GTS.

Damn. The balls on Cody to use Punk's finisher on him. He's been impressive since turning on his brother.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE World Championship
The winner will face Rollins at 'Mania. Owens threw Del Rio into the steel steps. Del Rio landed a double leg take down and spine buster. Owens tried fighting back, but Del Rio kept countering him. He landed a diving splash to the outside. Owens hit a package powerbomb and double chicken win suplex. Owens broke out of the arm bar and hit the pop-up powerbomb, but Del Rio kicked out. Owens got a couple of more near falls before winning with a twisting side slam.

Alberto Del Rio almost won the world title. Owens wanted to enter 'Mania as champ. Can he leave with the title, too?

Recap: What an event! Owens/Del Rio was a great match. Cody/Punk was almost as good. Gallows and Anderson looked impressive.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

WWE - February Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home show to No Way Out, the final WWE-only event before WrestleMania.

Match 1. Feed Us More vs. Prime Time Players
After the match, Mark Henry attacked Ryback from behind. He landed the World's Strongest Slam.

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Pretty Express
Two complete opposite teams. D-Von hit Breeze with a spine buster. Rose got a near fall after a diving elbow. Bubba Ray got the hot tag, but Breeze took him out with a heel kick. The Dudleyz worked over Rose in their corner. They then hit the 3D and won.

The Dudleyz have the experience. Rose and Breeze looked good early, but fell apart at the end.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 4. Christian vs. The Miz

Match 5. The New Day vs. The Shield
Dean landed a bulldog and diving elbow on Big E within the first few minutes. He and Kofi battled on the outside. Dean then hit E with a powerbomb. New Day worked over Reigns. Kofi got a near fall after a Boom Drop. Dean caught Kofi with a running knee smash. Reigns won after connecting with the Superman punch.

Ambrose and Reigns want their tag titles match. It could happen this Sunday.

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
After some back and forth, Del Rio landed a German suplex and pummeled Sheamus in the corner. He later hit a jumping arm breaker before locking in the cross arm bar. Sheamus hit White Noise and connected with the Brogue Kick, but Del Rio kicked out. Del Rio landed another jumping arm breaker and back stabber to win.

These two landed some big moves. They pulled no punches here. Del Rio is cerebral when targeting a limb.

Match 1. Murphy vs. Billy Gunn

Match 2. Christian vs. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth

Match 3. Apollo Crews vs. Fandango

Recap: A decent go-home show for WWE. No sighting of the world or secondary champions. Interesting.

NXT - February Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Drew Galloway and ????? vs. X-Pac and Billy Gunn
Who did Galloway get as a partner? It's Bobby Lashley! The powerhouse Lashley suplexed both Pac and Gunn. Pac landed a couple of suplexes. Drew came back with his version of the Celtic Cross and Future Shock, but got a near fall. Gunn hit Lashley with the Famouser. Drew made Pac tap to win.

Drew gets his revenge on Pac and Gunn. This was a one-night appearance for Lashley.

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Shane McMahon

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma

Match 4. The Wyatt Family vs. The Ascension

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Rusev
Rusev overpowered Cesaro early. Cesaro ducked a punch and hit a German suplex. Rusev sent Cesaro to the outside and hit a back breaker. He continued with a one-arm slam and a sidewalk slam. This was all Rusev. He got a near fall off a super Samoan drop. Cesaro popped off a huge uppercut and got a two count. He later hit a second one, but could not capitalize. He won after a snap suplex.

That was a great match. Rusev was aggressive for most of the match. The US champ wins again.

Main Event. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe vs. Edge and Randy Orton
What a main event! Styles hit Orton with a spinning heel kick. Joe tossed Edge around with multiple suplexes. Orton targeted the neck of Styles. He went for a diving elbow and caught the ref as well. He then hit the RKO and won.

That was quicker when I thought. I'm surprised Joe and AJ didn't attack each other. Their 'Mania match should be awesome.

Recap: That was a good week. The one-time alliance between Edge and Orton brought back some good memories. Cesaro was tough to come back. Lashley was impressive, too.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

WWE - February Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Feed Us More vs. Prime Time Players

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi
After some back-and-forth action, Sasha took control. She landed the Three Amigos. Naomi landed a back elbow and split-legged moonsault for a two count. Sasha locked in the Bank Statement, but Naomi kicked out. Naomi hit a second moonsault and won.

That was a fast-paced match. Naomi needed two finishers to but Sasha away.

Match 3. The Usos vs. The Pretty Express
Jey worked over both Rose and Breeze. The Usos then beat down Rose on the outside. Breeze came in and hit a northern lights suplex. He then hit a super back suplex. The Usos hit a slam and diving splash combo. After two diving headbutts, the Usos won with another splash combo.

Breeze and Rose got some offense in, but The Usos had the match in hand.

Match 4. Dallas Page vs. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 5. Booker T vs. Ric Flair

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi countered a slam into a reverse DDT. Reigns stomped and punched Kofi when the New Day's music hit. Kofi went to take advantage, but Reigns was ready. He landed two pump handle suplexes and a German suplex. Kofi made a bit of a comeback, but Reigns cut him off with the Superman punch. Kofi countered the spear and hit Trouble in Paradise. Reigns hit a second Superman punch and won, but Kofi did grab the rope in time.

After the match, Big E walked down and stared down Reigns.

This was Kofi's best match of his career. He went toe-to-toe with one of the best.

Match 1. Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. Fandango vs. Shelton Benjamin

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: A big week on SmackDown. Kofi looked strong in defeat. Cody wins again. The Usos prove why they are one of the best.

NXT - February Week 3, Year 2

Next week, there will be a triple threat for the NXT title, AJ/Joe/Orton.

Match 1. Drew Galloway vs. Billy Gunn
X-Pac assisted Gunn behind the ref's back. 

Match 2. TM61 vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Becky Lynch
Becky dropkicked Paige off the apron and threw her into the steel post. She then pulled out a ladder, but Paige cut her off. I guess this is a falls count anywhere match. Becky hit Paige multiple times with the ladder. Paige got a near fall off of the Ram-Paige. Back in the ring, Paige hit a diving splash and rolled Becky up to get the win.

That was a good women's match. I'd like to see more extreme women's matches.

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Sami Zayn
Bray hit a cross body and a pump handle back breaker. Zayn came back with a deadlift reverse DDT. Bray got a near fall after a one-arm hip toss. Zayn hit a diving elbow to the back and got a near fall after the exploder suplex. Zayn continued with a tornado DDT through the steel post. Bray caught Zayn with a one-arm spine buster and won.

Interesting finish. Bray needed this win, though. Bray didn't need a signature move to get it done.

Match 5. Bo Dallas vs. AJ Styles
Joe ran down and distracted AJ.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Edge
Edge hit a bulldog at the opening bell.He hit a back breaker and Impaler DDT, but got a two count. Balor hit a missile dropkick. He then hit the shotgun dropkick. Edge DDT'd Balor through the announce table. Balor began hit comeback with another dropkick and sit-out powerbomb. After a Codebreaker, he won with the Coup de Gace, but Edge took out the ref. He then hit a spear and won.

Wow. That was a great main event. I can't believe Balor made it up after the table spot.

Recap: Superstars picked up some much-needed wins, especially Wyatt. There are 5 more weeks until WrestleMania.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Respect, Year 2

The final NXT-only show of the year.

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
I love that these two always face off. Kidd took Cesaro down and Triple H walked down! What? He got Cesaro's attention and Kidd landed a German suplex. Kidd got a near fall after a Falcon Arrow. Cesaro went for a pin after an uppercut, but Trips distracted the ref. Kidd back suplexed Cesaro on the apron. Cesaro hit a super German suplex. Cesaro hit three gutwrench slams and retained the title.

Wow. Triple H tried to get revenge on Cesaro for eliminating him, but it didn't work.

Match 2. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains
Mojo quickly took out both English and Gotch. After ducking a clothesline, the Vaudevillains took control. Mojo hit a spine buster and tagged in Ryder. English hit a huge spine buster and got a near fall. Gotch locked in a reverse sleeper hold. Mojo came back in and hit a sit-out powerbomb to win.

Nice win for the up-and-coming tag team.

Match 3. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family - NXT Tag Team Championship
Rowan hit Enzo with a huge pump handle gut buster. Cass hit a delayed suplex on Harper. The Wyatts hit Enzo with a 3D and knocked Cass off the apron, but Enzo was able to kick out. Rowan later hit a big spinning ax kick, but Enzo grabbed the ropes. Harper hit Cass with snake eyes and a big boot to win.

Damn. The Wyatts left the former champs a bloody mess.

Match 4. Asuka vs. Alicia Fox - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka hit the hip attack and got a near fall after a northern lights suplex. Fox tried landing some moves, but Asuka was too dominant. She landed some German suplexes and kicks to the chest. Fox connected with a discus forearm smash. Asuka fired up and won with a huge roundhosue kick.

Match 5. 6-man Tag - American Alpha and Apollo Crews vs. Bad Influence and Baron Corbin
Kaz and Daniels worked over Gable. Daniels hit Jordan with a spine buster and spinning powerbomb. Kaz hit Jordan with a huge bicycle kick. Apollo came in and landed three powerbombs. Kaz caught Gable with a moonsault. AA landed a super double back suplex. Jordan then hit a super German suplex. Corbin finally came in and was beat down by Gable and Crews. Crews hit a spinning sit-out powerbomb to win.

Great 6-man tag. I'm surprised Corbin didn't get into the match until late.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Joe landed a big boot and senton. Bryan pulled out a German suplex, but Joe came right back. He landed a snap DDT and back suplex. Joe locked Bryan in a standing arm bar and continued to focus on the arm. Bryan got a near fall after his kicks. He landed a diving headbutt, but Joe kicked out. Joe escaped the Yes Lock. Joe missed a top rope senton splash, but hit 3 German suplexes. Bryan broke out of the Coquina Clutch and won with a northern lights suplex.

What a co-main event. Bryan looked real good, but Joe still has the title shot.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
AJ clothesline Orton. Randy came back with a Lou Thesz Press. AJ connected with a couple of different DDTs. Orton hit a neck breaker. AJ got up and hit the Pele kick and got a near fall. Samoa Joe ran down out of nowhere. He hit AJ across the face with a steel chair. The ref had no choice but to call for the bell.

Damn. That's disappointing. Orton got screwed out of the title. I guess Joe wants AJ at 'Mania.

Recap: A great event brought down by the main event. Joe was pissed after the loss and took it out on AJ and Orton.

WWE - February Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella vs. Tamina

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Pretty Express

Match 3. Neville vs. The Miz
Miz pushed Neville against the ropes. Neville sent him to the outside. Miz landed a snap DDT and a front headlock driver. He then hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Big win for Miz. He wants the IC title back.

Match 4. Feed Us More vs. The Dudleyz

Match 5. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T
Booker is a good friend of Goldust's, so he is looking for revenge. Booker got a near fall after a back breaker. Cody came back with the Disaster Kick. Booker connected with the Houston Hangover, but Cody kicked out. Cody slammed Booker through the announce table with an Alabama Slam. Booker got up, ducked a clothesline and won with the scissors kick.

What?! How did Booker win after that? Good for him, though.

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Big E
Reigns walked down and stood in Dean's corner. Big E landed a powerslam. Dean hit a bulldog and a headlock driver. During the match, Reigns distracted E, which allowed Dean to take control. He then hit Dirty Deeds to win.

Dean had the help of his partner, but that's what it takes to be a successful tag team.

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango

Match 3. The Usos vs. TM61

Recap: Interesting week. These were some short matches. I still can't believe Booker won.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

NXT - February Week 2, Year 2

This is the go-home show to TakeOver: Respect.

Match 1. Drew Galloway vs. X-Pac
This is a grudge match from the attack last week. Drew took down Pac and then clotheslined him over the top. Pac landed a superkick, but Drew connected with a running high knee. He then hit the Future Shock DDT to win.

A good debut for Drew, shutting X-Pac up.

Match 2. Shane McMahon vs. Billy Gunn

Match 3. Blake and Murphy vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Asuka vs. Paige vs. Carmella
Carmella was getting double teamed by the other two women. Someone brought it a bat. I didn't see who. Asuka kicked Carmella across the face. Paige back suplexed Carmella. Asuka hit Paige with some kicks. Carmella hit Paige with an STO and won with a head scissors snapmare.

Big win by Carmella. She is no joke.

Match 5. Rusev vs. Curtis Axel

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman
The champ vs. the monster. Braun tossed around AJ in the beginning. AJ came back and somehow hit a reverse DDT. Braun placed AJ on the top, but Styles countered and hit a missile dropkick. The match spills to the outside where AJ drives Strowman through the railing and wins by countout.

Well, that's one way to take out the big man. I look forward to the eventual rematch.

Recap: A good week with some surprising results. Carmella climbs up the ranks, Galloway makes his debut and the champ takes down a giant.

WWE - February Week 1, Year 2

We're officially on the Road to WrestleMania.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Big Show

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella
Brie countered a suplex into a jaw breaker. Charlotte came back with a press slam and hit a fall away slam and a spear, but got a near fall. Brie got her own near fall after a Bella Buster. The two went back and forth with near falls before Charlotte won with a big boot and second spear.

A great women's match. Charlotte is the top female on SmackDown.

Match 3. Elimination - Pretty Express vs. Feed Us More
They're gorgeous and dangerous.

Match 4. The New Day vs. Shield

Match 5. Undertaker vs. Dallas Page
Taker is back again. This brings back memories, not good ones though. Page sent Taker to the outside and slammed him on the ramp. He then picked up the steel steps and hit Taker with then. Page connected with the Diamond Cutter and got the win.

Wow. I never saw the match going that way. Page was vicious.

Main Event. 4-Way - Seth Rollins vs. John Cena vs. Batista vs. CM Punk
The winner will face Kevin Owens at 'Mania. Cena tossed Rollins to the outside, but it backfired. Batista hit Punk with a rolling senton. Rollins hit Cena with a big superplex and a frog splash. He got a near fall after the rolling superkick and Cena began bleeding. Punk hit Cena with a sit-out powerbomb. Rollins hit Cena with another superkick to win.

Owens/Rollins at WrestleMania. This should be a good.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Layla

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. JBL

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: We got the WWE main event for 'Mania. Let's get the ball rolling.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

NXT - February Week 1, Year 2

Before the first match began, X-Pac and Billy Gunn were in the ring. Pac was complaining that they didn't get a spot in the Rumble, but 6 free agents did.

Drew Galloway walked out. He said that if Pac has a problem, then do something about it. Pac and Gunn then attacked Galloway before leaving.

Match 1. X-Pac and Billy Gunn vs. American Alpha
Big win for Gunn and Pac.

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
Becky landed a headlock takedown and dropkick. Alexa countered with a belly-to-back slam. Lynch landed a second-rope splash. She then locked in a calf crusher and the Disarmer, but Alexa broke out. Alexa connected with a snap DDT and won with a 450 splash.

Match 3. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
Dillinger caught Storm with an enziguiri and elbow to the head. He later hit a German suplex. Storm tried getting some moves in, but Dillinger kept him grounded. Storm hit a straightjacket neck breaker. Dillinger placed Storm on the announce table and put him through with an elbow drop. Storm came back with the Eye of the Storm and won.

How? How did James Storm win that match? He was out cold. Gotta give him credit.

Match 4. Randy Orton vs. Tyson Kidd
This is a big challenge for Kidd. Orton landed some strikes and sent Kidd to the outside to continue the attack. Kidd came back by throwing Orton into the steps and a supercanrana. Orton stomped all over Kidd and connected with the RKO to win.

Kidd had his chance, but this was Orton's match. After being absent from the Rumble, this was revenge.

Match 5. AJ Styles vs. Edge

Main Event. Sting vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: A good rebound week after the Rumble. The top feuds seem to be over, but new ones are just beginning.