Friday, March 18, 2016

March Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Daniel Bryan and Cesaro vs. Edge and Tyson Kidd
Kidd sent Cesaro to the outside and he and Edge wore him down. Kidd came in and landed some kicks. Edge hit Cesaro with a couple of suplexes. Cesaro caught Kidd with a huge uppercut. He then hit the Neutralizer. Bryan hit Kidd with the Yes Kicks. Kidd blocked the Yes Lock and landed a superplex. Kidd busted Bryan open with an STO. Edge hit Cesaro with the Edge-cution. Edge speared Bryan in mid-air. Edge hit Cesaro with a closeline and Edge-O-Matic to win.

Great tag match. Kidd vs. Cesaro is going to be a raw.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Santino Marella

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Ken Shamrock
The rematch. Kevin had Shamrock in a hammerlock and then took him down with a back suplex. He then left the ring and grabbed a chair. He cracked Shamrock over the head and back multiple times.

Kevin Owens didn't care about winning. He wanted to send a message. He is a dangerous man.

Match 5. The Ascension vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 6. The Rock vs. Bray Wyatt
Two completely different styles. Rock threw Bray into the steps. Bray landed a hip toss and front slam. Rock caught him with a Samoan drop and locked in a camel clutch. He was then in control for the next few minutes. Rock hit a DDT and the People's Elbow, but Bray kicked out. He then hit a belly-to-belly and super back suplex. Rock won with a fisherman's suplex.

Interesting finish. Rock dominated the whole match. He goes into 'Mania strong.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Savio Vega vs. Adam Rose vs. Honky Tonk Man

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Tamina
Charlotte landed a headlock take down and a big boot. Tamina hit an electric chair drop. Charlotte hit a suplex and gutwrench slam. She hit a spear and fall away slam before locking in the Figure Four. Tamina escaped and hit an STO. Charlotte recovered and hit a second spear to win.

Match 4. Shane McMahon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
He does it again!

Match 5. Tyler Breeze vs. Chris Jericho
Breeze landed a dropkick and guillotine early. Jericho came back with a double underhook back breaker. He continued with a DDT and diving elbow. After a Walls of Jericho attempt, Jericho connected with the Codebreaker to win.

Breeze had a nice win in the triple threat, but Jericho made quick work of him. Another IC title shot?

Match 6. Stone Cold vs. Triple H
Will Rollins get his revenge? Rollins attacked Trips before the match. Austin took H down with a Lou Thesz Press. H came back and focused on Austin's neck. He connected with the spine buster and got a two count. Austin placed Trips on the top rope and hit a super Stunner! After some fighting on the outside, he hit another Stunner, but H kicked out again. Austin hit a back breaker and bionic elbow to get the win.

After the match, Rollins appeared. Trips went after him and the two needed to be separated.

This mach has been built up nicely. Should there be a stipulation for their match?

Match 1. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. United Kingdom

Recap: One week before WrestleMania. This is going to be a good week.

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