Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March Week 1, Year 1

Kane suffered an injury during the match with Michaels, but he should be ok.

Match 1. Braun Strowman vs. Santino Marella

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. The Ascension
Konnor DDT'd English and tagged in Viktor. He then threw him to the outside. Gotch picked Viktor up on his shoulders and spun him around. The teams then went back and forth, wearing each other down. The Ascension then hit Gotch with the Fall of Man, but Aiden broke up the pin. Aiden caught Konnor with a front suplex and That's A Wrap to win.

Match 4. Lucha Dragons vs. Enzo and Big Cass

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Tyson Kidd
Can Kidd take out Cactus before taking on Cesaro? Kidd was aggressive early and sent Cactus to the outside. Jack hit a sidewalk slam and threw him into the steps. Jack kept the pressure on Kidd. He connected with his corner knee smash. He then hit his spike piledriver to win.

Kidd may have had Cesaro on his mind during this match. Let's hope that doesn't affect 'Mania.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan picked Lesnar up and spun him around on his shoulders at the opening bell. Lesnar came back and landed multiple different suplexes. He then hit three powerbombs. After a slam, Bryan connected with the Yes kicks. Lesnar caught Bryan off the ropes with 4 German suplexes. Bryan came back with a slam and the Knee Plus, but Lesnar kicked out. He then hit a superplex. Bryan landed more kicks and locked in the Yes Lock, but Lesnar reached the ropes. More kicks and suplexes from both competitors. Lesnar connected with the F5 and won.

Great, great match. Bryan more than held his own against the champ. Lesnar is a beast, though.

Match 1. Christian vs. The Miz

Match 2. Ryback vs. Ultimate Warrior

Match 3. Jericho vs. Kane vs. Tyler Breeze
The mid-card shaping up. Booker has a lot of competition. Three different styles. Jericho hit Kane with a delayed suplex. Breeze hit Jericho with a lifting DDT. Jericho hit Kane with a back suplex and running bulldog. He then locked Breeze in the Walls of Jericho. Kane took out Jericho with a sidewalk slam. Breeze caught Kane with the Supermodel kick to win.

Oh my! What a big win for Breeze. Title shot in the near future?

Match 4. Shane McMahon vs. Vader
Wow. Big win for Shane O.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs. The New Day
Huge tag match. Could boost Ambrose/Reigns up the ranks if they win. Kofi hit Reigns with a hurricanrana and suplex and then tagged in Big E. Reigns hit a clothesline and Samoan drop. Dean hti E with a running bulldog out of the corner. The New Day wore down Ambrose a bit. Kofi dodged a running kick by Ambrose. Reigns hit the Superman punch, but Big E countered the spear. Ambrose came back and locked in the Regal Stretch to win.

It was a struggle, but The Shield was able to pull out the win.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins
Trips attacked Rollins from behind with the world title. Cena went to the outside and Rollins was able to recover. They spent many minutes fighting on the outside. Cena finally got Rollins in the ring and hit the AA to win.

Cena gets the win with an assist to Triple H. H fired the first bullet in this WrestleMania feud.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Nation

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Gold and Stardust

Recap: We're officially on the Road to WrestleMania. H is not holding back any punches as he sent a message to Rollins. Lesnar is looking good as he prepares for his title match, too.

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