Sunday, March 20, 2016

March Week 4, Year 1

This is the go-home week to WrestleMania. I can't believe it's here.

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Sting

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie ran down and took down Asuka before the bell rang. She then hit a second-rope face buster. Brie escaped from an arm bar and left the ring and walked up the ramp. Asuka just stood there as the ref counted her out.

I don't blame Brie. She doesn't need to fight just days before 'Mania. The fans were cheated though.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Wade Barrett

Match 5. Enzo and Cass vs. American Alpha
American Alpha had Cass on the outside. JJ got a near fall after a back suplex. Cass hit a big boot. JJ came back with two big suplexes. Cass hit gable with two powerslams and a back suplex. Enzo and Cass hit JJ with the Rocket Launcher. JJ busted Cass open and hit an Angle Slam. Cass hit Gable with a superplex and the East River Crossing to get the win.

The former champs get the win over the current ones. Will there be a rematch?

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton is scheduled to face Brock Lesnar for the title at 'Mania. Edge focused on Orton's neck early. The two traded big moves. Edge hit an STO and an impaler DDT. He then hit the spear, but kept targeting the neck. He landed a second impaler and multiple knee drops to the head. After a third impaler and second spear, Orton kicked out. Edge continued the ass whooping with a fourth and fifth impaler and third and fourth spear to get the win.

Orton was left a bloody mess. Will he make it to WrestleMania?

Match 1. Ryback and Mark Henry va. Rikishi and Haku

Match 2. Naomi vs. Nikki Bella

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz vs. Tyler Breeze
Both Miz and Breeze went after Ambrose in the beginning. Miz and Breeze fought each other as Ambrose pulled out a chair. He hit Miz in the back. Breeze hit Miz with the Supermodel kick. Dean hit Breeze with Dirty Deeds. They fought on the outside for a while. Breeze got a near fall on Dean and then hit him with the Beauty Shot. Miz hit Dean with a second finisher. Breeze was getting suplexed onto the chair. After a few minutes, Breeze hit Dean with the Beauty Shot and won.

What a triple threat. Breeze got another huge win. He has to be next in line for the IC title.

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Batista
Batista caught Reigns off the ropes with a spinning side slam. Reigns sent Batista to the outside. Back in the ring, Reigns hit a gutwrench slam. Batista connected with the spear. Reigns connected with a Samoan drop and Superman punch. He then hit the spear, but Batista kicked out. Both men hit another spear and got near falls. Batista landed a superplex and a spine buster to win.

A good match between to big men. The Shield looks broken heading into 'Mania.

Match 5. Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude

Match 6. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins
Two days before 'Mania. H was waiting in the ring as Rollins walked down. H left the ring and took down Rollins. Back in the ring, Trips hit the spine buster and almost won. He hit a back breaker, but Rollins countered. He hit the school boy heel kick and got a near fall. After a back suplex, H busted Rollins open with punches. He then hit the Pedigree, but Rollins kicked out! Rollins hit a Buckle Bomb and Pedigree and won.

After the match, Rollins pulled out a chair and hit Trips.

All that built-up frustration from Rollins. Is this a preview of WrestleMania? Will Rollins walk out as champ?

Match 1. Fandango vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. United Kingdom

Recap: It was a great first year. Let's see how this WrestleMania pans out.

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