Thursday, March 3, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Respect

This is NXT's final event before WrestleMania.

Match 1. The Wyatt Family vs. Lucha Dragons
Rowan countered a Sin Cara hurricanrana into a sit-out powerbomb. Harper then threw him into the steps and hit another powerbomb. Rowan almost took Kalisto's head off with a big boot. The Dragons hit Harper with a powerbomb/diving elbow combo. Sin Cara hit Harper with a super sunset flip and a moonsault. They hit their finisher again, but Rowan broke it up. Kalisto won with a top-rope splash.

A David vs. Goliath tag match. Lucha Dragons used their speed to beat Harper and Rowan.

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
The title isn't on the line for some reason...Brie had Asuka in a wrist lock and then hit a belly-to-back slam. She then took Asuka down with a Lou Thesz Press. Asuka hit a front slam. Brie landed a snap DDT. Asuka came back with her kick barrage. She then but Brie through the announce table with a back suplex! OMG! Brie somehow came back and hit the Bella Buster to win.

Brie is a fighting champion, no doubt. How did she recover from the table spot?

Match 3. Enzo and Cass vs. American Alpha - NXT Tag Team Championship
AA have been on a roll, they deserve this shot. Jordan caught Enzo with a big belly-to-back slam. Enzo hit Gale with a back suplex and jaw breaker. Jordan threw Cass into the corner and hit a German suplex. He then hit a pump handle suplex. Cass hit Gable with a super side slam and big boot, bt Gable kicked out at the last second. Jordan came back with a spinning back suplex on Enzo. Enzo busted Jordan open on the outside. Gable took Cass down with a German suplex and won.

Oh my! New NXT tag champs. American Alpha have made a big impact on the tag division.

Match 4. Finn Balor, Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami vs. Edge, JBL and Fit Finlay
A get-them-all-on-the-card match. Zayn hit JBL with a hip toss and standing moonsault. Edge tagged in and hit Zayn with a big boot. Edge then hit Balor with an STO. Finlay hit a headbutt and threw Balor out of the ring. JBL attacked Balor on the outside. Edge hit Zayn with the Edge-cution. Zayn came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Finlay hit Balor with a Tombstone. Zayn hit Edge with the exploder suplex. Zayn kicked out of the Clothesline from Hell. Edge hit the spear and won.

Exciting 6-man tag. The young stars tried, but the vets pulled out the victory.

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
Kidd dropkicked Cesaro's knee and left the ring. He grabbed a chair, but Cesaro took it away. Kidd landed a heel kick and hit Cesaro multiple times with the chair. Back in the ring, Cesaro ducked a punch and hit a German suplex. He pulled out a kendo stick, but Kidd used it against him. They kicked out of each other's finishers. Kidd went to the top, but Cesaro popped up and hit a vicious uppercut. Kidd kicked out! After more shots with the kendo stick, Kidd hit Code Blue to win.

What a vicious match. These two pulled out all the stops. Kidd is the new champ!

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
The original Legend Killer against the new one. They went back and forth, trying to get the upper hand. Orton sent Owens to the outside and hit a couple of dropkicks.  Orton planted him with a DDT and went to the second rope for a diving elbow. Orton climbing the ropes? That's new. Orton busted him open with the RKO, but Owens kicked out. Owens hit a buckle bomb, but Orton took back control. He hit the second-rope DDT and punt kick to win.

A bad loss for Owens. He had a lot of momentum built up over the last couple of months.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan - NXT Championship
Bryan landed some hip tosses. Lesnar locked in a camel clutch. It was an exciting first couple of minutes of the match. Lesnar continued to target the head and neck area. He then landed a German suplex. Bryan escaped a sleeper hold and had Lesnar in an airplane spin. He then connected with his kicks. Lesnar came back with three powerbombs. Bryan hit a German suplex. Lesnar popped up at hit the F5 to retain.

Bryan put up a good fight, but The Beast cannot be tamed. It didn't go as long as I thought.

Recap: It was a great show with two new champions. Six weeks until WrestleMania.

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