Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Fandango

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
JJ landed some kicks. Sin Cara hit a sit-out powerbomb. Gable sent Cara to the outside. Cara threw him into the steel post. He then took out JJ with a hurricanrana. JJ got the advantage over Kalisto. Kalisto hit Gable with a full nelson suplex. JJ hit a German suplex. He then hit the Angle Slam, but Sin Cara broke up the pin. Kalisto hit a roll through heel kick and Salida del Sol win.

The Dragons defeat the tag champs. Big win.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Asuka
Brie attacked Asuka from behind. Nattie locked in a standing stretch. Asula hit a back suplex and kick to the back. She then caught Nattie off the ropes with a German suplex. Nattie hit a butterfly suplex and spinning elbow smash. She then hit her own German suplex. Nattie landed a discus clothesline and got the win.

After the match, Brie was on stage. Asuka left the ring and the two women went at it.

The attack by Brie helped Nattie get the win. But the brawl overshadowed her win.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Ken Shamrock
Whoa! Owens' Tour of Beating Legends may be over.

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin
It's time for Cesaro to have his warm-up match before 'Mania. Cesaro hit a German suplex and deadlift gutwrench. Cesaro tossed Corbin up and connected with an uppercut. Corbin came back with a big boot, corner clothesline and front suplex. Cesaro landed the Neutralizer, but got a two count. Corbin beat down Cesaro on the outside. Cesaro hit the big swing. After a super butterfly suplex, Cesaro hit a third uppercut. Corbin landed a back elbow and the End of Days to win.

Oh my God. Cesaro was dominating towards the end of the match. It doesn't look good for Cesaro.

Match 6. Sami Zayn vs. Rusev
A big win for the MITB holder.

Match 1. Mark Henry and Ryback vs. The New Day
The tag champs are slipping.

Match 2. Charlotte and Naomi vs. Nikki Bella and Tamina
Is this a first? Naomi caught Nikki with a hurricanrana and jaw breaker. Tamina put Naomi in a torture rack and two complete shots. Charlotte came in, but Tamina immediately hit her with a superkick. Nikki and Naomi traded signatures. Tamina hit Charlotte with a super Samoan drop and superkick, but got a two count. Nikki kicked out of Charlotte's spear and hit Naomi with an Alabama Slam to win.

Nikki gets the win, but didn't pin the champ. Good match, nonetheless.

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Brian Pillman vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Dallas Page vs. Ric Flair
Collar-and-elbow tie up to start the match. Flair quickly sent him to the outside and threw him into the steps. Page hit a suplex and powerbomb. He then hit the Diamond Cutter, but Flair kicked out. Flair grabbed Page's crotch, poked him in the eye and low blowed him all in front of the ref. He later hit a spike piledriver and Page looked lifeless. Flair locked in the Figure Four twice and pinned Page to get the win.

Flair was aggressive and dirty, but it worked. He is still the man.

Match 5. Shane McMahon vs. Big Show
First Vader, now Big Show. Shane is the Giant Killer

Match 6. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins
Do we really get this match 3 weeks before 'Mania? H pushed Rollins into the ref and began to brawl. H hit a superplex. The ref got up and the match settled in. Rollins knocked H down and landed a huge reverse 450 splash. He then hit a school boy superkick. He then hit the Pedigree, but Trips kicked out. H hit the spine buster and quickly went for a pin. Rollins busted H open and then hit a sit-out face buster. He went to the top, but H caught him in mid-air and hit the Pedigree to win.

After the match, Triple H continued his attack on Rollins.

Oh man. Rollins took one too many big risks. Will this be the result at 'Mania?

Match 1. Shane McMahon vs. Fandango
Wait, Shane can beat Vader and  Show, but not Fandango?

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Enzo and Big Cass

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Billy Gunn vs. Jack Swagger

Recap: SmackDown is getting hot. Triple H sent Rollins a message two weeks before 'Mania. NXT has a lot of variables for their 'Mania matches. Should be fun to watch.

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