Sunday, March 13, 2016


The WWF Championship will not be defended tonight.

Match 1. Shawn Michaels vs. Kane
After some back-and-forth action, Kane hit a power slam and back suplex. Michaels landed his own suplex and then a diving elbow. Michaels kicked out of a chokeslam. Michaels made a comeback and hit a third elbow drop. Kane dodged the Sweet Chin Music and hit the Tombstone, but Michaels kicked out! Kane dodged another super kick. Michaels countered the chokeslam. He connected with two super kicks, but Kane kicked out of them both. Kane connected with one final chokeslam to win.

Oh my God! What an opening match. Michaels hit about five elbow drops and it still wasn't enough.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. ????? - WWF Divas Championship
Nikki Bella called out every woman in the back. She said she's defeated them all and there's no one left for her. Ric Flair's music played. WHAT?! It's Charlotte! She landed a few clotheslines. Nikki blocked one and hit an STO. Charlotte hit the spear, but Nikki blocked the Figure Four. She hit a second one moments later. Nikki got a near fall after a face smash. Charlotte locked in the Figure Four and won!

A new Divas champion; and on her first night. The Queen is here.

Match 3. The United Kingdom vs. The New Day - WWF Tag Team Championship
This has been a great feud for the tag titles. Big E hit a t-bone suplex. He then hit Neville with a press slam. The tag champs were back on offense. Neville landed a standing corkscrew. Kofi rolled away from a jumping corkscrew and hit a tornado DDT. Bulldog and Big E fought on the outside. Neville kicked out of Trouble in Paradise. Neville had some near falls on Big E. E landed a sit-out spine buster to win.

Another title change. The New Day is back on top. New...Day Rocks.

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Batista
Batista hit a press slam and gut buster. Austin tried getting something going, but Batista landed a deadlift powerbomb and a sidewalk slam. He then hit the spear and got a two count. Austin took him down with a Lou Thesz Press. Batista kicked out of the Stunner. Batista got up and gave Austin the thumbs down before hitting the Batista Bomb to win.

Big win for The Animal. Much shorter than the opening match. Batista in the title picture?

Match 5. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Jericho landed some quick strikes and a heel kick. Booker had Y2J in the corner and hit some shoulder thrusts. Jericho landed a snapmare and diving elbow. He then locked in the Walls, but Booker escaped. Booker hit a spine buster and dropkick. Jericho hit the Codebreaker, but missed a springboard splash and Booker hit the scissors kick to win.

A nice, fun mid-card match. Booker is once again IC champion.

Match 6. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
This should be good. Angle kept Taker grounded with suplexes and submissions. He then locked in the Angle Lock, but Taker rollled through. Angle then hit 3 German suplexes. Taker came back with a corner splash and chokeslam, but Angle grabbed the ropes. Angle hit 3 more Germans and an Angle Slam, but Taker kicked out. He hit another, but Taker kicked out again. Taker put together a string of moves. Angle did the same and won with a diving moonsault.

Wow. Angle gets a huge victory by defeating The Deadman. He moves up the ranks as well.

Main Event. The Shield vs. The Industry (Trips, Henry and Ryback)
Oh my! This is going to be a war. Henry hit a front slam on Rollins. Seth had a hard time taking Henry off his feet. Even Reigns had trouble. Reigns went for the Superman punch, but Henry blocked it. Ambrose came in and landed a flurry of strikes on Ryback. Henry came back and landed a huge Samoan drop. Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds, but got a two count. Rollins had his eyes on Triple H, allowing Henry to take advantage. Henry blocked the Pedigree and hit the World's Strongest Slam. Reigns caught Henry with the Superman punch and got the win.

We didn't see much of Seth/Trips, but we will at WrestleMania. The Shield look good since reuniting.

Recap: All three titles changed hands tonight. That definitely shakes up WrestleMania. This was a great show. Now, the final four weeks of Year 1.

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