Friday, March 4, 2016

February Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. X-Pac and Billy Gunn vs. The Ascension
Big win.

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka

Match 4. American Alpha and Tyson Kidd vs. Enzo, Cass and Cesaro
Gable quickly took Enzo down with a back suplex. Jordan took Cass and Cesaro down with belly-to-back slams. Cesaro hit his own German suplex and then kept him on the ground. He connected with a huge uppercut, but Jordan kicked out. He then hit the Neutralizer and got the win.

Oh wow. The challengers came out strong and did not let Jordan escape. Big win for the faces.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Wade Barrett
Hideo had Barrett in the corner and hit the hesitation dropkick, but Wade kicked out. Itami DDT'd Barrett on the apron. He then hit a double foot stomp from the top. Barrett came back with the Winds of Change and a reverse fall away slam. After more kicks to the ribs, Itami hit the GTS and won.

Nice win for Hideo. He needs a few more to get into the title picture, but it's a good start.

Match 6. Battle Royal - Sami Zayn vs. The Rock vs. Sting vs. Edge vs. Orton vs. Corbin
The winner will face Lesnar at WrestleMania. Sting/Zayn, Corbin/Rock and Edge/Orton was how the match started. Rock hit a shoulder breaker. Zayn suplexed Edge a couple of times. Rock kept wearing down Corbin with a Samoan drop and DDT. Sting eliminated Corbin. Zayn had Rock on the ropes and punched him off the apron. Edge kicked Zayn off the apron. Sting hit Orton with a Tombstone. Edge busted Orton open. Orton hit Edge with the second-rope DDT. Edge eliminated Sting. Orton and Edge in the final two, again. Orton punched Edge off the apron and won.

Orton vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania. Should be a great match.

Match 1. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The Nation
What is happening to The Industry?

Match 2. Xavier Woods vs. Mikey Whipwreck

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron

Match 4. Kane vs. Dallas Page vs. The Miz
Kane hit Page with two big boots as Miz attacked him from the side. Kane and Page wore down Miz. Kane landed a superplex on Page. He then took Miz down with press slam. Page hit Kane with a spinning sit-out powerbomb. Miz and Kane went back and forth with Page just watching. Kane landed a super reverse DDT. Page then caught Kane with the Diamond Cutter to win.

Page scouted and took the opportunities in front of him. It's another win under his belt.

Match 5. British Bulldog w/ Neville vs. Big E w/ Kofi Kingston
The two powerhouses for their respective teams. Big E had the advantage early, but Bulldog came back with a front slam and suplex. Kofi threw in a chair and distracted the ref. Big E picked up the chair and hit Bulldog across the head. E hit the Big Ending, but Neville dristracted the ref this time. Bulldog came back with his powerslam, but E kicked out. Bulldog lifted E up and hit a press slam to win.

Bulldog defeated Big E, which looks good for the United Kingdom and their title reign.

Match 6. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H, Kevin Nash and Batista
Oh my God! He can't survive this. Rollins hit a standing moonsault. H held Rollins as Batista landed some punches. Rollins landed a German suplex on the outside. He then hit Nash with Paroxysm. After Nash wore down Rollins, Triple H finally came in. He busted Rollins open with a high knee smash. Triple H connected with his spine buster and Pedigree to get the win.

After the match, Triple H continued his attack on Rollins. Batista and Nash brought in chairs. H landed another Pedigree on the chairs. After a few minutes, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose ran down with their own chairs. Batista, Nash and H rolled out of the ring.

Reigns and Ambrose have had their own problems with Trips and The Industry. What does this mean?

Match 1. Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Match 2. The Usos vs. Rikishi and Haku

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Brian Pillman

Recap: WrestleMania season is picking up big time. WWF has a big main event already. NXT has their two championship feuds. WWF still has Fastlane next week, too.

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