Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Here we go! This is a stacked card. Some matches don't have a build, but will be entertaining nonetheless. No tag titles on the line, either.

Match 1. Charlotte vs. Nikki Bella - WWF Divas Championship
It was evenly matched in the early going. Nikki blocked a suplex and took Charlotte down with a dragon screw. Charlotte landed a back suplex and a front slam. Nikki hit the Bella Buster, but got a two count. She then connected with the Rack Attack, but Charlotte kicked out again. Charlotte slammed Nikki down and then grabbed a table! She then picked up the stairs and hit Nikki. No DQ? Nikki then got her turn with the steps. What is going on?! She hit a second Bella Buster to win.

Wow. These women went above and beyond. Great woman's match.

Match 2. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
This is going to be awesome. Kidd had the upper hand early. Cesaro wore down Kidd on the outside. He can't win the title on a countout. He landed some uppercuts and a German suplex. After snake eyes, Cesaro hit the Very European Uppercut, but Kidd kicked out. He then hit the Neutralizer and won.

Hmm. That wasn't the match I thought it would be. Cesaro was impressive though.

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka - NXT Women's Championship
After a pin attempt, Brie hit a super hip toss. Asuka caught Brie off the ropes with a German suplex. Asuka then connected with her kicks. Brie came back with another hip toss and DDT on the apron. Brie went to the top and leapt, but Asuka caught her with a super kick. Back in the ring, Asuka landed her hip attack and the Asuka Lock, but Brie escaped. She hit a super belly-to-back to win.

Oh my! Asuka and Brie put on a great showing. Asuka used everything in her arsenal. Three matches, three title changes.

Match 4. The Rock, Sting and Cactus Jack vs. Stone Cold, John Cena and Shawn Michaels
This is the All-Star, All-Legends match, per se. Sting hit Austin with a Tombstone, but Austin kicked out again. Austin escaped from the Death Lock and tagged in HBK. Michaels locked Rock in the Sharpshooter. Rock then returned the favor. Cena hit Sting with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the AA. He later hit Rock with a sit-out powerbomb and the shuffle. He then hit an AA. Austin was somehow busted open. Austin hit Cactus with a Stunner. Sting hit HBK a piledriver and Death Drop to win.

What a 6-man tag. I'm mad that these six had nothing else do, but it was a great showcase.

Match 5. Submission - Kevin Owens vs. Ken Shamrock
Will Kevin Owens get revenge? Owens sent Ken to the outside. Shamrock countered and took control. He wore down Owens with different submissions. Back in the ring, Shamrock hit a belly-to-belly and dodged Owens' cannonball splash. Owens hit his package side slam and a senton splash. He then hit the pop-up powebomb and won with a Sharpshooter.

Owens definitely came out for revenge. He's getting back in the title picture.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Edge - NXT Championship
Edge destroyed Orton and took his spot in the title match. Three title changes already. Will this be No. 4? Lesnar slammed Edge in and out of the ring. Edge came back with a top-rope DDT. He hit a top-rope neck breaker not much later. Edge then hit a huge sit-out powerbomb and big boot. Lesnar looks shaken up. Lesnar popped up and hit 3 German suplexes. Edge tossed Lesnar up in the air and speared him on the way down, but Lesnar kicked out. Edge continued and hit a second spear moments later to win.

Wow. Edge took out Orton, stole his title match and won it. Ultimate Opportunist.

Match 7. The Undertaker vs. Ryback
Will Ryback end "The Streak?" Ryback picked Taker up for a huge slam. Taker hit a big boot and pummeled Ryback in the corner. He then connected with Old School. Ryback kicked out a chokeslam. He then hit a super back suplex. After a press slam, Ryback hit the meat hook clothesline, but Taker kicked out. Taker kicked out of Shell Shock. Taker caught Ryback in mid-air and hit him with the Tombstone. Taker then made a comeback and finished it off with a chokeslam to win.

Great match. I thought Ryback was going to win at a couple of different moments. But he's just another victim.

Match 8. Booker T vs. Tyler Breeze - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Great spot for both men. Breeze has been on a roll recently. Breeze landed elbows to the face and snake eyes. Booker hit a back suplex and tossed Breeze to the outside. Breeze came back with the Supermodel kick and barely hit the Beauty Shot. Booker hit a spine buster. Breeze hit the super kick. Booker hit a super back suplex. After a near fall, Breeze hit his finisher and won.

Great showing from Breeze. He's earned this title.

Main Event. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins - WWF World Championship
The build has been spectacular. The match? Let's find out. Can Seth Rollins win the title? Trips had the strength advantage early. Rollins was picking and choosing his spots. He took a big risk going for a 360 splash, but H rolled out of the way twice. Rollins hit the roll through suplex. He then superplexed Trips from the top to the outside mat! Triple H came back with a back suplex and spine buster. Rollins countered the Pedigree and hit it himself to win the world title!

Rollins did it! His WrestleMania dream came true.

Recap: What a show!! Six title changes! I was not expecting that. That definitely shakes up how Year 2 plays out. Thank you all for reading along in this first year. Now, it's time for the draft.

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