Sunday, August 28, 2016


Match 1. The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass - NXT Tag Team Championship
There is a big mismatch with Enzo in the ring. Rowan caught Cass with a big boot. Harper toyed with Enzo for a bit. The Wyatts hit Enzo with a double chokeslam, but he kicked out. Enzo and Cass hit Rowan with the Rocket Launcher, but got a near fall. Enzo endured a 3D and side slam by Rowan to pull out a diving splash to get the win.

The Wyatts beat down Enzo for most of the match. I can't believe he pulled out the win.

Match 2. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Aries left the ring, met Zayn on the ramp and the two began brawling. Aries finally got Zayn into the ring. Zayn countered and hit the exploder suplex. He then landed a tornado DDT through the turnpost. He went to the top, but Aries caught him in mid-air with a discus elbow. Zayn connected with the Helluva kick to win.

That was a fun match. It starting out strong and ended with a bang. Zayn continues to roll.

Match 3. Elimination - Ryder, Rawley and James Storm vs. Bobby Roode, Corbin and Barrett
Barrett and Corbin beat down Mojo on the outside. Storm missed a diving elbow to the outside. Roode hit his former partner with a piledriver. Barrett eliminated Ryder with the Winds of Change. Corbin eliminated Storm after the Deep 6. After toying with Mojo, Roode landed the Roode Bomb and won.

A clean sweep for the heels. All three win scored an elimination and looked good doing it.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock - WWE World Championship
Owens hit a senton and pump handle neck breaker. Rock sent Owens to the outside, but Kevin countered. Rock hit a belly-to-belly slam. Owens hit a Samoan drop and senton bomb. After a package powerbomb and pop-up powerbomb, he got a near fall. Rock made his comeback and hit a big spine buster. He then locked Owens in the Sharphooter and got the win.

What?! Owens could not escape the submission. The People's Champ is back on top.

Match 5. Elimination - The Usos and ????? vs. Gallows, Anderson and ?????
Two mystery partners. John Cena teams with the Usos and Brock Lesnar partners up with Gallows and Anderson. Holy crap! Lesnar hit Jey with a release German suplex and knees to the head. Gallows hit a super back suplex. Gallows then eliminated him after a big boot. Jey had the rope, but the ref didn't see it. Cena was hit with the Magic Killer, but kicked out. Lesnar took Cena to Suplex City. Anderson eliminated Jimmy after a jumping cutter. The three beat down Cena on the outside. Anderson then eliminated Cena with a twisting cutter.

Another clean sweep. Gallows and Anderson with Lesnar is a dangerous trio.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk was firing out of the gate. Trips pulled out a baseball bat and hit Punk over the head. Punk came back with the running knee and bulldog. H rocked Punk with the bat multiple times and hit the spine buster. After the GTS, Triple H got up at the count of 9. Punk went for the diving elbow, but Trips got up and caught him with the Pedigree. The two went back and forth for a bit before Punk hit another GTS to win.

This feud looks like it's settled. Punk, the anti-authority, defeats The Game.

Main Event. Edge vs. Finn Balor - NXT Championship
The Demon is here. There was a lot of back-and-forth between these two. Balor got a near fall after a brain buster. He then hit the shotgun dropkick. Edge hit an impaler DDT and a spear, but Balor kicked out. Edge caught Balor on the top ropes and landed a DDT. He then hit the Edge-O-Matic and retained the NXT title.

After the match, the lights went out. A "P1" sign flashed and the music played. It's AJ Styles! He's here in NXT. He signaled that he wants Edge's title.

The match was good, not the best. The debut of AJ Styles is the big news. NXT just got phenominal.

Recap: What a show! New champions, brutal matches and the debut of AJ Styles. WrestleMania is just around the corner.

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