Tuesday, August 30, 2016

NXT - December Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Rusev vs. Hideo Itami vs. Crews vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Crews in the gut. Rusev worked over Itami's back in the corner. Crews landed a rollup powerbomb and then three consecutive powerbombs. Rusve caught Itami with a spine buster and super kick to win.

A fun opening match. Rusev is gaining ground in the US title rankings.

Match 2. The Ascension vs. The Wyatt Family
The downward spiral continues for the Wyatts

Match 3. Paige vs. Cameron vs. Summer Rae
As Paige beat down Summer, Cameron grabbed a sledgehammer and hit both women. Paige crawled over Cameron and landed multiple headbutts. Summer and Paige traded near falls. Summer hit Paige with Summer Crush, but Cameron was ready. Cameron took out Summer and went to the top, but Paige rolled in and scored the pin.

A good triple threat match. Cameron and Summer looked good in defeat. 

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Bad Influence
AA want back in the title picture.

Match 5. Austin Aries vs. Sting
Aries sent a message to Sami Zayn.

Main Event. Finn Balor and AJ Styles vs. Edge and Samoa Joe
Balor hit Joe with a back suplex and jumping heel kick. Styles came in, but Joe quickly took him down. These two have a lot of history. AJ locked in the Calf Killer. He later hit Edge with a German suplex and Pele kick. He connected with the Styles Clash, but Edge kicked out. Balor kicked out of Edge's spear. Edge countered Balor's roll up and got the win.

Wow. Edge scored another pin on Balor. Styles impressed in his first match.

Recap: A fun week coming out of Survivor Series. TakeOver is in two weeks.

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