Saturday, August 13, 2016

NXT - November Week 1, Year 2

Survivor Series is 4 weeks away.

Match 1. Paige vs. Cameron

Match 2. Zack Ryder w/ Mojo Rawley vs. Bobby Roode

Match 3. TM61 vs. Bad Influence
Two unique teams. Shane hit Daniels with three suplexes. Kaz caught Nick with a tornado DDT. Nick came back and hit Daniels with a knee smash and frog splash, but got a near fall. He got a near fall on Kaz after a spin-out powerbomb. After a twisting STO, Shane won with a 450 splash.

Impressive match for TM61. They are an exciting team to watch.

Match 4. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
Austin Aries distracted Storm, giving Dillinger the cheap win.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. Blake and Murphy
Gable wrestled around both of his opponents. Blake and Murphy wore down Jordan on the outside. He barely made it in before the count of 10. Murphy got a near fall after a sit-out spine buster. Gable got the tag and hit Blake with a superplex. B&M landed a double super back suplex. Jordan landed a twisting back suplex and won.

Great tag match. Both teams knew what a win here meant.

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Will Storm return the favor to Aries? After some back and forth action, Zayn hit Aries with a back drop on the apron. He then hit the package brainbuster. Aries was able to battle back. Zayn pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. He continued with a swan dive over the top and a senton bomb to the outside. Aries hit a superplex and locked in Last Chancery, but Zayn broke free. Zayn hit the Exploder Suplex and Helluva Kick to win.

What a match. Zayn went through his whole arsenal to pull out this win. 

Recap: While the temperature is cooling down, things are heating up in NXT. New faces making a name for themselves and the current stars not backing down.

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