Sunday, August 21, 2016

WWE - November Week 4, Year 2

Who will go into the PPV with momentum?

Match 1. Christian vs. The Miz vs. Neville
Miz countered a hurricanrana and powerbombed Neville. Christian and Miz worked over Neville. Neville came back with a standing corkscrew. He was setting up for the Red Arrow, but Christian cut him off. Miz was busted open somehow. Neville hit Christian with a moonsault. Christian came back with the Killswitch. Neville hit Miz with the Red Arrow and won.

A fun triple threat match. Neville could get an IC title shot.

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The New Day

Match 3. Feed Us More vs. The Dudleyz

Match 4. Tyler Breeze vs. Chris Jericho
After some back and forth action, Jericho took down Breeze and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Breeze landed a snap DDT and the supermodel kick. He then hit the Beauty Shot, but Jericho kicked out. Breeze went to the top, but Jericho caught him in mid-air with a Codebreaker and won.

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Batista
Batista powerbombed Punk and then tossed him with a half nelson suplex. Punk came back with his running knee and bulldog in the corner. He then connected with the GTS, but Batista kicked out. The Animal hit the spear. Punk went to the top, but Batista speared him in mid air. Punk hit a butterfly back breaker and a moonsault before winning with a second GTS. 

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
The two men brawled before the match started.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Curtis Axel

Match 3. Fandango vs. William Regal

Recap: Punk gets a huge win leading to the PPV. Rock/Owens will be amazing.

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