Saturday, August 13, 2016

WWE - November Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Feed Us More vs. The New Day

Match 2. Reigns, Ambrose and CM Punk vs. Nash, Flair and Triple H
Rollins is dealing with a sore neck. Nash quickly sent Reigns to the outside. Trips caught Dean with a high knee and double underhook suplex. Punk hit H with a hurricanrana and slapped him across the face. Reigns and Ambrose beat down Flair on the outside. Flair kicked out of Dirty Deeds. Punk locked Nash in the Anaconda Vice. Nash pinned Ambrose with the Jackknife powerbomb.

Maybe Triple H founds the teammates he needed. This could lead to a blow-off match at the PPV.

Match 3. The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Luke tossed Jey up in the air and let him crash down to the mat. He caught Jimmy with a side heel kick. Jimmy came back with a front slam and super kick. The Usos then hit Alley Uce, but got a near fall. Jimmy landed a super Samoan drop and got the win.

Damn. Anderson didn't even get a chance to fight. The Usos were out to even the score.

Match 4. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

Match 5. Kane vs. Kevin Owens
The champ had a big challenge in front of him, but he handled it.

Main Event. The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio came out fighting. He hit a German suplex and gut buster. Rock stopped Del Rio on the top and landed a superplex. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Rock got a near fall after a fisherman suplex. Del Rio connected with a kick to the head. Rock hit the Rock Bottom and won.

After the match, Kevin Owens attacked Rock from behind with the title.

Rock beat a top guy, but Owens sent him back down with the attack.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Fandango vs. Adam Rose

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: Triple H finally gets a win. Kevin Owens ended Rock's celebration early. Survivor Series should be good.

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