Saturday, August 6, 2016


Things are about to heat up.

Match 1. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Feed Us More
Reigns slammed Ryback down multiple times. Ryback broke free and tagged in Henry. He and Ambrose traded blows. Ryback hit Ambrose with a super fall away slam. After a Samoan drop, Reigns hit Ryback with a Superman punch and spear to win.

The Shield still going strong. Maybe Ryback and Henry need some time apart.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella - WWE Divas Championship
The other Bell is getting the shot here. There was a lot of back and forth action early. Charlotte sent Brie to the outside and hit a gutwrench slam. Brie landed a face buster from the second rope and a missile dropkick. Charlotte connected with a delayed suplex. She then locked in the Figure Eight. Brie came back with the Bella Buster and won.

What?! Brie wins the title. I wonder if she sister will be jealous and Brie did what Nikki couldn't.

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - HBK vs. Del Rio vs. Lesnar vs. Rollins vs. Jericho vs. Batista
WOW! Some of these guys could get a second chance at the main event. Del Rio pulled out a sledgehammer. Lesnar went after him with a arm bar. Rollins hit Michaels with the Skywalker. Jericho hit Lesnar with a moonsault. Michaels hit Lesnar with the Sweet Chin Music. Batista busted Del Rio open. Lesnar landed the F5 on Del Rio and won.

Lesnar was a monster in this match. He belongs in a cage. Watch out Owens.

Match 4. Extreme Rules - The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Jey was getting the best of Anderson as Gallows beat up Jimmy. Jimmy hit Gallows with a sit-out driver. He then pulled out a bat. Jey swung the bat into Anderson's ribs. He continued with a dive to the outside. Jimmy landed a superplex and super kick. Anderson landed a superplex of his own. He then connected with the running knee and got the win.

Even the weapons couldn't keep these two down. Gallows and Anderson are here to stay.

Match 5. Hell in a Cell - John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Two of the best going at it. Angle suplexed Cena multiple times. Cena ducked and landed right hands. He sent Angle to the floor. Angle tossed Cena into the cell wall and then used the steps. A bloody Cena connected with a diving leg drop. He then AA'd Angle onto the steps and won.

What a match. These two pulled no punches. Cena continues to prove why he's the best.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Trips threw the first punch, but they settled down and went back and forth. Punk connected with the running knee and bulldog. He then hit the GTS, but Triple H kicked out. Surprisingly, Punk didn't target Trips' legs. Punk countered a spine buster and hit the diving elbow drop. Trips landed some punches and back breakers. Punk pulled off a second GTS and got the win.

Punk had Trips' number all match. He couldn't land any of his big moves.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock - WWE World Championship
Rock hit a back body drop and pulled out a sledgehammer. Owens took it away and sent Rock into the corner. Rock drove Owens into the cell wall. Owens came back with a gut buster and senton. Back on the outside, Owens hit the package side slam. He then hit the package piledriver. Oh my God! Rock landed a super back suplex. Rock kicked out of a pop-up powerbomb. Owens hit another package side slam onto the sledgehammer to retain the title.

Owens defeated one of the best to ever lace them up. Twice. He is the man on SmackDown now.

Recap: What at amazing show. The Cell matches were great. The tornado tag match was good, too. Brie is on top of the Divas division.

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