Friday, August 19, 2016

NXT - November Week 2, Year 2

Four tag matches. This roster is deep.

Match 1. Paige vs. Carmella
After some back and forth, Carmella came out with a drop toe hold and wrist lock. Paige hit a powerbomb and sent her to the outside. Carmella caught Paige with a side kick. She then got a near fall after an STO. She dropkicked Paige from the floor to the apron. Paige hit the Ram-Paige. Carmella won with a sit-out neck breaker.

A nice back-and-forth match between both women. Carmella got a big boost after the win.

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. The Ascension
The Ascension get a rare win.

Match 4. The Hype Bros vs. Bobby Roode and Wade Barrett
Ryder came out with a DDT and sit-out powerbomb. Barrett hit Mojo with a back body drop before tagging in Roode. The Hype Bros then worked over Roode. Roode hit Ryder with a huge spine buster. The faces hit the Hype Ryder, but Roode broke up the pin. Roode caught Mojo with a Roode Bomb and won.

What a wild match. Mojo and Ryder looked good together. Roode and Barrett looked even better.

Match 5. Bad Influence vs. TM61
Match No. 2 goes to the Aussies.

Main Event. Edge and Samoa Joe vs. Randy Orton and Finn Balor
Joe and Orton made it to the outside. Joe threw Orton into the steps. Balor got a near fall after a German suplex. He later hit Edge with the shotgun dropkick, but Edge kicked out. Orton caught Edge with a super back suplex. Joe returned the favor to Orton. Joe hit Orton with a jumping heel kick and won.

Edge and Joe worked well together. Will Joe turn on him and target the championship?

Recap: A lot of new stars in NXT. The tag division is very deep.

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