Sunday, July 17, 2016


Four title matches. Three rivalries headed to a grudge match. Let's go.

Match 1. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville was in control early. Breeze hit a northern lights suplex and diving elbow. Neville hit a dragon screw and a knee bar. Breeze came back with a Supermodel kick. Neville got a near fall after a standing 540 splash. Breeze kicked Neville's head into the steel post. Disgusting. Neville DDT'd Breeze on the apron. Breeze won with a second Supermodel kick.

Great opening match. They went to another level, but Breeze got the much-needed win.

Match 2. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin - NXT United States Championship
Cesaro and Kidd went after each other as Corbin watched. Cesaro was busted open somehow. That didn't stop him as he hit Corbin with a German suplex and three gutwrench slams. Kidd locked Corbin in the Dungeon Lock. Corbin and Cesaro traded near falls on Kidd. Corbin tossed Cesaro. Kidd then hit Corbin with Code Blue to win.

Tyson Kidd will be a 10-time US champ by the time this Universe is over. Great match, though.

Match 3. Booker T vs. Ryback - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Booker sent Ryback to the outside right away. Ryback came back with a big boot. Ryback landed a big powerbomb on the outside. He then hit a super fall away slam and meat hook clothesline. Booker connected with a reverse spin kick and a spine buster. Ryback hit another powerbomb, but Booker shook it off. Booker hit a superplex. Ryback hit a press slam and Shell Shock to win the title.

Ryback adds some prestige back to whatever is left of The Industry. Let's see how it goes.

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Bryan countered and hit a German suplex. Joe accidentally knocked down the ref as he hit an overhead belly-to-belly. He continued with a back suplex and Death Valley Driver. Bryan landed kicks to the chest and head. Joe blocked a dive through the ropes. Bryan caught Joe in mid-air with the Yes Lock. Joe got a near fall after the Muscle Buster. He won with his three modified Germans.

Another good match. Bryan was playing the underdog, but Joe was just too strong.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Finn Balor vs. Rusev - NXT Championship
Balor hit Orton with a Pele kick. Edge hit Rusev with a diving elbow. Edge hit Balor with a big boot and overhead suplex. Balor hit Edge with the shotgun dropkick and Coup de Grace. Orton broke up the pin at the last possible moment. Edge hit the Impaler and spear. Balor kicked out and went after everyone. Orton blocked Bloody Sunday. Edge hit Rusev with the Edge-O-Matic to win.

Not the way I thought this match would go. Edge, again, takes advantage of an opportunity.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk had H in a couple of holds. Trips hit a gut buster and suplex. Punk landed a German suplex. He then hit a pump handle powerbomb. Punk continued with the running knee and bulldog. After a spine buster, Trips hit the Pedigree, but got a near fall. Punk popped up and caught Triple H with the GTS and got the win.

I was expecting a longer match, but this feud is far from over.

Match 7. The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE World Championship
After some back-and-forth, Rock had the upper hand on Del Rio. Alberto got frustrated, left the ring and grabbed a chair. He landed two shots before Rock took it away. Rock hit a spine buster. Del Rio landed a jumping arm breaker. Rock thought about using the chair, but ADR attacked him and went for the cross arm bar. Rock countered and hit the Rock Bottom. A little later, Rock hit a DDT and won with the Sharpshooter.

As Rock was celebrating, Kevin Owens' music hit. WHAT?!

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens - WWE World Championship
Del Rio took out Rock's legs and Owens ran to the ring. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb and pinned Rock to win the World title.

Recap: WOW! What a finish to the show. There isn't a rule that states you have to use the MITB briefcase on your own show's champion. Owens is now on SmackDown, I guess. There were other great matches, but the Owens cash in trumps them all.

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