Friday, July 29, 2016

NXT - October Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Bobby Roode
After the match, Roode kept the beat down going. Moments later, someone ran down to make the save. That's Mojo Rawley! He saved Zack Ryder.

Match 2. Elias Samson vs. Jack Swagger
Another new Superstar debuting here. Samson has built himself a bit of a reputation in the training class. Swagger landed a German suplex at the opening. Samson focused on the neck and back of Swagger. Samson hit a falling STO and a suplex-to-sitout powerbomb and won.

Not a wasted motion by Samson. Look out NXT.

Match 3. Paige vs. Alicia Fox vs. Summer Rae vs. Carmella
Carmella dropkicked Summer. Fox stomped on Paige. All four women went to the outside. Summer pulled out a bat and cracked Carmella across the head. Paige landed the Paige Turner and got a near fall. She then hit Ram-Paige and won.

Paige was focused. She wants the women's title back. But what about Summer using a bat?

Match 4. Bad Influence vs. The Wyatt Family
Enzo and Cass defeated the former champs. If Kaz and Daniels win here, there's going to be some debate. Rowan shoved Kaz off the top. Kaz speared him off the apron. Harper hit Daniels with a powerbomb. Kaz hit Rowan with a reverse snap slam. He then hit a butterfly piledriver and won.

Kaz and Daniels can pull off some amazing moves. Who are the real No. 1 contenders?

Match 5. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas

Main Event. Randy Orton and Sami Zayn vs. Edge and Samoa Joe

Recap: Kaz and Daniels just defeated the tag champs. They are owed a title shot. Samson was dangerous. Rawley helping Ryder was a surprise. How will Ryder react?

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