Friday, July 29, 2016

WWE - October Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Booker T vs. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz
Sheamus sent Miz to the outside. Del Rio pulled out a chair. Booker used the chair multiple times and then hit a spine buster. He continued with the scissors kick. Miz broke up the pin and threw him out. Del Rio suplexed Sheamus on the ramp. Sheamus hit Miz with White Noise. Miz came back with the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz gets another win in a match that he probably shouldn't have won. Good for him.

Match 2. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons
After the match, two men in black attacked the Usos. Wait! That's Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. These two ran the show in Japan. Why are they here?

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. JBL

Match 4. Feed Us More vs. The Dudleyz

Match 5. Triple H vs. Batista
Wow. Punk attacked Trips from behind. Batista picked him up and hit the spear, but got a two count. Triple H was able to power back and get to his feet. Batista slammed Trips into the barricade. H hit the Pedigree out of nowhere. He later pulled out the sledgehammer and hit Batista to cause the DQ.

Was Triple H just too tired to continue? Why lose the match on purpose?

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Rock ran down and speared Owens before the bell rang. Owens connected with a pump handle neck breaker. Rock bounced right up with a clothesline. Owens countered the Rock Bottom. Rock landed a superplex. Rock locked in the Sharpshooter. Owens threw Rock into the ropes and hit the pop-up powerbomb and won.

Owens is rolling as the WWE Champion. Can Rock rebound and win back the title?

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Fandango vs. R-Truth

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Damien Sandow

Recap: Will Miz get an IC title shot? The Rock doesn't look like he'll be challenging for the title. Gallows and Anderson made a big impact.

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