Friday, July 1, 2016

NXT - September Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Curtis Axel vs. X-Pac vs. Tye Dillinger

Match 2. Paige and Becky Lynch vs. Emma and Alexa Bliss
This should be a fun match. Emma took down Paige and Alexia caught her off the ropes with a dropkick. The heels landed a double DDT. Paige and Emma went back and forth. Paige hit Alexa with a supercanrana and fall away slam. Alexa kicked out of the Paige Turner and Ram-Paige. Minutes later, Paige hit Alexa with another Ram-Paige to win.

A great women's tag match. Alexa looked good in defeat. Paige is still the top (female) dog.

Match 3. American Alpha vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Bray Wyatt w/ Braun Strowman
Zayn hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and inverted DDT. Bray countered Zayn and hit a super fall away slam. Zayn came back with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but got a near fall. Bray hit a suplex and Sister Abigail, but Zayn kicked out. Bray kicked out of the super brain buster. Zayn hit a half-and-half suplex and senton bomb, but got another near fall. This is insane! Zayn hit a second super brain buster, but Braun pulled the ref out of the ring. Smart move. Bray won with a second finisher.

God damn! Pardon my language, but that was an awesome match. So many big moves.

Match 5. Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd
After the match, Bryan attacked Joe, getting his revenge. 

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Bobby Roode
Roode makes his debut. NXT picked up a lot of good talent in the draft. Balor sent Roode to the outside, but it didn't last long. Roode landed two high knees, a la Triple H. After a kneeling spine buster, Roode went for a dirty pin. Balor tried making a comeback, but Roode halted it and got a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Balor hit a suplex and GTS. He then hit the Coup de Grace, but Roode kicked out. After a fisherman suplex, Roode won with another DVD.

Roode with the impressive victory over the former champ. Watch out.

Recap: NXT has stepped their game up over the last few weeks. New stars, new rivalries, new NXT.

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