Friday, July 29, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Toronto, Year 2

These TakeOver shows continue to get better and better.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
Will this feud ever die? I wouldn't mind if it never did. Kidd focused on Cesaro's neck. He landed a flipping neck breaker and a huge moonsault. Cesaro countered with a diving clothesline and back suplex. He then tossed Kidd up and hit the uppercut, but got another near fall. Cesaro suplexed Kidd from the apron. What strength! Kidd landed a super back suplex. Cesaro hit another uppercut and won his title back.

Another great match between these two. I could watch them every week.

Match 2. Austin Aries vs. ?????
Who is Aries' opponent. It's...James Storm! These two have a lot of history. Storm hit a reverse suplex and three knee strikes. Aries left the ring and hit Storm with a steel chair. Storm connected with a dive through the ropes. Aries kept cracking Storm over the head with a chair. Storm countered Aries' attempt at an STO and hit the Eye of the Storm to win.

What a debut for James Storm. Aries wanted to beat down Storm, but he couldn't get it done.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka landed a hip attack and locked in a reverse sleeper. Emma countered and kept Asuka grounded. Emma dodged a big splash and hit a snap suplex. Asuka came back with multiple kicks and then the Buzzsaw kick to the head and won.

Emma put up a fight, but Asuka's kicks were just too much. She's going to be tough to beat.

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Enzo and Big Cass
The winning team could face the Wyatts for the tag titles. Cass took down JJ and tagged in Enzo. Gable landed an exploder suplex. After a near fall, Cass and Enzo hit Boom Shakalaka, but Jordan broke up the pin. Gable hit a bridging German suplex. Cass hit Jordan with a Brooklyn Boot. They hit a second finisher, but Gable broke it up. Cass landed a super sidewalk slam and diving splash to win.

Cass went to the top for most likely the first time. He wants his tag title back. Good, competitive match.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Zayn came out firing. He landed a dropkick and snap suplex. Corbin halted him with a big boot. He connected with a corner splash and a suplex of his own. He later tossed Zayn into the steel steps and rolled back into the ring. Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Corbin kicked out. Corbin landed Deep Six, but Zayn reached for the ropes. After countering the End of Days, Zayn hit a second Blue Thunder Bomb to win.

Great match. Zayn pulled off what some would call an upset. Corbin is still a top heel on the roster.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami vs. Rusev
Winner will face the NXT champion. Joe/Rusev and Balor/Itami was how it split at the opening bell. Rusev was getting the best of Joe. Rusev brought in a chair, but Joe took it and used it. Itami sent Balor to the outside. Joe landed his 3 Germans and another chair shot. Itami threw Balor into the steel steps. Joe threw Rusev head first into the chair and locked in the Coquina Clutch to win.

That was a car crash that ended quickly. This is the beginning to Joe and Rusev.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
Edge quickly sent Orton out of the ring. Edge connected with a discus elbow and a sit-out powerbomb. He got a near fall after the Edge-cution. Orton went to the top rope, but decided against it. He hit a spinning back suplex and got a two count. Edge hit the Downward Spiral and a spear, but Orton kicked out. Orton pulled out an RKO and almost won. Edge ducked a clothesline and hit the Edge-O-Matic to retain the NXT title.

That was a face-paced match. Edge even pulled off a springboard moonsault to win.

Recap: This was a great show. Cesaro and Kidd will fight until the end of time. Edge and Asuka retain their titles. James Storm had an impressive debut.

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