Sunday, July 17, 2016

WWE - September Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Kane vs. Booker T

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz

Match 3. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Breeze attacked Neville before he got into the ring. Breeze connected with the Supermodel kick, but Neville kicked out. After shaking off a German suplex, Breeze won with the Beauty Shot.

After the match, Breeze grabbed a chair and hit Neville.

This wasn't a fair match from the beginning. Neville will get his revenge at the PPV.

Match 4. Feed Us More vs. The New Day
It looks like Ryback and Mark Henry broke from The Industry.

Match 5. Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
This should be fun. Jericho wore down Del Rio. Sheamus pulled out a sledgehammer. Sheamus and Del Rio teamed up against Jericho, but it didn't last long. The match spilled to the outside. Jericho hit Del Rio with a powerbomb and Walls of Jericho. Sheamus landed the White Noise and Celtic Cross. Jericho caught Del Rio with a Codebreaker. Sheamus pinned Jericho after a Brogue Kick in mid air.

Sheamus was a little more vicious that usual, especially bringing out a weapon. Is this a sign?

Main Event. Triple H vs. Big Show
Is Trips up for this task? Show caught him with a big boot off the ropes. He then hit a delayed suplex and spear. H tried creating separation, but Show was right back on offense. Trips connected with a spine buster and Pedigree. After wearing Show down some more, Trips won with another spine buster.

After the match, Punk appeared and the two brawled until they were pulled apart.

Wow. Triple H was able to pull out the win. Good luck to CM Punk.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Jack Swagge vs. Fandango vs. Christian

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Kevin Nash

Recap: What a final build towards Night of Champions. Punk/Trips. Neville/Brees and Rock defending his title. Should be a good show.

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