Wednesday, July 20, 2016

NXT - October Week 1, Year 2

With Kevin Owens gone, who will step up in his place?

Match 1. The Ascension vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 2. Paige vs. Cameron
Cameron landed a hurricanrana. Paige slammed her down and them stomped on her. She later hit a fall away slam and full nelson suplex. Cameron kicked out of a Paige Turner. Cameron hit a jumping DDT. After a jumping leg drop, she locked in a weird submission hold. Paige won with Ram-Paige.

Good match. Cameron actually put up a fight. Paige cut her short and gets another win.

Match 3. X-Pac vs. Austin Aries

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Hideo Itami
Not a good start to Kidd's reign.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. The Wyatt Family - NXT Tag Team Championship
After winning the Tag Team Classic, the Wyatts are owed a title shot. Gable tossed Harper around a bit. Harper almost took Jordan's head off with a clothesline. He then hit 2 German suplexes. Rowan got a near fall after a full nelson slam. Bray got up on the apron and distracted Gable. The Wyatts hit Gable with the 3D and won the NXT tag titles.

Wow. The Wyatts were on a mission. They took out the champs with ease.

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe
Joe took Zayn down with a side slam. Zayn came back with strikes, but Joe landed a back suplex. Zayn hit a suplex and the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Joe kicked out. He later hit a tornado DDT through the post. Out of nowhere, Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch. Joe then landed his 3 modified German suplexes. Zayn hit the Exploder suplex and won.

What a back and forth match. With the win, Zayn is a top contender to Edge's title.

Recap: A great week. We got new tag champs. The vets are staking their claim at their respective titles.

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