Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WWE - December Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi
Sasha landed a crucifix. She then locked in a modified crossface. After a snapmare, Naomi hit a kneeling DDT. She continued with a split-legged moonsault. Sasha dodged the Rear End and locked in the Bank Statement. Naomi connected with a suplex and back breaker to get the win.

A good back and forth match. Naomi looked impressive, making a name for herself.

Match 2. Gold and Stardust vs. Feed Us More
After the match, Stardust went to pick up his brother. He then grabbed him and hit Dark Matter before walking away.

WHAT?! Why would Stardust do that? I guess the losing streak got to him.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Usos
Big E slammed Jey multiple times. He then lifted Jimmy up for a press slam. Jey came back with a Samoan drop and 450 senton splash. The Usos hit Big E with a slam and splash combo. Jimmy landed a super Samoan drop. Kofi beat down Jimmy on the outside as Big E hit Jey with the Big Ending to win.

After the match, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns walked out.

This was a impactful tag match. Ambrose/Reigns going after the tag titles? Interesting.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 5. Booker T vs. Rhyno

Main Event. The Rock vs. John Cena Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens tossed Cena out from the back and walked to the ring. Owens landed the package side slam and won. Rock did have his hand on the rope.

Owens continued the attack after the match.

Jesus. Owens wanted Rock to himself. He's determined to get his title back.

Match 1. The Ascension vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 2. The Usos vs. Hype Bros

Match 3. Christian vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Damn. What a change for WWE. Owens took out Cena to get to Rock. Ambrose/Reigns are gunning for the tag titles.

NXT - December Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Rusev vs. Hideo Itami vs. Crews vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Crews in the gut. Rusev worked over Itami's back in the corner. Crews landed a rollup powerbomb and then three consecutive powerbombs. Rusve caught Itami with a spine buster and super kick to win.

A fun opening match. Rusev is gaining ground in the US title rankings.

Match 2. The Ascension vs. The Wyatt Family
The downward spiral continues for the Wyatts

Match 3. Paige vs. Cameron vs. Summer Rae
As Paige beat down Summer, Cameron grabbed a sledgehammer and hit both women. Paige crawled over Cameron and landed multiple headbutts. Summer and Paige traded near falls. Summer hit Paige with Summer Crush, but Cameron was ready. Cameron took out Summer and went to the top, but Paige rolled in and scored the pin.

A good triple threat match. Cameron and Summer looked good in defeat. 

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Bad Influence
AA want back in the title picture.

Match 5. Austin Aries vs. Sting
Aries sent a message to Sami Zayn.

Main Event. Finn Balor and AJ Styles vs. Edge and Samoa Joe
Balor hit Joe with a back suplex and jumping heel kick. Styles came in, but Joe quickly took him down. These two have a lot of history. AJ locked in the Calf Killer. He later hit Edge with a German suplex and Pele kick. He connected with the Styles Clash, but Edge kicked out. Balor kicked out of Edge's spear. Edge countered Balor's roll up and got the win.

Wow. Edge scored another pin on Balor. Styles impressed in his first match.

Recap: A fun week coming out of Survivor Series. TakeOver is in two weeks.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Match 1. The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass - NXT Tag Team Championship
There is a big mismatch with Enzo in the ring. Rowan caught Cass with a big boot. Harper toyed with Enzo for a bit. The Wyatts hit Enzo with a double chokeslam, but he kicked out. Enzo and Cass hit Rowan with the Rocket Launcher, but got a near fall. Enzo endured a 3D and side slam by Rowan to pull out a diving splash to get the win.

The Wyatts beat down Enzo for most of the match. I can't believe he pulled out the win.

Match 2. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Aries left the ring, met Zayn on the ramp and the two began brawling. Aries finally got Zayn into the ring. Zayn countered and hit the exploder suplex. He then landed a tornado DDT through the turnpost. He went to the top, but Aries caught him in mid-air with a discus elbow. Zayn connected with the Helluva kick to win.

That was a fun match. It starting out strong and ended with a bang. Zayn continues to roll.

Match 3. Elimination - Ryder, Rawley and James Storm vs. Bobby Roode, Corbin and Barrett
Barrett and Corbin beat down Mojo on the outside. Storm missed a diving elbow to the outside. Roode hit his former partner with a piledriver. Barrett eliminated Ryder with the Winds of Change. Corbin eliminated Storm after the Deep 6. After toying with Mojo, Roode landed the Roode Bomb and won.

A clean sweep for the heels. All three win scored an elimination and looked good doing it.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock - WWE World Championship
Owens hit a senton and pump handle neck breaker. Rock sent Owens to the outside, but Kevin countered. Rock hit a belly-to-belly slam. Owens hit a Samoan drop and senton bomb. After a package powerbomb and pop-up powerbomb, he got a near fall. Rock made his comeback and hit a big spine buster. He then locked Owens in the Sharphooter and got the win.

What?! Owens could not escape the submission. The People's Champ is back on top.

Match 5. Elimination - The Usos and ????? vs. Gallows, Anderson and ?????
Two mystery partners. John Cena teams with the Usos and Brock Lesnar partners up with Gallows and Anderson. Holy crap! Lesnar hit Jey with a release German suplex and knees to the head. Gallows hit a super back suplex. Gallows then eliminated him after a big boot. Jey had the rope, but the ref didn't see it. Cena was hit with the Magic Killer, but kicked out. Lesnar took Cena to Suplex City. Anderson eliminated Jimmy after a jumping cutter. The three beat down Cena on the outside. Anderson then eliminated Cena with a twisting cutter.

Another clean sweep. Gallows and Anderson with Lesnar is a dangerous trio.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk was firing out of the gate. Trips pulled out a baseball bat and hit Punk over the head. Punk came back with the running knee and bulldog. H rocked Punk with the bat multiple times and hit the spine buster. After the GTS, Triple H got up at the count of 9. Punk went for the diving elbow, but Trips got up and caught him with the Pedigree. The two went back and forth for a bit before Punk hit another GTS to win.

This feud looks like it's settled. Punk, the anti-authority, defeats The Game.

Main Event. Edge vs. Finn Balor - NXT Championship
The Demon is here. There was a lot of back-and-forth between these two. Balor got a near fall after a brain buster. He then hit the shotgun dropkick. Edge hit an impaler DDT and a spear, but Balor kicked out. Edge caught Balor on the top ropes and landed a DDT. He then hit the Edge-O-Matic and retained the NXT title.

After the match, the lights went out. A "P1" sign flashed and the music played. It's AJ Styles! He's here in NXT. He signaled that he wants Edge's title.

The match was good, not the best. The debut of AJ Styles is the big news. NXT just got phenominal.

Recap: What a show! New champions, brutal matches and the debut of AJ Styles. WrestleMania is just around the corner.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

WWE - November Week 4, Year 2

Who will go into the PPV with momentum?

Match 1. Christian vs. The Miz vs. Neville
Miz countered a hurricanrana and powerbombed Neville. Christian and Miz worked over Neville. Neville came back with a standing corkscrew. He was setting up for the Red Arrow, but Christian cut him off. Miz was busted open somehow. Neville hit Christian with a moonsault. Christian came back with the Killswitch. Neville hit Miz with the Red Arrow and won.

A fun triple threat match. Neville could get an IC title shot.

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The New Day

Match 3. Feed Us More vs. The Dudleyz

Match 4. Tyler Breeze vs. Chris Jericho
After some back and forth action, Jericho took down Breeze and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Breeze landed a snap DDT and the supermodel kick. He then hit the Beauty Shot, but Jericho kicked out. Breeze went to the top, but Jericho caught him in mid-air with a Codebreaker and won.

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Batista
Batista powerbombed Punk and then tossed him with a half nelson suplex. Punk came back with his running knee and bulldog in the corner. He then connected with the GTS, but Batista kicked out. The Animal hit the spear. Punk went to the top, but Batista speared him in mid air. Punk hit a butterfly back breaker and a moonsault before winning with a second GTS. 

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
The two men brawled before the match started.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Curtis Axel

Match 3. Fandango vs. William Regal

Recap: Punk gets a huge win leading to the PPV. Rock/Owens will be amazing.

NXT - November Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home show to Survivor Series. The next TakeOver special is two weeks later.

Match 1. Elias Samson vs. X-Pac

Match 2. American Alpha vs. The Vaudevillains
Gable missed a Pele kick and Gotch took control. Jordan took Aiden down with a belly-to-back. He then hit a suplex and overhead belly-to-belly. Gotch slammed Jordan down and connected with a diving fist. He then hit a super back suplex. The Vaudevillains hit Gable with the Whirling Dervish to win.

A fun tag match. Both teams had more to dish out though.

Match 3. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
A nice win for Tye.

Match 4. Enzo and Big Cass w/ Carmella vs. Blake and Murphy w/ Alexa Bliss
Alexa got involved early by distracting Enzo. Murphy and Enzo went back and forth for a bit. Enzo and Cass then hit Blake with the Sky Rocket, but got a near fall. Murphy hit Enzo with a brain buster. He tried cheating with his feet on the ropes, but Cass broke it up. B&M hit the suplex and frog splash combo to win.

Match 5. Shane Thorne vs. Kazarian

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Zayn hit a standing moonsault. He later landed a half-and-half suplex. Aries connected with a super reverse suplex. Aries placed Zayn on the table and put him through with a brain buster! Zayn sprung up and hit two Blue Thunder Bombs, but Aries kicked out both times. He then hit the Helluva kick, but got another two count. Aries fought back, but Zayn won with another Helluva kick.

Zayn went for a hand shake, but Aries wanted no part of it.

Wow! Aries would not stay down. Zayn did what he had to for the win.

Recap: The main event was insane. Can they top it at the PPV? The tag division looks good, too.

WWE - November Week 3, Year 2

The Shield members are in individual matches against tough opponents.

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback

Match 2. Booker T vs. Kane

Match 3. Roman Reigns vs. Big Show

Match 4. Seth Rollins vs. Mark Henry
Can Rollins win? Henry tossed Rollins around at the beginning. Rollins pulled off the Skywalker out of nowhere. He then hit a frog splash and rolling heel kick. After all of that, Henry kicked out. Things spilled to the outside as Rollins landed a dive through the ropes. Henry planted Rollins with a belly-to-belly slam and won.

Rollins put together a nice string of moves, but it wasn't enough.

Match 5. The Usos vs. Gallows and Anderson
Jey had the upper hand on Gallows, but Luke wore down Jimmy. Anderson would not let up. He hit a back suplex and spinning cutter. Jimmy got the hot tag to Jey, but it didn't go well. Gallows hit a big boot and two-hand slam before winning with a sit-out chokeslam.

Anderson and Gallows came out pissed and evened the score 2-2.

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Rock ran to the ring and took down Owens before the bell rang. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Owens caught Rock off the ropes with a spine buster. He then dropped Rock right on his head. He later hit the cannonball splash and got a near fall after the pop-up powerbomb. Rock came back and hit a spine buster to win.

After the match, Owens went to attack Rock, but Rock dodged it.

Rock gets another win over the champ. I can't wait to see the rematch.

Match 1. Paige vs. Alicia Fox vs. Emma vs. Layla

Match 2. Fandango vs. Adam Rose

Match 3. Bo Dallas vs. William Regal vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: The Shield is good as a unit, but separately they struggle. Rock is outsmarting Owens right now.

Friday, August 19, 2016

NXT - November Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. TM61 vs. Bad Influence

Match 2. The Vaudevillains vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Alicia Fox vs. Summer Rae
Paige and Summer went at it as Fox watched. After dealing with Summer, Fox left the ring and grabbed a bat. The heels then worked over Paige, but it didn't last long. Foxy kicked Summer's head against the steel post. She then kicked Paige. The finally got back in the ring. Rae hit Alicia with Sumemr Crush and won.

Great triple threat match. Summer didn't pin Paige, but she did win.

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Curtis Axel

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Zayn hit a snap suplex and standing moonsault. Aries blocked Zayn and landed a superplex. He then landed a spinning leg drop. He got a near fall after a spinning back elbow. Zayn connected with the Blue Thunder Bomb and Helluva kick for the win.

Aggressive match. Both men pulled out some big moves. Zayn's getting close to the main event.

Main Event. Battle Royal - Balor vs. Cesaro vs. Joe vs. Kidd vs. Bryan vs. Corbin
This will determine Edge's challenger. Cesaro and Kidd went after each other, obviously. Kidd, with Balor and Bryan, eliminated Cesaro. Damn. Joe hit Corbin with a German suplex. Joe hit Balor with strikes and kicks. Bryan hit Corbin with a half-and-half suplex and diving elbow before eliminating him. Joe kicked Bryan in the head and eliminated him. Balor eliminated Kidd. Joe hit Balor with three modified German suplexes. Balor hit Joe with a Codebreaker and eliminated him to win.

Balor defeated five other top guys and is one step closer to getting an NXT title shot.

Recap: Sami Zayn and Finn Balor both make a case to be the No. 1 contender. I'm still surprised by Summer's win.

WWE - November Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. The Usos vs. Gallows and Anderson
The Usos landed a slam/diving splash combo. Gallows attacked Jey on the outside. Jimmy busted Anderson open with a super kick. Jey hit Gallows with a big splash. The Usos then hit a double super kick. Jimmy went for a diving splash, but Anderson caught him mid-air with a cutter. Jimmy hit a super Samoan drop and corkscrew splash to win.

The Usos get another win over Gallows and Anderson. They are standing up for themselves.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Rhyno

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler and Neville vs. The Miz and Tyler Breeze
WWE has a nice mid-card division. Breeze and Miz worked over Ziggler. Miz and Breeze targeted the knees of Neville. Miz locked in the Figure Four. Neville and Ziggler caught Miz with dual super kicks. Neville landed a sit-out powerbomb. Ziggler locked Miz in the sleeper hold and won.

Wow. I'm surprised Ziggler actually won with the sleeper. Watch out Ryback.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 5. John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio
Both men want back in the title picture. Cena quickly brought the match to the outside. Del Rio came back with a back suplex and sit-out powerbomb. Cena connected with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA and won.

Del Rio was in control for the majority, but Cena pulls out another win. Cena/Owens/

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock
Owens attacked Rock before the match.

Match 1. Fandango vs. Billy Gunn

Match 2. JBL vs. R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Recap: A good week for WWE. John Cena reigns and The Rock sticks it to the champ.

NXT - November Week 2, Year 2

Four tag matches. This roster is deep.

Match 1. Paige vs. Carmella
After some back and forth, Carmella came out with a drop toe hold and wrist lock. Paige hit a powerbomb and sent her to the outside. Carmella caught Paige with a side kick. She then got a near fall after an STO. She dropkicked Paige from the floor to the apron. Paige hit the Ram-Paige. Carmella won with a sit-out neck breaker.

A nice back-and-forth match between both women. Carmella got a big boost after the win.

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. The Ascension
The Ascension get a rare win.

Match 4. The Hype Bros vs. Bobby Roode and Wade Barrett
Ryder came out with a DDT and sit-out powerbomb. Barrett hit Mojo with a back body drop before tagging in Roode. The Hype Bros then worked over Roode. Roode hit Ryder with a huge spine buster. The faces hit the Hype Ryder, but Roode broke up the pin. Roode caught Mojo with a Roode Bomb and won.

What a wild match. Mojo and Ryder looked good together. Roode and Barrett looked even better.

Match 5. Bad Influence vs. TM61
Match No. 2 goes to the Aussies.

Main Event. Edge and Samoa Joe vs. Randy Orton and Finn Balor
Joe and Orton made it to the outside. Joe threw Orton into the steps. Balor got a near fall after a German suplex. He later hit Edge with the shotgun dropkick, but Edge kicked out. Orton caught Edge with a super back suplex. Joe returned the favor to Orton. Joe hit Orton with a jumping heel kick and won.

Edge and Joe worked well together. Will Joe turn on him and target the championship?

Recap: A lot of new stars in NXT. The tag division is very deep.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

WWE - November Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Feed Us More vs. The New Day

Match 2. Reigns, Ambrose and CM Punk vs. Nash, Flair and Triple H
Rollins is dealing with a sore neck. Nash quickly sent Reigns to the outside. Trips caught Dean with a high knee and double underhook suplex. Punk hit H with a hurricanrana and slapped him across the face. Reigns and Ambrose beat down Flair on the outside. Flair kicked out of Dirty Deeds. Punk locked Nash in the Anaconda Vice. Nash pinned Ambrose with the Jackknife powerbomb.

Maybe Triple H founds the teammates he needed. This could lead to a blow-off match at the PPV.

Match 3. The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Luke tossed Jey up in the air and let him crash down to the mat. He caught Jimmy with a side heel kick. Jimmy came back with a front slam and super kick. The Usos then hit Alley Uce, but got a near fall. Jimmy landed a super Samoan drop and got the win.

Damn. Anderson didn't even get a chance to fight. The Usos were out to even the score.

Match 4. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

Match 5. Kane vs. Kevin Owens
The champ had a big challenge in front of him, but he handled it.

Main Event. The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio came out fighting. He hit a German suplex and gut buster. Rock stopped Del Rio on the top and landed a superplex. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Rock got a near fall after a fisherman suplex. Del Rio connected with a kick to the head. Rock hit the Rock Bottom and won.

After the match, Kevin Owens attacked Rock from behind with the title.

Rock beat a top guy, but Owens sent him back down with the attack.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Fandango vs. Adam Rose

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: Triple H finally gets a win. Kevin Owens ended Rock's celebration early. Survivor Series should be good.

NXT - November Week 1, Year 2

Survivor Series is 4 weeks away.

Match 1. Paige vs. Cameron

Match 2. Zack Ryder w/ Mojo Rawley vs. Bobby Roode

Match 3. TM61 vs. Bad Influence
Two unique teams. Shane hit Daniels with three suplexes. Kaz caught Nick with a tornado DDT. Nick came back and hit Daniels with a knee smash and frog splash, but got a near fall. He got a near fall on Kaz after a spin-out powerbomb. After a twisting STO, Shane won with a 450 splash.

Impressive match for TM61. They are an exciting team to watch.

Match 4. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
Austin Aries distracted Storm, giving Dillinger the cheap win.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. Blake and Murphy
Gable wrestled around both of his opponents. Blake and Murphy wore down Jordan on the outside. He barely made it in before the count of 10. Murphy got a near fall after a sit-out spine buster. Gable got the tag and hit Blake with a superplex. B&M landed a double super back suplex. Jordan landed a twisting back suplex and won.

Great tag match. Both teams knew what a win here meant.

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Will Storm return the favor to Aries? After some back and forth action, Zayn hit Aries with a back drop on the apron. He then hit the package brainbuster. Aries was able to battle back. Zayn pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. He continued with a swan dive over the top and a senton bomb to the outside. Aries hit a superplex and locked in Last Chancery, but Zayn broke free. Zayn hit the Exploder Suplex and Helluva Kick to win.

What a match. Zayn went through his whole arsenal to pull out this win. 

Recap: While the temperature is cooling down, things are heating up in NXT. New faces making a name for themselves and the current stars not backing down.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


Things are about to heat up.

Match 1. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Feed Us More
Reigns slammed Ryback down multiple times. Ryback broke free and tagged in Henry. He and Ambrose traded blows. Ryback hit Ambrose with a super fall away slam. After a Samoan drop, Reigns hit Ryback with a Superman punch and spear to win.

The Shield still going strong. Maybe Ryback and Henry need some time apart.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella - WWE Divas Championship
The other Bell is getting the shot here. There was a lot of back and forth action early. Charlotte sent Brie to the outside and hit a gutwrench slam. Brie landed a face buster from the second rope and a missile dropkick. Charlotte connected with a delayed suplex. She then locked in the Figure Eight. Brie came back with the Bella Buster and won.

What?! Brie wins the title. I wonder if she sister will be jealous and Brie did what Nikki couldn't.

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - HBK vs. Del Rio vs. Lesnar vs. Rollins vs. Jericho vs. Batista
WOW! Some of these guys could get a second chance at the main event. Del Rio pulled out a sledgehammer. Lesnar went after him with a arm bar. Rollins hit Michaels with the Skywalker. Jericho hit Lesnar with a moonsault. Michaels hit Lesnar with the Sweet Chin Music. Batista busted Del Rio open. Lesnar landed the F5 on Del Rio and won.

Lesnar was a monster in this match. He belongs in a cage. Watch out Owens.

Match 4. Extreme Rules - The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Jey was getting the best of Anderson as Gallows beat up Jimmy. Jimmy hit Gallows with a sit-out driver. He then pulled out a bat. Jey swung the bat into Anderson's ribs. He continued with a dive to the outside. Jimmy landed a superplex and super kick. Anderson landed a superplex of his own. He then connected with the running knee and got the win.

Even the weapons couldn't keep these two down. Gallows and Anderson are here to stay.

Match 5. Hell in a Cell - John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Two of the best going at it. Angle suplexed Cena multiple times. Cena ducked and landed right hands. He sent Angle to the floor. Angle tossed Cena into the cell wall and then used the steps. A bloody Cena connected with a diving leg drop. He then AA'd Angle onto the steps and won.

What a match. These two pulled no punches. Cena continues to prove why he's the best.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Trips threw the first punch, but they settled down and went back and forth. Punk connected with the running knee and bulldog. He then hit the GTS, but Triple H kicked out. Surprisingly, Punk didn't target Trips' legs. Punk countered a spine buster and hit the diving elbow drop. Trips landed some punches and back breakers. Punk pulled off a second GTS and got the win.

Punk had Trips' number all match. He couldn't land any of his big moves.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock - WWE World Championship
Rock hit a back body drop and pulled out a sledgehammer. Owens took it away and sent Rock into the corner. Rock drove Owens into the cell wall. Owens came back with a gut buster and senton. Back on the outside, Owens hit the package side slam. He then hit the package piledriver. Oh my God! Rock landed a super back suplex. Rock kicked out of a pop-up powerbomb. Owens hit another package side slam onto the sledgehammer to retain the title.

Owens defeated one of the best to ever lace them up. Twice. He is the man on SmackDown now.

Recap: What at amazing show. The Cell matches were great. The tornado tag match was good, too. Brie is on top of the Divas division.

Friday, August 5, 2016

WWE - October Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home show for Hell in a Cell.

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Feed Us More

Match 2. Neville vs. Rhyno

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Dallas Page

Match 4. The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Gallows and Anderson attacked the Usos last week. Jimmy got the best of both opponents in the early going. Anderson hit Jimmy with a sit-out slam. After a back suplex, he went for a running knee, but Jimmy dodged it. Anderson got a near fall after a spinning cutter. They then hit the Magic Killer and won.

The Usos tried getting their revenge, but Anderson and Gallows just wore them down.

Match 5. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Owens hit a Samoan drop and senton splash. Rock sent Owens to the outside and created separation. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Owens hit the package side slam and got a two count. Rock came back with the spine buster and won.

After the match, Owens went to attack Rock, but Rock tossed him out.

Hmm. Rock defeated Owens without using a finisher. Will he get his title back?

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Triple H attacked Punk from behind with a chair. He continued whacking him with the chair. The match never got underway.

Triple H sent a message to Punk. This Sunday is going to be Hell.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. JBL

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango vs. X-Pac

Recap: Hell is breaking loose on SmackDown. Chair shots, sneak attacks and revenge. It all comes to a head on Sunday.