Sunday, July 31, 2016

NXT - October Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. The Vaudevillains vs. American Alpha

Match 2. Bobby Roode vs. Mojo Rawley
Mojo saved Ryder last week after the post-match attack by Roode. Mojo landed a spine buster. Roode hit a back suplex. He then threw Mojo shoulder first into the steel post. Roode continued with his own spine buster and won with the Roode Bomb.

Roode sent a message to Mojo, and even Zack Ryder. He's not someone to mess with.

Match 3. Paige vs. Cameron

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. X-Pac

Match 5. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Bad Influence
These two have big wins in the last couple of weeks. Daniels hit Cass with a Death Valley Driver. Kaz came in and connected with a dropkick and spine buster. He continued with a top rope splash and tornado DDT. Cass fought back and he and Enzo hit Boom Shakalaka. Daniels hit Enzo with the Best Moonsault Ever. Cass hit Daniels with a big boot. Kaz pinned Enzo after the Flux Capacitor.

It looks like Bad Influence are the new No. 1 Contenders for the Wyatts' tag titles.

Main Event. Stone Cold vs. Edge
Edge dodged a clothesline and attacks the knees of Austin. He then hit an overhead belly-to-belly and a face buster. Austin fought back with a powerbomb and the Lou Thesz Press. Edge came back with the Edge-cution and flapjack. Austin got a near fall after the Stunner. Edge pulled out a spear and won.

Austin pulled out some big moves. Edge proves why he is the champion.

Recap: Roode shut Mojo up real quick. Bad Influence are the true No. 1 contenders and Edge defeats a legend. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

WWE - October Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Booker T vs. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz
Sheamus sent Miz to the outside. Del Rio pulled out a chair. Booker used the chair multiple times and then hit a spine buster. He continued with the scissors kick. Miz broke up the pin and threw him out. Del Rio suplexed Sheamus on the ramp. Sheamus hit Miz with White Noise. Miz came back with the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz gets another win in a match that he probably shouldn't have won. Good for him.

Match 2. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons
After the match, two men in black attacked the Usos. Wait! That's Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. These two ran the show in Japan. Why are they here?

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. JBL

Match 4. Feed Us More vs. The Dudleyz

Match 5. Triple H vs. Batista
Wow. Punk attacked Trips from behind. Batista picked him up and hit the spear, but got a two count. Triple H was able to power back and get to his feet. Batista slammed Trips into the barricade. H hit the Pedigree out of nowhere. He later pulled out the sledgehammer and hit Batista to cause the DQ.

Was Triple H just too tired to continue? Why lose the match on purpose?

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Rock ran down and speared Owens before the bell rang. Owens connected with a pump handle neck breaker. Rock bounced right up with a clothesline. Owens countered the Rock Bottom. Rock landed a superplex. Rock locked in the Sharpshooter. Owens threw Rock into the ropes and hit the pop-up powerbomb and won.

Owens is rolling as the WWE Champion. Can Rock rebound and win back the title?

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Fandango vs. R-Truth

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Damien Sandow

Recap: Will Miz get an IC title shot? The Rock doesn't look like he'll be challenging for the title. Gallows and Anderson made a big impact.

NXT - October Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Bobby Roode
After the match, Roode kept the beat down going. Moments later, someone ran down to make the save. That's Mojo Rawley! He saved Zack Ryder.

Match 2. Elias Samson vs. Jack Swagger
Another new Superstar debuting here. Samson has built himself a bit of a reputation in the training class. Swagger landed a German suplex at the opening. Samson focused on the neck and back of Swagger. Samson hit a falling STO and a suplex-to-sitout powerbomb and won.

Not a wasted motion by Samson. Look out NXT.

Match 3. Paige vs. Alicia Fox vs. Summer Rae vs. Carmella
Carmella dropkicked Summer. Fox stomped on Paige. All four women went to the outside. Summer pulled out a bat and cracked Carmella across the head. Paige landed the Paige Turner and got a near fall. She then hit Ram-Paige and won.

Paige was focused. She wants the women's title back. But what about Summer using a bat?

Match 4. Bad Influence vs. The Wyatt Family
Enzo and Cass defeated the former champs. If Kaz and Daniels win here, there's going to be some debate. Rowan shoved Kaz off the top. Kaz speared him off the apron. Harper hit Daniels with a powerbomb. Kaz hit Rowan with a reverse snap slam. He then hit a butterfly piledriver and won.

Kaz and Daniels can pull off some amazing moves. Who are the real No. 1 contenders?

Match 5. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas

Main Event. Randy Orton and Sami Zayn vs. Edge and Samoa Joe

Recap: Kaz and Daniels just defeated the tag champs. They are owed a title shot. Samson was dangerous. Rawley helping Ryder was a surprise. How will Ryder react?

NXT TakeOver: Toronto, Year 2

These TakeOver shows continue to get better and better.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
Will this feud ever die? I wouldn't mind if it never did. Kidd focused on Cesaro's neck. He landed a flipping neck breaker and a huge moonsault. Cesaro countered with a diving clothesline and back suplex. He then tossed Kidd up and hit the uppercut, but got another near fall. Cesaro suplexed Kidd from the apron. What strength! Kidd landed a super back suplex. Cesaro hit another uppercut and won his title back.

Another great match between these two. I could watch them every week.

Match 2. Austin Aries vs. ?????
Who is Aries' opponent. It's...James Storm! These two have a lot of history. Storm hit a reverse suplex and three knee strikes. Aries left the ring and hit Storm with a steel chair. Storm connected with a dive through the ropes. Aries kept cracking Storm over the head with a chair. Storm countered Aries' attempt at an STO and hit the Eye of the Storm to win.

What a debut for James Storm. Aries wanted to beat down Storm, but he couldn't get it done.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka landed a hip attack and locked in a reverse sleeper. Emma countered and kept Asuka grounded. Emma dodged a big splash and hit a snap suplex. Asuka came back with multiple kicks and then the Buzzsaw kick to the head and won.

Emma put up a fight, but Asuka's kicks were just too much. She's going to be tough to beat.

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Enzo and Big Cass
The winning team could face the Wyatts for the tag titles. Cass took down JJ and tagged in Enzo. Gable landed an exploder suplex. After a near fall, Cass and Enzo hit Boom Shakalaka, but Jordan broke up the pin. Gable hit a bridging German suplex. Cass hit Jordan with a Brooklyn Boot. They hit a second finisher, but Gable broke it up. Cass landed a super sidewalk slam and diving splash to win.

Cass went to the top for most likely the first time. He wants his tag title back. Good, competitive match.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Zayn came out firing. He landed a dropkick and snap suplex. Corbin halted him with a big boot. He connected with a corner splash and a suplex of his own. He later tossed Zayn into the steel steps and rolled back into the ring. Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Corbin kicked out. Corbin landed Deep Six, but Zayn reached for the ropes. After countering the End of Days, Zayn hit a second Blue Thunder Bomb to win.

Great match. Zayn pulled off what some would call an upset. Corbin is still a top heel on the roster.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami vs. Rusev
Winner will face the NXT champion. Joe/Rusev and Balor/Itami was how it split at the opening bell. Rusev was getting the best of Joe. Rusev brought in a chair, but Joe took it and used it. Itami sent Balor to the outside. Joe landed his 3 Germans and another chair shot. Itami threw Balor into the steel steps. Joe threw Rusev head first into the chair and locked in the Coquina Clutch to win.

That was a car crash that ended quickly. This is the beginning to Joe and Rusev.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
Edge quickly sent Orton out of the ring. Edge connected with a discus elbow and a sit-out powerbomb. He got a near fall after the Edge-cution. Orton went to the top rope, but decided against it. He hit a spinning back suplex and got a two count. Edge hit the Downward Spiral and a spear, but Orton kicked out. Orton pulled out an RKO and almost won. Edge ducked a clothesline and hit the Edge-O-Matic to retain the NXT title.

That was a face-paced match. Edge even pulled off a springboard moonsault to win.

Recap: This was a great show. Cesaro and Kidd will fight until the end of time. Edge and Asuka retain their titles. James Storm had an impressive debut.

Friday, July 22, 2016

WWE - October Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Brie Bella vs. Naomi w/ Tamina

Match 2. JBL vs. Rikishi vs. Kane vs. DDP

Match 3. Feed Us More vs. The Usos

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyler Breeze w/ Kevin Nash
Whoa. What is Nash doing at ringside? Ziggler hit a German suplex. Breeze missed a diving elbow drop. Nash distracted Ziggler, allowing Breeze to hit the Supermodel kick. Ziggler superplexed Breeze from the top to the outside mat. He hit a super face buster and Heartstopper elbows. Ziggler continued with a sleeper hold and more elbows before getting the win.

Even with the help at ringside, Breeze couldn't get the win.

Match 5. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Owens attacked Rock from behind with the title. Payback. Owens tossed Rock in the ring and hit a back suplex on the apron. After some clotheslines, he hit the pop-up powerbomb and won.

After the match, Owens grabbed a chair and hit Rock a few times.

Are we ever going to get a fair match between these two? This is going to be a war.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk's music played, but he wasn't there. Triple H threw Punk out from the back and threw him into the ring. He pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Punk across the face. The ref called for a DQ.

Man, this show was out of control. Trips is pissed.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron

Match 2. Fandango vs. Adam Rose

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. X-Pac

Recap: Things are heating up quickly. Only two more weeks until Hell in a Cell.

NXT - October Week 2, Year 2

This is the go-home show to TakeOver: Toronto. Should be a good event.

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. The Ascension vs. Bad Influence
Kaz and Daniels are getting a shot in NXT.

Match 3. Big Cass w/ Enzo vs. Luke Harper w/ Erick Rowan

Match 4. Paige vs. Asuka
Two of the top women competing. The match spilled to the outside. Asuka missed a big missile dropkick. Paige hit the Paige Turner, but got a near fall. Asuka came back with some vicious kicks. She then DDT'd Paige on the apron. Paige then won with the Ram-Paige.

Paige gets a big win as she pins the champ.

Match 5. Bobby Roode vs. Apollo Crews
This is a good co-main event. Crews caught Roode off the ropes with a spine buster. He then hit a piledriver. Roode came back and hit a spine buster of his own. He continued with the Roode Bomb and got the win.

This was a quicker match than I thought it would be. Roode gets a big win.

Main Event. Austin Aries vs. Cesaro
A big main event featuring two rising stars. Cesaro was aggressive early. Aries came back with a back suplex on the outside. Cesaro hit a t-bone suplex. Aries landed a supercanrana. He later locked in Cattle Mutilation, but Cesaro escaped. He busted him open with a brain buster and won.

Wow. Another good match. Both former TNA stars get impressive wins this week.

Recap: There are a lot of new stars gunning for the NXT title. Edge better be careful.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

WWE - October Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Rikishi

Match 2. The Miz vs. Chris Jericho

Match 3. Sasha Banks and Natalya vs. Charlotte and Nikki Bella
Charlotte hit a big boot and back breaker. Nattie hit Nikki with a double underhook slam. She continued with a discus clothesline. Sasha hit a German and locked Charlotte in the Bank Statement. The four women went to the outside. Charlotte landed a second-rope snap mare. After taking a back stabber, Nikki pinned Sasha after the Bella Buster.

Great women's tag match. Sasha showed off some great moves. She'll be champion soon.

Match 4. The Shield vs. The New Day
Rollins hit Kofi wth a full nelson suplex. Ambrose locked Big E in a Regal Stretch. The New Day wore down Reigns. Ambrose caught Woods with Dirty Deeds, but got a near fall. Kofi hit Rollins with the Boom Drop. Big E and Woods hit Rollins with a super Big Ending to win.

Fast-paced tag match. A lot of big moves with the champs getting the win.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Shawn Michaels
Oh my! Rock attacked Owens from behind. Michaels left the ring and continued the attack. Owens recovered and hit two German suplexes on the ramp. They finally got in the ring. Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music and won.

The Rock is not going to let Owens get away with this. I'm looking forward to their match.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Triple H cannot get anything over on Punk

Match 1. Fandango vs. X-Pac

Match 2. The Usos vs. Prime Time Players

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

Recap: The Rock is hell bent on getting his title back. The New Day are taking down all challengers.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

NXT - October Week 1, Year 2

With Kevin Owens gone, who will step up in his place?

Match 1. The Ascension vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 2. Paige vs. Cameron
Cameron landed a hurricanrana. Paige slammed her down and them stomped on her. She later hit a fall away slam and full nelson suplex. Cameron kicked out of a Paige Turner. Cameron hit a jumping DDT. After a jumping leg drop, she locked in a weird submission hold. Paige won with Ram-Paige.

Good match. Cameron actually put up a fight. Paige cut her short and gets another win.

Match 3. X-Pac vs. Austin Aries

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Hideo Itami
Not a good start to Kidd's reign.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. The Wyatt Family - NXT Tag Team Championship
After winning the Tag Team Classic, the Wyatts are owed a title shot. Gable tossed Harper around a bit. Harper almost took Jordan's head off with a clothesline. He then hit 2 German suplexes. Rowan got a near fall after a full nelson slam. Bray got up on the apron and distracted Gable. The Wyatts hit Gable with the 3D and won the NXT tag titles.

Wow. The Wyatts were on a mission. They took out the champs with ease.

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe
Joe took Zayn down with a side slam. Zayn came back with strikes, but Joe landed a back suplex. Zayn hit a suplex and the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Joe kicked out. He later hit a tornado DDT through the post. Out of nowhere, Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch. Joe then landed his 3 modified German suplexes. Zayn hit the Exploder suplex and won.

What a back and forth match. With the win, Zayn is a top contender to Edge's title.

Recap: A great week. We got new tag champs. The vets are staking their claim at their respective titles.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Four title matches. Three rivalries headed to a grudge match. Let's go.

Match 1. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville was in control early. Breeze hit a northern lights suplex and diving elbow. Neville hit a dragon screw and a knee bar. Breeze came back with a Supermodel kick. Neville got a near fall after a standing 540 splash. Breeze kicked Neville's head into the steel post. Disgusting. Neville DDT'd Breeze on the apron. Breeze won with a second Supermodel kick.

Great opening match. They went to another level, but Breeze got the much-needed win.

Match 2. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin - NXT United States Championship
Cesaro and Kidd went after each other as Corbin watched. Cesaro was busted open somehow. That didn't stop him as he hit Corbin with a German suplex and three gutwrench slams. Kidd locked Corbin in the Dungeon Lock. Corbin and Cesaro traded near falls on Kidd. Corbin tossed Cesaro. Kidd then hit Corbin with Code Blue to win.

Tyson Kidd will be a 10-time US champ by the time this Universe is over. Great match, though.

Match 3. Booker T vs. Ryback - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Booker sent Ryback to the outside right away. Ryback came back with a big boot. Ryback landed a big powerbomb on the outside. He then hit a super fall away slam and meat hook clothesline. Booker connected with a reverse spin kick and a spine buster. Ryback hit another powerbomb, but Booker shook it off. Booker hit a superplex. Ryback hit a press slam and Shell Shock to win the title.

Ryback adds some prestige back to whatever is left of The Industry. Let's see how it goes.

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Bryan countered and hit a German suplex. Joe accidentally knocked down the ref as he hit an overhead belly-to-belly. He continued with a back suplex and Death Valley Driver. Bryan landed kicks to the chest and head. Joe blocked a dive through the ropes. Bryan caught Joe in mid-air with the Yes Lock. Joe got a near fall after the Muscle Buster. He won with his three modified Germans.

Another good match. Bryan was playing the underdog, but Joe was just too strong.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Finn Balor vs. Rusev - NXT Championship
Balor hit Orton with a Pele kick. Edge hit Rusev with a diving elbow. Edge hit Balor with a big boot and overhead suplex. Balor hit Edge with the shotgun dropkick and Coup de Grace. Orton broke up the pin at the last possible moment. Edge hit the Impaler and spear. Balor kicked out and went after everyone. Orton blocked Bloody Sunday. Edge hit Rusev with the Edge-O-Matic to win.

Not the way I thought this match would go. Edge, again, takes advantage of an opportunity.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk had H in a couple of holds. Trips hit a gut buster and suplex. Punk landed a German suplex. He then hit a pump handle powerbomb. Punk continued with the running knee and bulldog. After a spine buster, Trips hit the Pedigree, but got a near fall. Punk popped up and caught Triple H with the GTS and got the win.

I was expecting a longer match, but this feud is far from over.

Match 7. The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE World Championship
After some back-and-forth, Rock had the upper hand on Del Rio. Alberto got frustrated, left the ring and grabbed a chair. He landed two shots before Rock took it away. Rock hit a spine buster. Del Rio landed a jumping arm breaker. Rock thought about using the chair, but ADR attacked him and went for the cross arm bar. Rock countered and hit the Rock Bottom. A little later, Rock hit a DDT and won with the Sharpshooter.

As Rock was celebrating, Kevin Owens' music hit. WHAT?!

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens - WWE World Championship
Del Rio took out Rock's legs and Owens ran to the ring. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb and pinned Rock to win the World title.

Recap: WOW! What a finish to the show. There isn't a rule that states you have to use the MITB briefcase on your own show's champion. Owens is now on SmackDown, I guess. There were other great matches, but the Owens cash in trumps them all.

WWE - September Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Kane vs. Booker T

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz

Match 3. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Breeze attacked Neville before he got into the ring. Breeze connected with the Supermodel kick, but Neville kicked out. After shaking off a German suplex, Breeze won with the Beauty Shot.

After the match, Breeze grabbed a chair and hit Neville.

This wasn't a fair match from the beginning. Neville will get his revenge at the PPV.

Match 4. Feed Us More vs. The New Day
It looks like Ryback and Mark Henry broke from The Industry.

Match 5. Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
This should be fun. Jericho wore down Del Rio. Sheamus pulled out a sledgehammer. Sheamus and Del Rio teamed up against Jericho, but it didn't last long. The match spilled to the outside. Jericho hit Del Rio with a powerbomb and Walls of Jericho. Sheamus landed the White Noise and Celtic Cross. Jericho caught Del Rio with a Codebreaker. Sheamus pinned Jericho after a Brogue Kick in mid air.

Sheamus was a little more vicious that usual, especially bringing out a weapon. Is this a sign?

Main Event. Triple H vs. Big Show
Is Trips up for this task? Show caught him with a big boot off the ropes. He then hit a delayed suplex and spear. H tried creating separation, but Show was right back on offense. Trips connected with a spine buster and Pedigree. After wearing Show down some more, Trips won with another spine buster.

After the match, Punk appeared and the two brawled until they were pulled apart.

Wow. Triple H was able to pull out the win. Good luck to CM Punk.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Jack Swagge vs. Fandango vs. Christian

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Kevin Nash

Recap: What a final build towards Night of Champions. Punk/Trips. Neville/Brees and Rock defending his title. Should be a good show.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

NXT - September Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home show to Night of Champions.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Sting
Wow. It's been a while since we've seen Sting. Kidd dropkicked Sting and pulled out a ladder. Sting took it from him and hit him multiple times. Sting dropped Kidd with a Tombstone. He then finished him with the Scorpion Death Drop to win.

Sting was dominant here. Kidd's reign as champ isn't looking good.

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger
The Perfect 10 is looking for revenge from three weeks ago. Dillinger had the upper hand early. He landed a northern lights suplex. Crews came back with a press slam. He later hit three powerbombs and got a near fall. After a piledriver, he won with a standing moonsault.

Dillinger got some offense in, but Crews bounced back and pulled out the win.

Match 3. Paige vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 4. The Wyatt Family vs. The Ascension

Match 5. Samoa Joe vs. Daniel Bryan
These two cannot be contained.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
Will Owens cash in here? Orton placed Owens in the corner and hit a back breaker. Owens fought back and hit a Samoan drop. Orton halted Kevin's momentum with another dangerous back breaker. Owens connected with a pump handle neck breaker. He then hit the cannonball splash. Orton caught Owens in mid-air with an RKO and won.

Orton defeated his ultimate threat and left with his title.

Recap: Things are shaping up on NXT. What other changes will come in the next six months?

Saturday, July 2, 2016

WWE - September Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Kane vs. Christian

Match 2. Tyler Breeze vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho isn't the same as Big Show. Neville walked down and sat at ringside.Breeze hit Jericho with a neck breaker through the ropes. They traded back suplexes. Breeze turned his attention to Neville, but Jericho attacked him from behind. Breeze came back with the supermodel kick and Beauty Shot, but Jericho kicked out. Jericho then won with the Codebreaker.

Jericho gets the win with the assist to Neville. Breeze can't let it get to him.

Match 3. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The Usos

Match 4. Charlotte vs. ?????
Wait! It's Sasha Banks! Charlotte hit a big boot. Charlotte hit a big boot and two huge powerbombs. Sasha landed a head scissors. Charlotte connected with a spear, but Sasha kicked out. After another powerbomb, Sasha locked in the Bank Statement, but Charlotte broke free. Charlotte then hit a second spear to win.

Wow. Sasha almost made the champ tap out. This isn't the last we'll see of these two together.

Match 5. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kurt Angle
This is a dream match of sorts. Ziggler landed some elbow drops early. Angle took him down and locked in a knee bar. Angle later hit 3 German suplexes. Ziggler hit a sit-out face buster and the Heartstopper elbows. He then hit the Zig Zag and won.

Ziggler is the true underdog. Angle had him, but Ziggler unleashed everything.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
H attacked Punk after the match and walked away.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Rikishi vs. Curtis Axel

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett vs. Fandango

Recap: We got another big debut here in Sasha Banks. Even with the loss, Trips gets revenge.

Friday, July 1, 2016

NXT - September Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Curtis Axel vs. X-Pac vs. Tye Dillinger

Match 2. Paige and Becky Lynch vs. Emma and Alexa Bliss
This should be a fun match. Emma took down Paige and Alexia caught her off the ropes with a dropkick. The heels landed a double DDT. Paige and Emma went back and forth. Paige hit Alexa with a supercanrana and fall away slam. Alexa kicked out of the Paige Turner and Ram-Paige. Minutes later, Paige hit Alexa with another Ram-Paige to win.

A great women's tag match. Alexa looked good in defeat. Paige is still the top (female) dog.

Match 3. American Alpha vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Bray Wyatt w/ Braun Strowman
Zayn hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and inverted DDT. Bray countered Zayn and hit a super fall away slam. Zayn came back with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but got a near fall. Bray hit a suplex and Sister Abigail, but Zayn kicked out. Bray kicked out of the super brain buster. Zayn hit a half-and-half suplex and senton bomb, but got another near fall. This is insane! Zayn hit a second super brain buster, but Braun pulled the ref out of the ring. Smart move. Bray won with a second finisher.

God damn! Pardon my language, but that was an awesome match. So many big moves.

Match 5. Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd
After the match, Bryan attacked Joe, getting his revenge. 

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Bobby Roode
Roode makes his debut. NXT picked up a lot of good talent in the draft. Balor sent Roode to the outside, but it didn't last long. Roode landed two high knees, a la Triple H. After a kneeling spine buster, Roode went for a dirty pin. Balor tried making a comeback, but Roode halted it and got a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Balor hit a suplex and GTS. He then hit the Coup de Grace, but Roode kicked out. After a fisherman suplex, Roode won with another DVD.

Roode with the impressive victory over the former champ. Watch out.

Recap: NXT has stepped their game up over the last few weeks. New stars, new rivalries, new NXT.

WWE - September Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Christian vs. Rhyno vs. The Miz
Rhyno hit Miz with a full nelson back breaker. Miz brought in a chair, and he and Rhyno hit Christian multiple times with it. Rhyno spiked Miz with a piledriver. Miz hit Rhyno with a headlock driver and the Skull Crushing Finale. He then busted Christian open. Christian slammed Rhyno onto the chair. Miz took out Christian and pinned Rhyno to win.

A good triple threat match with Miz staking his claim in the upper midcard.

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The New Day

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville walked down and sat at ringside. Ziggler connected with a snap DDT and a reverse t-bone suplex. Breeze kicked out of a super kick. Ziggler sent him to the outside and hit the Famouser. After busting Tyler open, Dolph hit the Heartstopper elbow drops. Breeze made a comeback, but became distracted by Neville. Ziggler attacked him from behind and won with the Zig Zag.

Ziggler took advantage of the distraction and got a big win.

Match 4. Kane vs. Damien Sandow

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio is trying to get revenge from last week. Lesnar came out firing. He landed a fall away slam and strikes before sending Del Rio to the outside. After four German suplexes, he locked in a dragon sleeper for about 20 seconds. Del Rio landed a powerbomb, but Lesnar came right back with the F5 and got a near fall. Lesnar hit one last German suplex and won.

Wow. Lesnar just destroyed Del Rio. Brock is someone you do not want to mess with.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk does it again.

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth

Recap: The Industry gets two much-needed wins, but Trips loses again. Brock is a beast.