Sunday, May 8, 2016

NXT - June Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Brock Lesnar vs. Shane McMahon
Stone Cold distracted Lesnar and Shane took advantage.

Match 2. American Alpha vs. Lucha Dragons
Kalisto hit Gable with a rolling heel kick and got a near fall. Gable hit Sin Cara with an exploder suplex in the corner and tagged in Jordan. The Dragons hit a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and got a near fall. Kalisto got a near fall on Gable after Salida del Sol. Gable caught Kalisto with a northern lights suplex to win.

The Dragons had a couple of near falls, but the champs pulled out the win.

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin vs. Ken Shamrock
A big win for the newcomer.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Bray Wyatt Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam attacked Bray from behind and walked to the ring. Bam Bam took him out with a slam and the Greetings from Asbury Park. Sami came back with a dropkick. Bam Bam landed a running cross body and a diving headbutt, but got a near fall. After another gut buster, he hit the Bam Bam sault, but Zayn kicked out again! Bam Bam grabbed a bat and hit Zayn out of frustration.

Zayn would not give up. Even after everything Bam Bam did, Zayn was still kicking out.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton focused on the repaired neck of Edge. Orton threw Edge and accidentally knocked down the ref. Edge landed a back suplex. Orton hit a neck breaker and then stomped all over Edge. Edge hit a snapmare and the Edge-cution. Orton DDT'd Edge on the apron and then a back suplex. Orton continued with a t-bone suplex and a delayed suplex to get the win.

Edge went to attack Orton, but Randy ducked and threw him out of the ring.

Wow. I was not expecting that finish. Orton just had the leverage on that pin, I guess.

Recap: I don't know why Austin would pick a fight with Lesnar, but he is the toughest SOB. Interesting finishes this week. Orton and Zayn, more specifically.

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