Wednesday, May 25, 2016

NXT - July Week 2, Year 2

Starting next week and taking place over the next 6 weeks, there will be a 16-team tag team tournament. Some teams are currently rosters and the rest are free agents. The winning team will get a trophy and NXT tag title shot.

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
Gable came back with a t-bone suplex on Kalisto. Jordan came in and landed 2 German suplexes. Sin Cara hit a sit-out powerbomb. Gable hit Sin Cara with multiple suplexes. Sin Cara came back with a supercanrana. The Dragons hit a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Gable kicked out of a springboard 450 splash. Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and won.

American Alpha shook off the beating and built momentum as a team to win again.

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro

This is a test for both men.

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Bret Hart
Family feud!

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor vs. Daniel Bryan
Three top challengers fighting for another title opportunity. Bryan pulled out a chair. Lesnar countered a suplex and German suplexed Balor. Balor hit his own German later. Bryan connected with his Yes! kicks. Bryan locked Lesnar in the Yes Lock, but Balor quickly broke it up. Bryan and Balor finally teamed up to take out The Beast. Bryan hit Lesnar with the kicks. Balor went to the top, but Bryan scored the pin in the meantime.

Daniel Bryan conquered The Demon and The Beast. Next up, the Bulgarian Brute?

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Edge caught Orton off the ropes with a big boot. He continued with a neck breaker and two back suplexes. He got a near fall after the Edge-cution. Edge then tossed Orton up and speared him on the way down for another near fall. Edge DDT'd Orton from the top rope twice. Orton hit his back breaker from the second rope. Edge made a comeback and won with the Edge-o-matic.

This was Edge's match, from bell to bell. Both men want the NXT title back, though.

Recap: Both Kidd and Cesaro had tough challenges in front of them. They look to rebound next week.

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