Monday, May 30, 2016

NXT TakeOver Unstoppable 2, Year 2

What a card we have for you tonight. All four championships are on the line.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka quickly took Emma down and locked in an arm bar. Emma landed a dropkick and slapped Asuka across the face. Asuka blocked Emma and hit a missile dropkick. She landed some kicks. Emma locked in the Dil-Emma and diving cross body. Asuka made a comeback, finishing with a hip attack and multiple kicks to retain.

Great women's match. Emma had some nice offense, but Asuka broke out the kicks to win.

Match 2. American Alpha vs. The Dudleyz - NXT Tag Team Championship
Jordan focused on D-Von's head. D-Von countered a suplex into a press slam. Gable and Bubba went back and forth before the Dudleys took control. Gable fought back and superplexed Bubba from the top to the outside! Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and got a near fall. Jordan got the hot tag to Gable, who countered both Dudleyz' finishers and won with a German suplex on Bubba.

Wow. That got scary for American Alpha a couple of times. Gable showed some resiliency.

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
Kidd landed a jumping heel kick. He hit a back suplex and locked in a reverse sleeper. Kidd kept going with a big diving elbow. Cesaro tried making a comeback, but Kidd stifled it. Cesaro dropped Kidd on his head with a German suplex. He later hit the European uppercut. Kidd connected with a springboard flipping neck breaker. After two submission attempts, Kidd won with the Code Blue.

Tyson Kidd is once again the US champion. Fact. Great match.

Match 4. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy
After a back suplex, Cass tagged in Enzo. He hit Blake with a running cross body. Blake came back with a flapjack and power slam. Enzo and Cass landed Big Air twice, but Murphy broke up the pin. B&M hit the suplex/frog splash combo. They hit another move and Murphy went for the pin with his feet on the rope and almost won. After a sit-out spine buster, Murphy landed a soccer kick and won.

The new team has Enzo and Cass' number. They will get a title shot sooner than later.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin vs. Samoa Joe
Joe hit Corbin with a back suplex and running senton. The match quickly spilled to the outside. Joe and Zayn worked over Corbin. Back in the ring, Corbin fought back. He hit Zayn with a German suplex and power slam. He then hit Joe with the End of Days. Zayn hit Joe with the half-and-half suplex. Bodies were getting tossed around with suplexes. Joe locked Corbin in the Coquina Clutch. Zayn caught Joe with a northern lights suplex and got the win.

I thought Joe had that one. Zayn came in and stole it. But, a win is a win.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Edge
This feud has been building since before WrestleMania. Edge tossed Orton out and brought the steps in, but was unable to use them. Orton landed a back suplex and neck breaker. He later hit a super back suplex. He landed the RKO, but Edge kicked out. He then hit a clotheslines and Edge-o-matic for his own near fall. Edge tossed Orton up and hit the spear, but Orton kicked out again. Edge hit another spear and got a 2 count. After busting Orton open, Edge won with a third spear.

This was the war we thought it would be. Edge was vicious early and didn't let up.

Main Event. Rusev vs. Daniel Bryan - NXT Championship
Will Kevin Owens make an appearance? Bryan wrestled around Rusev early. He then hit a German suplex. Rusev came back with a back suplex and running super kick. He continued with a dragon sleeper and diving shoulder tackle. Bryan made a comeback, but Rusev blocked a kick. Bryan almost locked in the Yes Lock, but Rusev ducked, hit an Alabama Slam and won with the Accolade.

What a main event. Bryan had the crowd behind him, but one mistep and Rusev took control.

Recap: This was a great show. The two tag matches were fun. The Edge and Orton match was a war. Rusev proved that he deserves to be the NXT champion.

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