Wednesday, May 18, 2016

NXT - July Week 1, Year 2

NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable II is in 2 weeks. Will Rusev's reign be short-lived? Will Kevin Owens quickly cash in his briefcase?

Match 1. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy
Blake had the upper hand early, but Cass broke free and tagged in Enzo. Enzo countered a suplex and hit a second-rope tornado DDT. Murphy got the tag, but Cass caught him with a sidewalk slam right away. The heels wore down Cass in their corner. Muprhy landed a superplex. Cass and Enzo hit Blake with the Rocket Launcher, but got a near fall. Enzo hit a running cross body and won.

Blake and Murphy had their chance for revenge, but were beaten clean. No excuses here.

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro
The feud that will never end. Kidd landed a flipping neck breaker and followed it up with a sit-out front suplex. Cesaro hit an ax handle from the second rope. After a heel kick, Kidd landed an STO into the turnbuckle. Cesaro hit a belly-to-belly and huge uppercut, but got a near fall. Kidd kicked out of the Neutralizer. Kidd hit a springboard 360 leg drop and super sit-out front suplex. Cesaro hit a super German suplex. Cesaro then won with a European uppercut.

Wow. Kidd was aggressive early. He gave Cesaro a little too much space to give him the win.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Bray Wyatt w/ Luke Harper
Itami landed a kick to the head. Bray later hit a back suplex and t-bone suplex. Hideo landed a hesitation dropkick in the corner and went for the pin, but Harper distracted the ref. He then hit the GTS, but Harper pulled the ref out of the ring this time. The ref threw Harper out of the match. He did his job. Itami landed a super German suplex and diving elbow. Bray came back with Sister Abigail, but got a two count. Hideo hit a second GTS and won.

What a high-impact match. Harper played an important part, too. Hideo looks good since returning.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Orton is pissed Edge cost him his NXT title.

Recap: What a week. The top face tag teams get good wins. Cesaro is looking to get the US title back.

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