Tuesday, May 3, 2016

NXT - June Week 1, Year 2

Money in the Bank is at the end of this month. Rusev still holds the briefcase. He has 4 weeks to cash it in.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Braun Strowman
No doubt at who the winner would be.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Enzo w/ Big Cass vs. Kalisto w/ Sin Cara
Kalisto hit Salida del Sol, but got a near fall. Enzo connected with a nice senton from the second rope, and a super back suplex. Kalisto hit a second finisher, but Cass distracted the ref. He later went for a 450 splash on the outside, but Cass moved Enzo out of the way. Kalisto hit a third finisher, but Cass pulled the ref out of the ring. Wow! Enzo took advantage and hit a tornado DDT from the corner to win.

After the match, as Cass and Enzo were celebrating, two men jumped the railing and attacked them. Wait...this is Blake and Murphy! And that's Alexa Bliss with them! What are they doing here?

Why did Blake and Murphy target Enzo and Cass? And how does Alexa play into this?

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Hideo Itami
Bam Bam attacked Sami from behind. Sami got into the ring. Hideo hit some kicks and a back breaker. Sami connected with a dropkick and a big splash. Itami hit a sit-out powerbomb and diving elbow. Sami came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb and the Helluva kick to win.

Sami overcame the odds again. Good win.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. The Dudleyz
Whoa! Big win for the veteran tag team.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Finn Balor
Balor countered Orton early and then hit a sit-out powerbomb. Orton shook it off and took control of Balor. Finn tossed Orton to the outside and landed a huge dive through the ropes. He continued with the Pele kick and diving elbow. Orton hit a t-bone suplex and his second-rope DDT. He then hit the RKO and slithered over to Balor to get the win.

After the match, Edge walked out and clapped for Orton.

Orton made quick work of the former champ. Can he hold off Edge at Money in the Bank?

Recap: This was a good show. We got three new stars and anarchy between Bam Bam and Zayn.

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