Sunday, May 15, 2016


Here we go! Only two titles on the line here, but the ever-important briefcase is up for grabs.

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Zayn was aggressive early, landing multiple punches and kicks. He hit a hurricanrana and float-over DDT. He then lifted Bam Bam up for the Blue Thunder Bomb. After another DDT, Zayn hit a senton bomb and huge reverse DDT. Zayn finished him up a second Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

That's not the match I expected. Zayn dominated Bam Bam, never giving him a chance.

Match 2. Enzo Amore vs. Murphy
Murphy went for a handshake, but as Enzo was thinking about it, he kicked him in the gut. He hit a swinging neck breaker and took apart the announce table. Murphy then DDT'd Enzo on the apron. He went for a pin with his feet on the rope, but the ref noticed. Enzo came back with a diving elbow and a tornado DDT. After a kick to the head, Murphy hit a brain buster and won.

The newcomers have defeated Enzo and Cass is separate singles matches. They are climbing the ranks rather quickly.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Punk landed some kicks early. Henry got back in it and overpowered Punk. Henry locked in a leg lock and connected with a knockout punch. Punk kicked out and hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Henry was able to kick out of the GTS. Punk hit a diving elbow and locked in the Anaconda Vice, but Henry broke free. Henry hit a headbutt and body splash, but Punk kicked out. Punk made a comeback and won with a second GTS.

Punk overcame the odds and got a big win under his belt. Henry didn't look like he was done yet.

Match 4. Seth Rollins vs. ????? - WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Rollins is in the ring waiting. His opponent is...Albertoooooo Del Riiiiiiooooo. The Mexican Aristocrat is making his debut on the biggest stage. ADR hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Rollins hit a full nelson suplex. He later hit the Skywalker and a reverse-canrana. ADR landed a couple of gut busters. Rollins hit the roll-through heel kick. Del Rio fought back and locked in the cross arm breaker. Rollins barely kicked out of the back stabber. He hit a powerbomb and super kick to win!

What?! On his first night, Del Rio wins the title. Is this why Triple H has been away all this time? To take down Rollins and The Shield?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Now that Angle is 100%, this should be a fair fight. Angle landed multiple punches at the opening bell. Cena ducked a clothesline and hit a tornado DDT. He then hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the AA, but Angle kicked out. Angle then hit 3 German suplexes. Cena hit a second Shuffle and AA, but got a 2 count again. Out of nowhere, Angle hit the Angle Slam. Cena pulled out the flipping powerbomb and won.

Angle went to attack Cena, but John ducked and tossed him out of the ring.

This was all Cena again. He hit multiple finishers before winning with the powerbomb.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Edge - NXT Championship
Orton was all over Edge. He hit two back suplexes and a Lou Thesz Press. A little later, he hit the spike DDT and RKO, but it wasn't enough to put Edge away. Edge sent Orton to the outside, but Orton quickly got back on top. Edge locked in a dragon sleeper. Orton stomped all over Edge and connected with the punt kick to win.

After the match, Edge got up and speared Orton, leaving him flat in the ring. Wait...that's Rusev's music. The Bulgarian Brute walked down with his briefcase.

Match 7. Randy Orton vs. Rusev - NXT Championship
Rusev rolled Orton over and locked in the Accolade. Orton wasn't responsive. The ref had no choice but to ring the bell and name Rusev the winner!

Rusev, learning from Edge, is the new NXT champion!

Main Event. Owens vs. Samoa Joe vs. Balor vs. The Rock vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho
Batista easily threw Owens over the top. Owens came back with a shot with the ladder. Joe tossed the steel steps into the ring and hit Rock with the other pair. He then hit Balor with the Buckle Bomb. Rock beat down Owens and went after a ladder. Owens hit Rock with a DVD from the top and set up a ladder. Joe and Balor ran in and stopped Owens. Owens hit Balor with the pop-up powerbomb. Jericho pulled Balor off the ladder, but paid the price by receiving 1916. Owens was left alone in the ring and was able to pull down the briefcase.

That was a brutal ladder match. Owens is now the MITB holder. Rusev, Balor, Orton, whoever the champ is should watch their backs.

Recap: This was a great show. Rusev waited until the last possible day to cash in. Alberto Del Rio also made his debut on this show. CM Punk and John Cena got big wins, too. Kevin Owens is now guaranteed a title shot whenever he wants. Welcome to the Kevin Owens show.

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