Thursday, June 29, 2017

December Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Big E vs. Kofi Kingston
Big E continues to defeat his former partner.

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. Ryback
Tye attacked Miz after the match.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Finn Balor

Match 4. Neville vs. The Miz
Maybe the attack from Tye cost Miz the match...

Main Event. Braun Strowman vs. Kane
Kane knocked Strowman down with two big boots. Braun easily picked him up for a press slam. They went back and forth wearing each other out. Kane lifted the big man up for a chokeslam but got a two count. Braun hit a half nelson back breaker. Kane pulled out a bat and hit Strowman for the DQ.

Interesting strategy by Kane. I guess he just wanted to take out the big man.

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 3. Tamina vs. Natalya vs. Becky Lynch
Becky pulled a bat. Unlike on Raw, it's legal in this match. Tamina and Becky worked over Nattie. They took turns pinning her. Tamina locked Becky in a torture rack. Natalya came out of nowhere pinned Tamina after a discus clothesline.

Nattie gets a big win in this match. Becky didn't get pinned though.

Match 4. Christian and Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus and Tyson Kidd
We haven't seen Christian in a while. Sheamus lifted Zayn up for a huge full nelson. Christian threw Sheamus into the ref and hit a hurricanrana. Kidd hit Zayn with a super Falcon Arow. Sheamus hit White Noise. Christian somehow came back and won with the Killswitch on Sheamus.

Zayn wasn't in the match much. Christian pulled out his finish and won.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 1. Andrade 'Cien' Almas and Elias Samson vs. No Way Jose and TJP

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 4. Rich Swann vs. Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick
Swann already has the competition lining up. Swann pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Aries in the back. He then hit the back handspring cutter but Kendrick was there waiting. He hit Aries with a reverse rana. Aries came back with a dive to the outside. Swann sent Aries into the corner, allowing Kendrick to hit a double underhook suplex and win.

Kendrick pins the Cruiserweight champ. Can he get his title back?

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
A big win for Nakamura. He could be in line for a title shot.

Match 1. Ricky Steamboat vs. Roddy Piper

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Rhyno vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam
What?! Rhyno is back in ECWCW. 

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Taz

Main Event. Diamond Harts vs. The Outsiders
I guess Hart and Page aren't done yet. Hall and Nash attacked them from behind. Hart and Page recovered and made this a fair fight. Hart hit Hall with a spike piledriver. Page hit Nash with a huge sit-out powerbomb and the Diamond Cutter to get the win.

Things aren't over yet. 

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Drago vs. Jay Lethal

Match 2. The Wolves vs. ReDragon

Match 3. Fenix vs. Prince Puma vs. Pentagon Jr
The two faces worked over Pentagon early. With Pentagon out, Fenix and Puma went back and forth. Pentagon sent Puma to the outside. Fenix came back from behind and hit a snap neck breaker to get the win.

Not the match I thought it would be, but Fenix still gets the win.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy and James Storm vs. WGTT
Can Jeff and James coexist? WGTT worked over Jeff in their corner. Haas then hit Storm with two big suplexes. Storm hit Benjamin with a superplex and a Codebreaker. After a straightjacket suplex, Haas caught Jeff with a release German. Jeff hit the Side Effect. Haas pinned Jeff after a big swing into a neck breaker.

WGTT just have the experience that Jeff and Storm didn't. They'll clash for the title.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes

Recap: A big week in feud development. Things are going to explode

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