Saturday, June 24, 2017

December Week 1, Year 3

Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose
Big E interfered in the match.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Sasha Banks
Sasha connected with a basement dropkick and locked in a Texas Cloverleaf. Naomi landed a huge springboard corkscrew splash. Sasha hit a backstabber but got a two count. She then hit a super German suplex. Sasha then won with the Banks Statement.

Naomi hit the big splash but that was about it. Sasha is the star.

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz
The Miz continued the attack after the match.

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Kane

Main Event. Batista vs. Cesaro vs. Finn Balor vs. Ryback
What a 4-way. Two champs and two top contenders. Cesaro tossed Balor around on the outside. Ryback picked Batista up with ease. Ryback hit Cesaro with the backpack stunner. Batista hit Balor with a guillotine and the spear to win.

The quickest 4-way I've ever seen. I'm sure Ryback and Cesaro will be back next week.

Match 1. Seth Rollins vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. ?????
Mickie James is back! After a side takedown, Mickie landed a huge spin kick and discus elbow. Nikki hit a big atomic drop and the Bella Buster but got a two count. Mickie got a near fall after the Mickie-DT. After a hurricanrana, James won with a second DDT.

A great showing from Mickie, and a big win too. Watch out Alexa.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger

Main Event. John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler
Bray attacked Cena from behind. Ziggler capitalized but Cena popped up and landed a suplex on the ramp. Cena got the match back in the ring and hit a tossing neck breaker. He continued with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the AA to win.

Bray came back out and confronted Cena.

Of course, Cena comes back and wins. He and Bray are on a collision course.

Match 1. Carmella vs. Summer Rae

Match 2. Alexa Bliss vs. Dana Brooke

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Bobby Roode

Match 4. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Austin Aries
Nakamura hit a big back suplex. Aries countered a suplex and hit a spike DDT. He then hit a running tornado DDT and tossed Nakamura up for an elbow, but got a near fall. After two suplexes, Aries locked in Last Chancery. Nakamura made his comeback with a string of moves, ending with a reverse exploder. After an armbar attempt, Shinsuke won with a sit-out reverse DDT.

A great main event. Aries almost won with the huge elbow. Nakamura is strong style.

Match 1. Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam
There was quick back and forth between the two. Van Dam hit a hurricanrana and a top-rope head scissors takedown. He got a near fall after Rolling Thunder. Rey came back with a rana and sunset flip. RVD landed a tornado DDT through the post. Rey hit Three Amigos. They traded near falls before Rey made his comeback and won with the 619.

A great match between two friends. The TV champ wins again.

Match 2. Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Cactus Jack vs. Vader

Match 4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Taz

Main Event. Hart and Page vs. The Outsiders

Impact of Honor
Match 1. King Cuerno vs. PJ Black vs. Matt Sydal
The smaller two worked over Cuerno. The King hit Sydal with a German suplex and Black with a back suplex. Black and Sydal landed a senton/450 splash combo. They fought on the outside for a bit. Black took out Cuerno, allowing Sydal to hit Black with the shooting star press to win.

A great triple threat match to end a great week of action.

Match 2. James Storm vs. Johnngetsundo
Mundo get a win over the champ.

Match 3. Drago vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. EC III

Recap: Awesome matches this week and you should expect a lot of surprises these next few months.

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