Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Match 1. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole
A former main event opens the show. Cole hit a delayed suplex. Lethal came back with a full nelson suplex. They fought over a bat for a bit before Cole swung at Lethal's head. Lethal pulled out the Lethal Cutter and busted Cole open. Cole connected with the flipping piledriver and won.

After a bat hit to the head, but piledriver was enough to put Lethal away.

Match 2. Ladder - PJ Black vs. Sydal vs. Fenix vs. Zack Sabre Jr
The winner gets a shot at the X-Division title. Sabre and Sydal brought in ladders. Fenix drove Sydal into the railing. He then made the first attempt at the contract. Black hit Sydal with a moonsault. Fenix and Sabre went back and forth. With Sydal lying on the ramp and Sabre and Fenix down on the mat, PJ climbed and pulled down the briefcase.

A great ladder match. PJ will face the winner of the X-Division title match next month.

Match 3. War Machine vs. Bad Influence - ROH Tag Team Championship
This is a tornado tag match. Kaz took down Rowe with a tornado DDT as Daniels hit Hanson with an Overdrive. The match spilled to the outside. Hanson pulled out a kendo stick. Rowe planted Kaz with a Samoan driver and won.

Wow. That was one-sided. War Machine destroyed Kaz and Daniels.

Match 4. Iron Man - Johnny Mundo vs. Prince Puma
Puma got the first fall after a rising heel kick. Mundo tied it up but the ref didn't see Puma's hand on the rope. Mundo then superplexed Puma to the outside. Puma took a 2-1 lead after a cutter. It went up to 3-1 after a 540 splash. Mundo cut it to 3-2 after Starship Pain. He tied it up with Moonlight Drive and then quickly took the lead. Momentum is on his side. Puma tied it back with another 540. Mundo got another fall with Puma grabbing the ropes. Puma was setting up for a pin but time ran out.

Puma would have won 4-3 if the ref saw the rope breaks. Maybe we need a rematch.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X Division Championship
This is a Last Man Standing match. Appropriate for these two. Angle planted Cody with a DDT and hit a frog splash. He continued with three German suplexes. Cody tried fighting but Angle kept the pressure with an Angle Slam. Cody got up again. Angle was ready and hit another finisher to keep Cody down.

Possibly the worst LMS match ever. Cody got like three moves in.

Match 6. Galloway vs. Lashley vs. Ohno vs. Sandow
No stipulation for this one, but it could lead to something. Galloway and Lashley went to the outside. Ohno and Sandow joined them. There were suplexes and tosses and slams on the ramp. Lashley brought Ohno back into the ring and hit a belly-to-belly suplex to get the win.

Lashley stayed away from the weapons and ramp, keeping healthy on his way to the win.

Main Event. Iron Man - James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
Jeff then pulled out the Swanton Bomb for the first fall. Jeff got the second pin after a DDT. Storm hit the Last Call superkick but got a two count. Storm cut the deficit in half with another super kick. He quickly got another win after the Eye of the Storm. Jeff got a point back after a flipping sunset bomb. With little time left, Storm scored two points with the Eye to take the lead. He was able to keep Jeff away to retain his title.

That came down to the wire for Storm, but he got the win.

Recap: Angle will face PJ Black at the next PPV. The main event was great. Let's see who is next for Storm.

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