Thursday, June 15, 2017

November Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Big E
E gets the win over his former partner. 

Match 2. Naomi vs. Emma

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz
Dillinger got some payback as he attacked Miz from behind. They fought on the outside. Tye kept the pressure and hit a side angle Codebreaker and won.

After the match, Dillinger stomped on Miz some more.

A big win for Dillinger. Maybe an IC title match in his future...?

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Chris Jericho

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns
Brock has appeared on every Raw for the last few weeks. Good on him.

Match 1. Bray Wyatt vs. Mark Henry
Henry caught Bray off the ropes with a big boot. Bray landed a bunch of strikes and shoulder tackles. Henry busted Bray open with mounted punches. Wyatt came back with Sister Abigail but got a two count. After some more moves, Bray won with a second finisher.

After the match, John Cena walked out and the two had a staredown.

A good match and a big win for Wyatt. Now, he's got Cena watching.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. Hype Bros

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan

Match 1. Summer Rae vs. Ember Moon

Match 2. TJ Perkins vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke
Asuka was obviously in control. She hit a German suplex and heel kick. After some kicks, she planted Dana with a DDT on the apron. Dana fought back with a Lou Thesz press. She then hit the Samoan driver and won.

After the match, Alexa Bliss ran down and attacked both women.

Wait...Dana Brooke pinned Asuka? What's going on?

Match 4. Adam Rose vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick
This is a champ vs. champ match. Neither veteran was able to build momentum early. Kendrick locked in the Bully Choke. Aries hit a rolling elbow for a near fall. He then won with the brain buster.

Rich Swann came out and signaled that he is taking Kendrick's championship.

A fun match between two top talents. Kendrick better watch.

Match 1. Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam

Match 2. Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman
The classic vet and the crazy horseman. They traded neck breakers. Pillman hit a spike DDT and then a tornado DDT. Steamboat came back with a dropkick and a huge diving cross body to win.

Steamboat went for a handshake but Pillman turned and walked away.

No telling what Pillman is thinking. Steamboat better watch out.

Match 3. Vader vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. The Giant

Match 4. Page and Hart vs. The Outsiders

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Taz

Impact of Honor
Match 1. War Machine vs. Bad Influence

Match 2. Drago vs, Cody Rhodes
Drago landed a suplex and diving splash. Cody hit a back suplex but Drago quickly took back control. Cody got a near fall after the Alabama Slam. Drago connected with a rolling wheel kick and got the win.

A nice win for Drago. Cody didn't look his best.

Match 3. ReDragon vs. WGTT

Match 4. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes
Mark hit Eddie with the uri nagi and a top-rope splash. Davey came in and landed a super belly-to-back suplex. Jay came back with the butterfly piledriver. All four men fought in the ring. Jay came off the ropes but Davey caught him in mid air with a spin kick, busting him open and got the win.

These two teams can fight forever. What a great tag match,

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm
A big win for Jeff as he heads towards a rematch.

Recap: Impact of Honor may have the best tag division. ECWCW is undergoing some sort of takeover. Raw and SmackDown have their PPV next.

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