Thursday, June 15, 2017


There are some big-time matches on this card.

Match 1. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz
Tye hit a back suplex and neck breaker. Miz came back with a running boot. Tye landed a release German suplex. Miz connected with a front headlock driver for a near fall. He then hit the Skull Crushing Finale and won.

After the match, Miz continued the attack on Tye.

Miz makes quick work of the newcomer, Dillinger.

Match 2. The Club and Mark Henry vs. The Vaudevillains and Sheamus
This is a traditional Survivor Series match. A win for Gotch and English could mean a tag title shot. No eliminations yet. Gallows and Henry hit English with the Magic Killer. Sheamus got the first elimination on Anderson after the Celtic Cross. Gallows was later eliminated after the Whirling Dervish. Henry tried fighting all three but couldn't. English eliminated him after a clutch slam.

A clean sweep for Sheamus and Vaudevillains. Big win for the tag team.

Match 3. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
This feud hasn't been going on for long but it's been intense. Bray picked apart Cena on the outside. Cena landed a hip toss and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Bray hit a gut buster and a senton splash. Cena slammed Bray through the announce table. Bray got a near fall after Sister Abigail. After a hip toss, Cena won with the AA.

After the match, Bray went to attack Cena but John ducked and tossed him out.

Cena wins on the big stage. Bray needs to go back and plan again.

Match 4. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin - United States Championship
Corbin hit a shoulder tackle and big boot. Getting the better of the champ early is a good strategy. Cesaro landed a super double underhook suplex. Corbin DDT'd Cesaro on the apron. Cesaro tossed Corbin up and hit the European uppercut but got a two count. They traded submission attempts before Cesaro won with a Neutralizer.

Great showing for Corbin but the Cesaro proved why he's still the champ.

Match 5. Kofi Kingston vs. Big E
Two close friends are now bitter enemies. E landed a sit-out spine buster and power slam. Kofi hit a suplex on the outside. E got a near fall after driving Kofi back first into the corner. Kofi got to his feet but E ran him over. Kofi landed the Boom Drop and Trouble in Paradise but got a two count. E got a two count after the Big Ending. E won with a powerbomb and running splash.

E gets the PPV win over his former partner.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens - World Championship
The match started with a long test of strength. Owens threw Bryan into the steel steps. Bryan dodged a cannonball splash. Owens connected with a springboard moonsault. He then tossed Bryan up for the pop-up powerbomb and retained his title.

Bryan got very little offense in on Owens. Owens knew he couldn't give Bryan a lot of time.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Batista - Universal Championship
Lesnar quickly tossed Batista out of the ring. He then locked in the Kimura lock. Batista hit a snap back suplex. Lesnar came back with three German suplexes. Batista busted out the Jackhammer, shades of Goldberg. Lesnar connected with the F5 but Batista kicked out. Lesnar hit three more Germans and countered the Batista Bomb. Batista busted Lesnar open. Batista landed a second Jackhammer and spine buster to win the title.

Batista used every move in his arsenal and still had to go elsewhere. Lesnar will be guaranteed a rematch.

Recap: What a show. We got a new Universal champ. A lot of the heels won, meaning these feuds are far from over. Four months left.

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