Tuesday, June 13, 2017


This is going to be a great show. We have the final unification match and a big world title match.

Match 1. John Morrison vs. Matt Hardy
Both men like to use the ropes but they remained on the mat. Morrison tossed Matt out and landed a dive over the top. Matt recovered and hit the Side Effect. After a near fall, he tossed Morrison up and caught him with the Twist of Fate.

That was a fun opening match. Hardy gets a big win.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. War Machine - ROH Tag Team Championship
This is an elimination match. Warbeard tossed Davey out of the ring and hit a full nelson slam. Rowe tossed Hanson off the top onto Eddie. Davey picked Hanson up for a double underhook piledriver. Rowe busted Davey open and eliminated him with the Samoan Driver. Eddie hit Hanson with the backpack stunner and fisherman driver but Rowe interfered. Eddie tried fighting back but War Machine was toying with him. Rowe spiked Edwards on his head and got the final pin.

Here we go. War Machine are now the tag champs. Good luck everyone else.

Match 3. Ladder - Kurt Angle vs. Zack Sabre Jr - X-Division and ROH TV Championships
This is the unification match I've been waiting for. Angle hit a buckle bomb early. Never knew he had that in his arsenal. Angle tried twice with the ladder, but Sabre countered him. Angle hit his three German suplexes. Angle went for the belt but Sabre knocked down the ladder and hit an electric chair. He then tossed Sabre out of the ring and pulled down the title.

Match 4. Elimination - WGTT and Drew Galloway vs. Bad Influence and Aerostar
Shelton tossed Kaz around for a bit. Aerostar hit a reverse rana. Shelton came back with a t-bone suplex. Galloway hit Kaz with a flapjack and the Irish Curse. Kaz came back with the Fade to Black for a near fall. WGTT hit a frog splash/springboard 450 on Kaz. Kaz planted Shelton with Fade to Black to eliminate him. He then eliminated Haas and Galloway not shortly after.

Damn. Kaz was on a roll at the end. Aerostar didn't get much time in the ring.

Match 5. Damien Sandow vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley hit a half nelson suplex. Sandow worked over the head and neck area. He then hit the Skull Crushing Finale and got the win.

Wow. Sandow made quick work of the tough Lashley. Big win.

Match 6. Kassius Ohno vs. Jay Lethal
Lethal locked in a camel clutch. Lethal took too much time on the ropes and Ohno took control. He hit the rolling elbow to the back of the head but Jay kicked out. Lethal hit a full nelson suplex. Lethal pulled out the handspring cutter but got a two count. Ohno connected with another back elbow and won.

Lethal has fallen greatly since his feud with Cole. Ohno sent Punk packing and continues to win.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy w/ Matt Hardy vs. James Storm - Impact Championship
Matt standing in his brother's corner. Jeff caught Storm off the ropes with a super kick. Storm landed a straightjacket neck breaker and locked in a crossface. Storm kept the pressure with a side slam and the Last Call super kick but Jeff kicked out. Storm had the match won, but Matt pulled out the ref, saving his brother's title. Jeff made his comeback with a diving leg drop. Storm busted out a second super kick and won the title.

Even with the help of his brother, Jeff could not retain his championship. Jeff is owed a rematch.

Recap: What a show. We got new tag and world champs. Angle unified the X-Division and ROH TV titles. He is the best in the business.

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