Monday, May 30, 2016

NXT TakeOver Unstoppable 2, Year 2

What a card we have for you tonight. All four championships are on the line.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka quickly took Emma down and locked in an arm bar. Emma landed a dropkick and slapped Asuka across the face. Asuka blocked Emma and hit a missile dropkick. She landed some kicks. Emma locked in the Dil-Emma and diving cross body. Asuka made a comeback, finishing with a hip attack and multiple kicks to retain.

Great women's match. Emma had some nice offense, but Asuka broke out the kicks to win.

Match 2. American Alpha vs. The Dudleyz - NXT Tag Team Championship
Jordan focused on D-Von's head. D-Von countered a suplex into a press slam. Gable and Bubba went back and forth before the Dudleys took control. Gable fought back and superplexed Bubba from the top to the outside! Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and got a near fall. Jordan got the hot tag to Gable, who countered both Dudleyz' finishers and won with a German suplex on Bubba.

Wow. That got scary for American Alpha a couple of times. Gable showed some resiliency.

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
Kidd landed a jumping heel kick. He hit a back suplex and locked in a reverse sleeper. Kidd kept going with a big diving elbow. Cesaro tried making a comeback, but Kidd stifled it. Cesaro dropped Kidd on his head with a German suplex. He later hit the European uppercut. Kidd connected with a springboard flipping neck breaker. After two submission attempts, Kidd won with the Code Blue.

Tyson Kidd is once again the US champion. Fact. Great match.

Match 4. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy
After a back suplex, Cass tagged in Enzo. He hit Blake with a running cross body. Blake came back with a flapjack and power slam. Enzo and Cass landed Big Air twice, but Murphy broke up the pin. B&M hit the suplex/frog splash combo. They hit another move and Murphy went for the pin with his feet on the rope and almost won. After a sit-out spine buster, Murphy landed a soccer kick and won.

The new team has Enzo and Cass' number. They will get a title shot sooner than later.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin vs. Samoa Joe
Joe hit Corbin with a back suplex and running senton. The match quickly spilled to the outside. Joe and Zayn worked over Corbin. Back in the ring, Corbin fought back. He hit Zayn with a German suplex and power slam. He then hit Joe with the End of Days. Zayn hit Joe with the half-and-half suplex. Bodies were getting tossed around with suplexes. Joe locked Corbin in the Coquina Clutch. Zayn caught Joe with a northern lights suplex and got the win.

I thought Joe had that one. Zayn came in and stole it. But, a win is a win.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Edge
This feud has been building since before WrestleMania. Edge tossed Orton out and brought the steps in, but was unable to use them. Orton landed a back suplex and neck breaker. He later hit a super back suplex. He landed the RKO, but Edge kicked out. He then hit a clotheslines and Edge-o-matic for his own near fall. Edge tossed Orton up and hit the spear, but Orton kicked out again. Edge hit another spear and got a 2 count. After busting Orton open, Edge won with a third spear.

This was the war we thought it would be. Edge was vicious early and didn't let up.

Main Event. Rusev vs. Daniel Bryan - NXT Championship
Will Kevin Owens make an appearance? Bryan wrestled around Rusev early. He then hit a German suplex. Rusev came back with a back suplex and running super kick. He continued with a dragon sleeper and diving shoulder tackle. Bryan made a comeback, but Rusev blocked a kick. Bryan almost locked in the Yes Lock, but Rusev ducked, hit an Alabama Slam and won with the Accolade.

What a main event. Bryan had the crowd behind him, but one mistep and Rusev took control.

Recap: This was a great show. The two tag matches were fun. The Edge and Orton match was a war. Rusev proved that he deserves to be the NXT champion.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

WWE - July Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. CM Punk
These two brawled before the match even began.

Match 2. The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio
Rocky is back on TV. Rock focused on the legs of Del Rio. ADR threw Rock into the steel steps. Del Rock caught Del Rio with a Samoan drop. Del Rio hit a double knee arm breaker. Rock blocked the cross arm breaker. Rock left the ring, Del Rio followed. ADR threw Rock into the steps multiple times and won via count out.

Rock was looking to end Del Rio, but Alberto attacked him from behind and got out of dodge.

Match 3. The Nation vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Big Show
A triple threat of veterans.

Match 5. Undertaker vs. Batista
Neither man had the upper hand early. Lots of reversals and counters. Batista hit a back breaker. Taker countered the spear into a DDT and hit a chokeslam. Taker continued with two suplexes. Taker then lifted Batista up for the Tombstone and won.

The Deadman shows up, wins and then leaves. Nice showing from him.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. John Cena
Angle left the ring and took down Cena on the ramp. Cena came back with the flipping powerbomb. After an electric chair drop, Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena got a nice near fall after the AA. Cena blocked a German suplex and connected with a second AA to win.

Cena shook off the pre-match attack and dominated Angle. Cena wants to be WWE champion again.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Fandango

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: There were some pre-match attacks that likely altered the outcome of their respective matches. Things are out of control.

NXT - July Week 2, Year 2

Starting next week and taking place over the next 6 weeks, there will be a 16-team tag team tournament. Some teams are currently rosters and the rest are free agents. The winning team will get a trophy and NXT tag title shot.

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
Gable came back with a t-bone suplex on Kalisto. Jordan came in and landed 2 German suplexes. Sin Cara hit a sit-out powerbomb. Gable hit Sin Cara with multiple suplexes. Sin Cara came back with a supercanrana. The Dragons hit a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Gable kicked out of a springboard 450 splash. Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and won.

American Alpha shook off the beating and built momentum as a team to win again.

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro

This is a test for both men.

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Bret Hart
Family feud!

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor vs. Daniel Bryan
Three top challengers fighting for another title opportunity. Bryan pulled out a chair. Lesnar countered a suplex and German suplexed Balor. Balor hit his own German later. Bryan connected with his Yes! kicks. Bryan locked Lesnar in the Yes Lock, but Balor quickly broke it up. Bryan and Balor finally teamed up to take out The Beast. Bryan hit Lesnar with the kicks. Balor went to the top, but Bryan scored the pin in the meantime.

Daniel Bryan conquered The Demon and The Beast. Next up, the Bulgarian Brute?

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Edge caught Orton off the ropes with a big boot. He continued with a neck breaker and two back suplexes. He got a near fall after the Edge-cution. Edge then tossed Orton up and speared him on the way down for another near fall. Edge DDT'd Orton from the top rope twice. Orton hit his back breaker from the second rope. Edge made a comeback and won with the Edge-o-matic.

This was Edge's match, from bell to bell. Both men want the NXT title back, though.

Recap: Both Kidd and Cesaro had tough challenges in front of them. They look to rebound next week.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WWE - July Week 1, Year 2

WWE will host Vengeance at the end of the month.

Match 1. Ultimate Warrior vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Alberto Del Rio
Simple win for the new champ.

Match 3. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The New Day
The tag champs have a big challenge ahead. Ryback manhandled New Day early. Big E press slammed Henry. Ryback hit Kofi with a huge power slam. Big E got him in a sleeper and send him to the outside. He hit a splash and the Big Ending, but Henry broke up the pin. Ryback planted E with a spine buster. Kofi hit him with the Boom Drop and Trouble in Paradise to win.

Oh man. The Industry looks like its collapsing. Where is Triple H in all of this?

Match 4. Kevin Nash vs. The Rock

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Kane
Henry attacked Punk from behind. Punk shook it off an locked in a dragon sleeper. He kept going with a power slam and arm bar. Kane blocked the running knee and took Punk down. Punk hit a back breaker. He then went to the top, but Kane caught him with a chokeslam and won.

After the match, Henry walked down to inspect the damage.

Punk tried fighting off the pre-match attack, but The Big Red Machine was too much.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Cena took Angle down with a hurricanrana. Angle came right back with a snap mare. He then hit 3 German suplexes. Cena hit a suplex and 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He got a near fall after the AA. Cena hit a superplex, but Angle countered a powerbomb and got his own near fall. Angle kicked out of Cena's flipping sit-out powerbomb and got a near fall after the Angle Slam. He hit a second one moments later. Angle hit 3 more Germans and a third Angle slam to win.

After the match, Angle got in Cena's face and had some choice words for him.

Angle was on another level in this match. He wanted to teach Cena a lesson.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron

Match 2. The Usos vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Wade Barrett vs. Fandango vs. Dallas Page

Recap: This week was out of control. Pre-match attacks. Comebacks. Surprising wins. The road to Vengeance is a rocky one.

NXT - July Week 1, Year 2

NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable II is in 2 weeks. Will Rusev's reign be short-lived? Will Kevin Owens quickly cash in his briefcase?

Match 1. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy
Blake had the upper hand early, but Cass broke free and tagged in Enzo. Enzo countered a suplex and hit a second-rope tornado DDT. Murphy got the tag, but Cass caught him with a sidewalk slam right away. The heels wore down Cass in their corner. Muprhy landed a superplex. Cass and Enzo hit Blake with the Rocket Launcher, but got a near fall. Enzo hit a running cross body and won.

Blake and Murphy had their chance for revenge, but were beaten clean. No excuses here.

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro
The feud that will never end. Kidd landed a flipping neck breaker and followed it up with a sit-out front suplex. Cesaro hit an ax handle from the second rope. After a heel kick, Kidd landed an STO into the turnbuckle. Cesaro hit a belly-to-belly and huge uppercut, but got a near fall. Kidd kicked out of the Neutralizer. Kidd hit a springboard 360 leg drop and super sit-out front suplex. Cesaro hit a super German suplex. Cesaro then won with a European uppercut.

Wow. Kidd was aggressive early. He gave Cesaro a little too much space to give him the win.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Bray Wyatt w/ Luke Harper
Itami landed a kick to the head. Bray later hit a back suplex and t-bone suplex. Hideo landed a hesitation dropkick in the corner and went for the pin, but Harper distracted the ref. He then hit the GTS, but Harper pulled the ref out of the ring this time. The ref threw Harper out of the match. He did his job. Itami landed a super German suplex and diving elbow. Bray came back with Sister Abigail, but got a two count. Hideo hit a second GTS and won.

What a high-impact match. Harper played an important part, too. Hideo looks good since returning.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Orton is pissed Edge cost him his NXT title.

Recap: What a week. The top face tag teams get good wins. Cesaro is looking to get the US title back.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Here we go! Only two titles on the line here, but the ever-important briefcase is up for grabs.

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Zayn was aggressive early, landing multiple punches and kicks. He hit a hurricanrana and float-over DDT. He then lifted Bam Bam up for the Blue Thunder Bomb. After another DDT, Zayn hit a senton bomb and huge reverse DDT. Zayn finished him up a second Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

That's not the match I expected. Zayn dominated Bam Bam, never giving him a chance.

Match 2. Enzo Amore vs. Murphy
Murphy went for a handshake, but as Enzo was thinking about it, he kicked him in the gut. He hit a swinging neck breaker and took apart the announce table. Murphy then DDT'd Enzo on the apron. He went for a pin with his feet on the rope, but the ref noticed. Enzo came back with a diving elbow and a tornado DDT. After a kick to the head, Murphy hit a brain buster and won.

The newcomers have defeated Enzo and Cass is separate singles matches. They are climbing the ranks rather quickly.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Punk landed some kicks early. Henry got back in it and overpowered Punk. Henry locked in a leg lock and connected with a knockout punch. Punk kicked out and hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Henry was able to kick out of the GTS. Punk hit a diving elbow and locked in the Anaconda Vice, but Henry broke free. Henry hit a headbutt and body splash, but Punk kicked out. Punk made a comeback and won with a second GTS.

Punk overcame the odds and got a big win under his belt. Henry didn't look like he was done yet.

Match 4. Seth Rollins vs. ????? - WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Rollins is in the ring waiting. His opponent is...Albertoooooo Del Riiiiiiooooo. The Mexican Aristocrat is making his debut on the biggest stage. ADR hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Rollins hit a full nelson suplex. He later hit the Skywalker and a reverse-canrana. ADR landed a couple of gut busters. Rollins hit the roll-through heel kick. Del Rio fought back and locked in the cross arm breaker. Rollins barely kicked out of the back stabber. He hit a powerbomb and super kick to win!

What?! On his first night, Del Rio wins the title. Is this why Triple H has been away all this time? To take down Rollins and The Shield?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Now that Angle is 100%, this should be a fair fight. Angle landed multiple punches at the opening bell. Cena ducked a clothesline and hit a tornado DDT. He then hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the AA, but Angle kicked out. Angle then hit 3 German suplexes. Cena hit a second Shuffle and AA, but got a 2 count again. Out of nowhere, Angle hit the Angle Slam. Cena pulled out the flipping powerbomb and won.

Angle went to attack Cena, but John ducked and tossed him out of the ring.

This was all Cena again. He hit multiple finishers before winning with the powerbomb.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Edge - NXT Championship
Orton was all over Edge. He hit two back suplexes and a Lou Thesz Press. A little later, he hit the spike DDT and RKO, but it wasn't enough to put Edge away. Edge sent Orton to the outside, but Orton quickly got back on top. Edge locked in a dragon sleeper. Orton stomped all over Edge and connected with the punt kick to win.

After the match, Edge got up and speared Orton, leaving him flat in the ring. Wait...that's Rusev's music. The Bulgarian Brute walked down with his briefcase.

Match 7. Randy Orton vs. Rusev - NXT Championship
Rusev rolled Orton over and locked in the Accolade. Orton wasn't responsive. The ref had no choice but to ring the bell and name Rusev the winner!

Rusev, learning from Edge, is the new NXT champion!

Main Event. Owens vs. Samoa Joe vs. Balor vs. The Rock vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho
Batista easily threw Owens over the top. Owens came back with a shot with the ladder. Joe tossed the steel steps into the ring and hit Rock with the other pair. He then hit Balor with the Buckle Bomb. Rock beat down Owens and went after a ladder. Owens hit Rock with a DVD from the top and set up a ladder. Joe and Balor ran in and stopped Owens. Owens hit Balor with the pop-up powerbomb. Jericho pulled Balor off the ladder, but paid the price by receiving 1916. Owens was left alone in the ring and was able to pull down the briefcase.

That was a brutal ladder match. Owens is now the MITB holder. Rusev, Balor, Orton, whoever the champ is should watch their backs.

Recap: This was a great show. Rusev waited until the last possible day to cash in. Alberto Del Rio also made his debut on this show. CM Punk and John Cena got big wins, too. Kevin Owens is now guaranteed a title shot whenever he wants. Welcome to the Kevin Owens show.

WWE - June Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home to Money in the Bank. We have no idea who will be competing in the ladder match. That should make things interesting.

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Undertaker
Henry slammed Taker. The Deadman came back with a Boston Crab and a huge right hand. Henry hit another slam and tossed Taker out of the ring. Taker held his own and even took apart the announce table. Henry locked him in a bearhug. Taker escaped and landed the Tombstone, but Henry kicked out. Taker hit a big boot and running leg drop to win.

After the match, CM Punk appeared and Henry went after him. The two were separated by officials.

Henry must not have been focused on the match. Taker got a win in a rare appearance.

Match 2. Kane vs. R-Truth

Match 3. Christian vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Adam Rose vs. Big Show

Match 5. Seth Rollins w/ Roman Reigns vs. Ryback
Rollins manhandled Ryback early. Ryback came back with a big powerbomb. Rollins ducked a clothesline and hit the Skywalker and a front suplex. He later kicked Ryback's head into the steel post. Ryback beat the count, but Rollins welcomed him back with a Buckle Bomb and won.

Without their leader, it looks like The Industry is crumbling. Rollins gets a nice win here.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Cena ran down and took down Angle before the bell rang. After an electric chair drop, Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Angle kicked out. He continued with a superplex and a second 5 Knuckle Shuffle to win.

Why did Cena need to attack Angle? Can he not beat him in a fair fight?

Match 1. Shane McMahon vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Fandango

Match 3. Rikishi vs. Ultimate Warrior

Recap: This was a very eventful show. CM Punk and Henry are going to explode. Same with Cena and Angle. Who will Rollins face for the title?

NXT - June Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam attacked Sami from behind with a chair. Zayn fought back with rights and lefts. Bigelow slammed him back down. They finally made it to the ring. Sami was able to hit the Exploder suplex and win.

Wow! If that doesn't show how much heart Sami has, nothing will. He cannot be stopped.

Match 2. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Cactus Jack vs. William Regal
Kidd quickly sent Cesaro out of the ring and hit a DDT. Regal and Cactus followed. Jack pulled out a bat. Kidd took it and hit Regal over the head. Regal returned the favor. Jack hit Cesaro with a superplex and pulled out a sledgehammer. He hit his running knee. Kidd locked Regal in Code Blue. Cactus landed a piledriver. Regal caught Kidd with a package back suplex and bridge to win.

Great 4-way match. I was not expecting Regal to get the win. That's a rarity in today's Universe.

Match 3. Big Cass w/ Enzo vs. Blake w/ Murphy
The big man took care of Blake early. He hit a flapjack and leg drop. Murphy got involved by distracting Cass. Blake took advantage. Cass fought back a little, but the heels beat down Cass on the outside. Blake picked Cass up and hit a running power slam to win.

Blake got some revenge for the disputed loss from last week. This is far from over, though.

Match 4. Bo Dallas vs. X-Pac

Match 5. Bret Hart vs. Baron Corbin

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton picked up another win over the challenger days before the PPV.

Recap: Is Regal thinking of adding another title to his resume? Sami Zayn is insane! Blake and Murphy get some payback on Cass and Enzo.

WWE - June Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. Charlotte and Naomi vs. The Bella Twins
Charlotte caught Nikki with a big boot. Nikki tagged in Brie, who immediately received a back breaker. Brie came back with a knee smash and dropkick to the side of the head. The Bellas threw Charlotte hard into the corner. Naomi came in and hit a hurricanrana and split-legged moonsault. Charlotte and Brie traded finishers. Charlotte won with a gut buster.

Great tag match. Charlotte getting the win puts her back in the title hunt.

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz
It was back and forth early. Jericho hit a double underhook back breaker and then a German suplex. After a back suplex, Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho. Miz came back with a front headlock driver. Jericho landed a DDT on the outside before winning with the Codebreaker.

Jericho still has it and is eyeing one more run with the world title.

Match 4. The Nation vs. Natural Disasters

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Henry didn't give Punk a chance to enter the ring before attacking him. He landed a headbutt and the World's Strongest Slam, but Punk kicked out. Punk fired back with two dropkicks and a neck breaker. After two power slams, Henry planted Punk with a belly-to-belly slam to win.

Henry would not let Punk win two in a row. He's been the most consistent member of The Industry.

Main Event. Kane vs. John Cena
Angle appeared after the match and stared down Cena.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Shane McMahon vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Kama Mustafa vs. Rikishi

Recap: Another week without The Industry's leader, Triple H? Where is he? Henry held up his end of the bargain.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

NXT - June Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Samoa Joe vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Sami Zayn threw Bam Bam into the steps before the match. Joe hit the Chimera-plex and got a near fall. He then locked in the Coquina Clutch, but Bigelow escaped. Bam Bam connected with a German suplex. Joe took him down with a dropkick and won with a second-rope senton splash.

Sami Zayn has let his frustrations get the best of him. Let's hope Bam Bam doesn't retaliate.

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Blake and Murphy
After the post-match attack two weeks ago, Enzo and Cass look for revenge. Murphy hit Enzo with a back suplex and neck breaker. Enzo and Cass worked over Blake for a bit. Enzo caught Murphy with a running cross body. Cass and Enzo hit the Rocket Launcher, but the pin was broken up. Enzo hit Blake with a crossy body and went for the pin. Blake grabbed the rope, but the ref didn't see it and continued counting.

Good match with a disputed finish. Blake and Murphy were robbed in their first match.

Match 4. Edge vs. Finn Balor
Before the match started, Orton walked out and sat next to the announcers. Edge threw Balor into the corner and then turned his attention to Orton, allowing Balor to get back control. Edge hit the Edge-cution and the Downward Spiral before hitting the spear, but Balor still kicked out. Balor tried making a comeback, but Edge ducked and hit him with a second Edge-cution.

Even with Orton on the outside, Edge was able to focus and win the match. He wants his NXT title back.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Billy Gunn

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Bret Hart
Brock loses yet another match. What is going on?

Recap: Blake and Murphy looked good, but have a gripe with the ref. Edge and Orton is boiling and Sami Zayn might have messed with the wrong man. Lesnar's struggles continue.

WWE - June Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Gold and Stardust
Reigns landed a suplex and dropkick to Goldust. Goldy came back with a DDT and tagged in Stardust. Ambrose and Stardust traded blows. Ambrose connected with the rebound clothesline. He then hit Dirty Deeds, but Goldust broke up the pin. After a suplex, he won with a dragon sleeper.

This was The Shield's match. They are sending a message to the whole tag division.

Match 3. Big Show vs. The Rock

Match 4. The Usos and Booker T vs. The New Day
Booker landed a back suplex and a side kick. Jimmy came in and hit his own suplex, Jimmy and Booker wore down Kofi in their corner. Big E finally came in and took out Booker. Jey came in and struck E with right hands and a kick. He then hit the Rikishi Driver and another superkick. Woods got some offense in before tagged E back in. E hit Jey with a body splash. E then planted him with the Big Ending to win.

The Usos and Booker were in control early, but the experience from New Day helped here.

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kane
Angle attacked Cena from behind and threw him into the ring. Kane hit a sidewalk slam and got a near fall. He planted him with a chokeslam, but Cena kicked out. Kane busted him open with right hands. Cena came back with a sit-out powerbomb and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He then hit the AA and almost won. Kane hit another sidewalk slam, back suplex and chokeslam, but still got a two count. Kane halted a Cena comeback with a third side slam and won.

Kane is not on Angle's side. He just wants to beat people up, no matter who is opponent is. Angle is trying to soften Cena before their match.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Henry continued the beating after the match.

Match 1. Simon Gotch vs. Christian

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Kevin Nash

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: The heels were all about the cheap attacks this week. Shield vs. New Day title match?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

NXT - June Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Brock Lesnar vs. Shane McMahon
Stone Cold distracted Lesnar and Shane took advantage.

Match 2. American Alpha vs. Lucha Dragons
Kalisto hit Gable with a rolling heel kick and got a near fall. Gable hit Sin Cara with an exploder suplex in the corner and tagged in Jordan. The Dragons hit a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Jordan hit a twisting back suplex and got a near fall. Kalisto got a near fall on Gable after Salida del Sol. Gable caught Kalisto with a northern lights suplex to win.

The Dragons had a couple of near falls, but the champs pulled out the win.

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin vs. Ken Shamrock
A big win for the newcomer.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Bray Wyatt Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam attacked Bray from behind and walked to the ring. Bam Bam took him out with a slam and the Greetings from Asbury Park. Sami came back with a dropkick. Bam Bam landed a running cross body and a diving headbutt, but got a near fall. After another gut buster, he hit the Bam Bam sault, but Zayn kicked out again! Bam Bam grabbed a bat and hit Zayn out of frustration.

Zayn would not give up. Even after everything Bam Bam did, Zayn was still kicking out.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton focused on the repaired neck of Edge. Orton threw Edge and accidentally knocked down the ref. Edge landed a back suplex. Orton hit a neck breaker and then stomped all over Edge. Edge hit a snapmare and the Edge-cution. Orton DDT'd Edge on the apron and then a back suplex. Orton continued with a t-bone suplex and a delayed suplex to get the win.

Edge went to attack Orton, but Randy ducked and threw him out of the ring.

Wow. I was not expecting that finish. Orton just had the leverage on that pin, I guess.

Recap: I don't know why Austin would pick a fight with Lesnar, but he is the toughest SOB. Interesting finishes this week. Orton and Zayn, more specifically.

WWE - June Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Kane vs. Big Show

Match 2. Christian vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista
Batista landed a big boot. He later hit a back suplex. He continued with a back breaker and the spear, but Ziggler kicked out. Ziggler hit a DDT and a super kick. He then DDT'd Batista on the apron. After a jumping DDT, Ziggler went to the top, but Batista caught him with a spear on the way down to win.

Ziggler had some hope, but Batista shut it down real quick.

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. Natual Disasters
What a win!

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Punk takes on the heavy of The Industry. Henry sent Punk to the outside early. Punk fought back a little bit. He landed some strikes and a kick to the head. After a headbutt, he landed a rib breaker and got a near fall. He hit the World's Strongest Slam, but Punk kicked out. Punk connected with a springboard forearm and a hurricanrana before hitting the GTS to win.

Another one down for Punk. He's gunning for the top prize.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Angle took Cena down with a belly-to-back slam. Cena came back with a hip toss. They fought on the outside for a little. After an overhead belly-to-belly, Angle landed three German suplexes. Cena kicked out of the Angle Slam. Angle then hit three more German suplexes and won.

Angle was a machine in this match. Cena didn't have a chance.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Ric Flair vs. Vader

Recap: No Triple H this week. It makes sense after his title loss. All three matches were quick and decisive. No questions asked.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

NXT - June Week 1, Year 2

Money in the Bank is at the end of this month. Rusev still holds the briefcase. He has 4 weeks to cash it in.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Braun Strowman
No doubt at who the winner would be.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Enzo w/ Big Cass vs. Kalisto w/ Sin Cara
Kalisto hit Salida del Sol, but got a near fall. Enzo connected with a nice senton from the second rope, and a super back suplex. Kalisto hit a second finisher, but Cass distracted the ref. He later went for a 450 splash on the outside, but Cass moved Enzo out of the way. Kalisto hit a third finisher, but Cass pulled the ref out of the ring. Wow! Enzo took advantage and hit a tornado DDT from the corner to win.

After the match, as Cass and Enzo were celebrating, two men jumped the railing and attacked them. Wait...this is Blake and Murphy! And that's Alexa Bliss with them! What are they doing here?

Why did Blake and Murphy target Enzo and Cass? And how does Alexa play into this?

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Hideo Itami
Bam Bam attacked Sami from behind. Sami got into the ring. Hideo hit some kicks and a back breaker. Sami connected with a dropkick and a big splash. Itami hit a sit-out powerbomb and diving elbow. Sami came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb and the Helluva kick to win.

Sami overcame the odds again. Good win.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. The Dudleyz
Whoa! Big win for the veteran tag team.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Finn Balor
Balor countered Orton early and then hit a sit-out powerbomb. Orton shook it off and took control of Balor. Finn tossed Orton to the outside and landed a huge dive through the ropes. He continued with the Pele kick and diving elbow. Orton hit a t-bone suplex and his second-rope DDT. He then hit the RKO and slithered over to Balor to get the win.

After the match, Edge walked out and clapped for Orton.

Orton made quick work of the former champ. Can he hold off Edge at Money in the Bank?

Recap: This was a good show. We got three new stars and anarchy between Bam Bam and Zayn.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


All four titles on the line and two grudge matches should make this a fun show.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Nikki Bella - WWE Divas Championship
Nikki went to clothesline Alicia, but she caught the ref instead. Fox countered the Alabama Slam and rolled Nikki up. The two went back and forth with some near falls. Nikki got another near fall after the Bella Buster. Foxy landed a rolling leg drop. Fox retained after hitting Watch Yo' Face.

A fun opening match. Fox has stepped up recently and is defending her title well.

Match 2. Extreme Rules - The United Kingdom vs. Natural Disasters
The heels sent Neville to the outside. Earthquake pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Neville. Bulldog somehow hit Typhoon with a power slam. All four men were back in the ring. Neville hit Earthquake with a cutter and Bulldog lifted Typhoon for a delayed suplex. Neville hit Earthquake multiple times with a bat. Earthquake slammed Neville, but Bulldog hit Typhoon with the running power slam to win.

Match 3. Booker T vs. Ryback - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Booker landed a flapjack at the opening bell. After a snap suplex, Ryback hit Booker with three consecutive powerbombs. Booker wore down Ryback on the outside, hoping for a countout victory. Booker landed a spine buster and the scissors kick to win.

Two straight title defenses. These new champs ain't ready to let go. Booker fought off Ryback without a problem.

Match 4. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation
D'Lo hit Goldust with two face busters. Stardust got the upperhand for his team on Kama with a back suplex. He then hit the Disaster Kick. D'Lo was back in, but not for long. Kama hit Stardust with a step-over heel kick and then hit Goldust with a delayed brain buster to win.

The Nation have built up some momentum over the last month or so.

Match 5. The New Day vs. The Usos - WWE Tag Team Championship
Big E toyed with Jimmy in the early going. He later threw him shoulder-first into the post. Jey came in and landed a Samoan drop and reverse 450 splash. He then got a near fall after a super kick. The New Day came back with a Very Big Ending. Kofi superplexed Jimmy from the top to the outside mat. A little later, they hit the Very Big Ending on Jimmy to retain the titles.

This was a very one-sided match. The New Day continue their reign of positivity.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. JBL
This has been a blood feud between two completely different men. JBL left the ring, and Punk followed. JBL hit a side slam. Punk landed multiple strikes. Back in the ring, JBL hit a back breaker and hit a big boot. Punk hit a super belly-to-back suplex. He continued with the running knee and bulldog. Punk landed a tornado DDT through the steel post. Punk hit a diving elbow and the GTS to win.

After the match, JBL was still talking trash to Punk

JBL was in control early, but Punk fought back and pinned JBL cleanly. Time to move on. 

Main Event. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins - WWE Championship
Rollins wrestled Trips to the ground. He then hit a jumping flying knee to the head. He didn't let up with a tornado neck breaker and STO. After a stint on the outside, he hit the rolling heel kick. Triple H blocked Rollins attack and jumped off the top, but Rollins countered that and hit the Pedigree and got a close near fall. Triple H had no offense so far. Rollins hit the Skywalker and a huge 450 splash. He then finished him with a spike DDT to win back the title.

Wow! I was not expecting that as the main event. Triple H did not put up a fight. At all. Maybe the loss to Rock threw him off his game (no pun intended).

Recap: This was a great show. The world title changed hands again. Can Triple H rebound or is he going away to regroup? Is the Industry crumbling?