Sunday, July 16, 2017


Five championships on the line.

Match 1. Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman
Pillman was hitting everything in his arsenal. He landed head scissors, suplexes and hip tosses. He connected with a springboard clothesline but got a two count. Pillman busted Ricky open. He then got the win after a brain buster.

A decent opener with Pillman dominating Steamboat. Pillman's gone crazy.

Match 2. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick - Cruiserweight Championship
This is a Last Man Standing match. Kendrick hit a delayed suplex and a tornado DDT. Swann hit a jumping heel kick. Kendrick busted Swann open with another DDT. Swann was unable to answer the count, giving Kendrick the win.

The first title change tonight. Swann could be concussed after the second DDT. He was unresponsive.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
This is a Last Woman Standing match. This seems appropriate for these two. Asuka suplexed Alexa on the outside. Bliss came back with a rana and hit Asuka with the steel steps. Asuka landed with kicks to the chest and head to win.

Asuka absorbed Alexa's attack and unleashed her pain.

Match 4. TM61 vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
Dawson and Miller started. Scott accidentally took out the ref and Dash immediately brought in a bat. The Revival kept Miller away from his corner. Miller took out Dash but Dawson came in and cut him off. Thorne finally got the tag. He took his eyes off Dawson for a second and he hit a missile dropkick. The 2-on-1 strategy continued. They then hit the Shatter Machine and won.

The Revival were focused and stayed true to their strategy to win the titles. A second title change.

Match 5. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno - ECW Television Championship
Rey took Rhyno down with a spinning head scissors. Rhyno pulled out a kendo stick and cracked Rey over the head. He threw him into the steel post. They went back and forth with pin attempts. Rhyno speared Rey off the apron and both crashed on the floor. Rey got a couple of chair shots in. Rey kicked out of the Gore. Rhyno countered a head scissors and rolled Rey up to win.

Rey put up a great fight but Rhyno broke Rey in half with the Gore.

Match 6. Diamond Harts and ??? vs. The Outsiders and ???
DDP and Hart chose Dusty Rhodes. Hall and Nash's partner is....HOLLYWOOD HOGAN! Holy shit! Hogan got into the match and took control of Page and Dusty on the outside. Hall hit Hart with a super fall away slam. The heels worked over Dusty. Hogan hit the leg drop. Dusty came back with the Bionic Elbow and busted Hall open. Things broke down for a while. Nash eventually pinned Page after the Jackknife.

What a 6-man tag. Hogan made his debut and the nWo is now in full force.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Championship
The final Last Man Standing match of the night. They quickly went to the outside. Joe hit a super double underhook suplex. Nakamura was down until 7. Nakamura ducked a knee and hit a Samoan driver. Shinsuke kept the pressure on Joe and hit multiple high-impact moves. He hit a DDT and fisherman piledriver. Joe was unable to get up.

Wow. We have a new NXT Champion! Joe received one too many blows to the head.

Recap: Three NXT titles changed hands. The Era of Strong Style begins. Joe will get a rematch. ECWCW is under a...New World Order.

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