Sunday, July 9, 2017

RAW/SD TLC, Year 3

What a lineup we have here!

Match 1. TLC - Cesaro vs. Ryback - United States Championship
Two big men with weapons. Cesaro countered a press slam and brought in a ladder. Ryback hit three powerbombs and meat hook clothesline. Ryback went for the belt but Cesaro stopped him in time. Cesaro slammed Ryback and sent him to the outside. He was then able to pull down the belt.

Cesaro was able to hold off Ryback and retain his belt.

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz
Miz kept the pressure on Tye. He hit a back suplex and immediately followed up with a diving elbow. After a Falcon Arrow, Tye drove Miz head first into the turnbuckle. Miz kicked out, ducked a clothesline and hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz proved why he's the veteran and why he's...awwwwwesome.

Match 3. Zayn vs. Ziggler vs. Kidd vs. Rusev - Intercontinental Championship
Kidd and Ziggler traded neck breakers. Zayn tried to put the Bulgarian Brute down on the outside. He got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. Ziggler got his own near fall after a super kick. Rusev cracked Zayn over the head with a bat. Rusev went after Ziggler. Zayn caught Kidd with the Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

What a 4-way. Rusev was taking out everyone left and right. The underdog wins again.

Match 4. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Cena kept Bray grounded with multiple suplexes. Bray tossed Cena around. He then hit a running senton. Cena threw Bray into the ropes, tossed him up and caught him with an AA but Wyatt kicked out. Bray kicked Cena's head against the post. Cena no-sold it and won with a second AA.

Bray wanted to end Cena but John came back and put him away.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar 
Lesnar was tossing Ambrose around early. Roman ran down to help his friend. He got Lesnar's attention, allowing Dean to take control. Lesnar took Ambrose to Suplex City. Out of nowhere, Reigns attacked Dean! What?! He landed the Superman punch and rolled him back into the ring. Lesnar then hit the F5 and won.

Why Roman, why?! Reigns and Ambrose were a force on Raw. Why turn on your friend?

Match 6. TLC - Kevin Owens vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE Championship
Del Rio hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and brought in a ladder. He hit Owens with it multiple times. Owens came back with a Samoan drop. He made the first attempt at the title. ADR pulled him down and hit the backstabber. Del Rio then planted him with a DDT. They were on the outside for a little. Del Rio tossed Owens into the steel steps. He climbed the ladder and pulled down the title.

Whoa! A huge title change. Albertoooooooo Dellll Riiiiiiooooo!

Main Event. Batista vs. Finn Balor - Universal Championship
Balor hit a heel kick and suplex. Batista fought back with a huge spine buster and went for a chair. The ref took it away, giving Balor and opening. He hit the shotgun dropkick and sling blade. Batista caught Balor in mid-air with a spear and won with the Batista Bomb.

After defeating Balor, Reigns' music hit. He had the briefcase with him and handed it to the ref.

Main Event 2. Batista vs. Roman Reigns - Universal Championship
Reigns hit the Superman punch and spear and won the title.

Recap: Wow. After turning on Ambrose, Reigns wins the title. What a way to begin the Road to WrestleMania. Zayn is the new IC champ but that seems like an afterthought.

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