Thursday, July 27, 2017


Three championships, two 4-ways, and a grudge match. Should be a good night.

Match 1. Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Mundo vs. Adam Cole vs. Drew Galloway
All four of these men have had issues in the past. Cole hit Mundo with the knee drop brain buster as Drew hit the Irish Curse on Lethal. Cole landed the straight jacket German suplex. Galloway busted Cole open with a DDT. Cole came back with a northern lights suplex and bridge to win.

A fast-paced opening match with Cole getting the big win.

Match 2. War Machine vs. ReDragon - ROH Tag Team Championship
Warbeard hit a diving shoulder tackle on Fish and Rowe planted him with a spine buster. ReDragon recovered and wore down Rowe and Warbeard. O'Reilly locked Hanson in a triangle choke. Rowe hit Fish with a spike DDT. O'Reilly no-sold a super back suplex and locked in another submission. Hanson dominated O'Reilly in the corner and won with a cannonball splash.

War Machine is a dominant tag team. Who can take them out?

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes
Sandow quickly took the match to the outside. Cody caught Damien on the top and hit the Muscle Buster! He later hit the Disaster Kick for a near fall. Sandow hit a front headlock driver and the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Sandow then targeted the legs and won after a dropkick to the knee.

A very underwhelming finish to an all-out war.

Match 4. The American Wolves vs. The Briscoes
These two teams have been at each other's throats for months. Eddie hit Jay with a backpack stunner. Mark hit Eddie with a running cutter. He then landed a fisherman piledriver. Jay came in and hit a DVD. Davey finally got the tag and locked Mark in a Texas Cloverleaf. He followed up with a butterfly piledriver. Eddie hit a springboard moonsault and backpack stunner on Jay. He then won with a second piledriver.

What a match. These two teams hate each other. I wouldn't be surprised if we see them again.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. PJ Black - X-Division Championship
Wait...that's Matt Morgan at ringside with Black. PJ caught Angle with a superkick out of the gate. Angle locked in a quick knee bar. He later wrapped the knee around the ropes. Black hit a sit-out slam and second superkick. He hit a second-rope senton and 450 splash but Angle kicked out. Angle hit three German suplexes. Morgan shook the ropes as Angle was on the top. Black landed a standing shooting star press and another 450 splash to win the title.

Morgan's interference was the difference maker in the match. Black's win is tainted.

Match 6. EC III vs. Ohno vs. Lashley vs. Matt Hardy
The winner will get the next shot at the Impact title. Ohno hit EC III with a diving elbow to the outside. He then cracked him over the head with a chair. Lashley and Hardy traded moves. Ohno had Carter in the electric chair but dropped him and hit an elbow to the back of the head. Ohno hit another elbow. Hardy hit the Side Effect. Lashley landed the spear. Hardy went to set Lashley up but Ohno hit an elbow from behind and got the win.

Wow. That might have topped the other 4-way. Ohno will get a title shot.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
Storm landed a cheap shot in the corner. He then targeted the neck with two different neck breakers. Jeff came back with a dropkick and hurricanrana. Storm got a near fall after a super kick. Jeff countered a clothesline with another rana and standing moonsault. Storm then threw Jeff into the ropes, tossed him up and caught him with another super kick for a near fall. Jeff hit a sunset bomb for a two count. Storm hit a clothesline and a third super kick to retain the title.

Storm kept Jeff at bay with three super kicks. Jeff failed again to retain the world title.

Recap: Wow. Matt Morgan's first appearance makes a huge impact. We got Storm/Ohno as the next title feud.

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