Thursday, July 6, 2017

December Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 2. Kofi Kingston vs. Big E

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. Ryback
Ryback landed a hip toss and a snap powerbomb. He later hit a buckle bomb. Tye came back with a double underhook suplex and Miz's music played. Ryback took control of the distraction with a meat hook clothesline. Tye shook it off and landed a diving elbow. Ryback won with a press slam and second clothesline.

Miz came out and Tye went after him. They needed to be separated.

Ryback was the more powerful man but Tye showed some resilience.

Match 4. Cesaro vs. CM Punk

Main Event. Ambrose and Reigns vs. The Club
Reigns accidentally speared Ambrose, allowing Anderson to score the pin.

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. Ziggler and Zayn vs. Rusev and Kidd
These four men will be competing for the IC title at the PPV. Zayn hit Kidd with a half and half suplex. Rusev planted Ziggler with an uri nagi. Zayn got a near fall after a Blue Thunder Bomb. Kidd hit a second-rope senton and diving elbow. Ziggler hit Rusev with the Heart Stopper. Zayn landed a diving elbow to Kidd on the outside. Kidd pinned Zayn after Code Blue.

A great tag match. If Kidd does that Sunday, he'll be IC champ again.

Match 3. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya

Match 4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Main Event. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick

Match 2. DIY vs. The Revival
Dawson planted Gargano with a spine buster. Ciampa hit a release belly-to-back but Dawson locked in the Indian Death Lock. After a double slam, DIY hit Dash with a buckle bomb/heel kick combo. Dawson planted Ciampa with a DDT and got the win but the ref didn't see Ciampa grab the rope.

The Revival didn't earn this win. They cheated, as usual.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Apollo Crews

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Joe walked out and sat next to the announcers. Nakamura hit a couple of clotheslines. Roode took the match to the outside. Nakamura landed a Samoan driver. Roode planted him with a Death Valley Driver. He then hit the Glorious DDT and won with his feet on the ropes.

Another heel cheating to win. Nakamura likely had Joe on the mind.

Match 1. Vader vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Rey Mysterio
Big win for the TV champ.

Match 2. Roddy Piper vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Horsemen

Match 4. Dallas Page w/ Bret vs. Kevin Nash w/ Hall

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. The Giant
Dusty has a minor head injury but demanded this fight. Dusty came out swinging but Giant halted him with a big boot. Dusty got the big man off his feet. Giant landed a leg lariat, sidewalk slam and two chokeslams but didn't go for the pin. Dusty went for a chokeslam, but Giant countered and hit one for himself. He finally won after a fourth chokeslam.

This was a fight, not a match. Dusty was barely able to get to his feet without help.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. James Storm vs. Drago vs. Cody Rhodes
Nice win for the champ

Match 2. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 3. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes
Eddie hit Jay with a backpack stunner. Jay pulled out his own stunner. Mark landed a Rock Bottom and frog splash on Davey. Richards came back with a butterfly piledriver but got a near fall. Eddie hit a package piledriver on Jay. Mark hit a reverse DVD and got the win.

These two teams can fight forever. The Briscoes are one win closer to the tag titles.

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy
Jeff hit a rana and heel kick. Angle quickly came back with a knee bar. Who thought Angle would hit the first aerial move? Angle continued with three Germans and the Angle Slam but got a two count. Jeff tried fighting back but couldn't hit anything Angle hit three more suplexes and a Slam to win.

After the match, James Storm ran out and attacked both men.

A decent match that was erased by the post-match attack.

Main Event. King Cuerno vs. Prince Puma

Recap: A great week. Storm is taking out everyone. Dusty may not have much longer.

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