Sunday, January 17, 2016


This is a really good card. It will give TakeOver a run for its money.

Match 1. Hell in a Cell - Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon - WWF Divas Championship
Here we go! Steph sent Nikki to the outside and threw her into the cell. She then pulled out a sledgehammer, but Nikki knocked it out her hands and then targeted Steph's head. She continued with a super arm drag. She got a near fall with the Bella Buster and the Rack Attack. Steph finally had some offense and hit her spine buster. Nikki came back with one of her own. Nikki brought in a bat and hit a second Bella Buster, but got another near fall. Nikki won after a second Rack Attack.

Nikki was determined to win from the opening bell. Will Steph call it quits now?

Match 2. Battle Royal - Jericho vs. Booker T vs. Neville vs. The Miz vs. Breeze vs. Mark Henry
The winner will face the IC champ next month. Booker hit Jericho with two heel kicks and almost eliminated Jericho. Miz somehow lifted Henry over his head and dumped him out of the ring. He then went after Breeze. Booker hit Breeze with the Houston Hangover! He then tossed him out. Neville dropkicked Miz off the apron. Jericho eliminated Neville. Booker landed a heel kick and eliminated Jericho to win.

So, it will be Booker vs. Sheamus/Ryback at Survivor Series.

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - Prime Time Players vs. The Usos - WWF Tag Team Championship
Each team got some offense in early. Jimmy caught Darren with a Samoan drop. He then landed a second-rope senton splash. Jey missing a diving splash onto Titus. Jey came back with a super kick. Darren got a near fall after a double knee gut buster. Jimmy hit Darren with a sit-out driver, similar to his father's. Jey did the same to Titus. Titus came back with a sit-out chokeslam and won.

Good match. Not sure why it needed to be in a Cell though.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Ryback - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Can Ryback bring back gold to The Industry? Sheamus tried getting some offense, but Ryback kept countering everything. Sheamus blocked a punch and slapped Ryback across the face. Ryback hit the Meat Hook clothesline and Shell Shock, but Sheamus kicked out. He made 2 more pin attempts, but no avail. Sheamus came back with the Irish Curse, but got a one count. Ryback countered Sheamus into a back breaker before hitting a second clothesline and Shell Shock to win.

This was all Ryback. He was motivated to win some gold for The Industry.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
The crowd was favoring Angle early. Angle later hit 3 German suplexes. Michaels landed a piledriver and a diving moonsault. He then tossed Angle up in the air and hit the Sweet Chin Music on the way down, but Angle was near the ropes. Angle popped up and hit an Angle Slam, but didn't go for a pin. Michaels kicked out of a second Angle Slam. Michaels locked in the Sharpshooter, but Angle reached the ropes. HBK kicked out of 3 more German suplexes and a third Angle Slam. Three more German suplexes and HBK would not stay down. A fourth Angle Slam and Kurt won.

Oh my God. Michaels put up a fight, but Angle was the suplex machine here. He won a lot of fans over.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Triple H - WWF Championship
Will Triple H add some gold? Trips locked in a reverse sleeper and a running high knee. Cena hit a suplex, but H locked in another sleeper and high knee. After a spine buster and Pedigree, he got a long two count. Cena made a comeback with a clothesline and huge shoulder tackle. Triple H almost made Cena tap from a dragon sleeper. Cena hit a hip toss and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Trips blocked an AA and busted Cena open with another Pedigree, but got a 2 count. Cena hit another 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but H kicked out. Triple H landed the spine buster and Cena stayed down.

The Industry now has the IC and World titles. They are getting dangerous.

Main Event. Hell in a Cell - Undertaker vs. Batista
Where did this match come from? I wish it was built up some more. Batista was on Taker early with a back breaker and stomps. Batista threw Taker into the Cell. Taker came back with a shot to the head with the steps. After a big boot, Batista pulled out a sledgehammer. Taker got a near fall after a chokeslam. Batista hit a spear and got his own near fall. A little later, he hit the Batista Bomb, but Taker kicked out. Taker put together a string of moves and hit another chokeslam to win.

Taker was impressive here. I wish Batists was able to use the sledgehammer.

Recap: This was a really good show. Not sure if it beats TakeOver. Where does The Industry go from here?

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