Thursday, January 14, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, Year 1

There are some really good matches on this card.

Match 1. Bret Hart vs. Cesaro
God damn! This match will be a clinic. Cesaro landed a reverse DVD and a headlock suplex. He later hit a straight jacket powerbomb. Bret landed a suplex and arm drag. Cesaro tossed Hart up and hit the uppercut, but got a near fall. Bret then kicked out of the Neutralizer. Bret came back with a piledriver and Sharpshooter. The two went back and forth for a bit before Cesaro hit a second uppercut to win.

Bret had some hope spots, but this was a great showing for Cesaro. Singles run soon?

Match 2. Last Woman Standing - Paige vs. Brie Bella - NXT Women's Championship
Brie dropkicked Paige's right knee and then hit a knee smash. Paige came back with a back breaker and then grabbed a chair. Brie blocked the chair and slammed Paige face-first onto it. Brie had Paige down for a while multiple times. Paige landed a back suplex and then hit Brie with the chair. Brie hit the Bella Buster, but Paige was up at eight. Brie kept on the attack. Brie connected with a missile dropkick from the second rope and won. Paige could not answer the 10 count.

Wow. Brie was in control for most of the match. I'm very surprised.

Match 3. Ricky Steamboat vs. William Regal vs. Jake Roberts
Regal pulled out a bat, but didn't get to use it right away. He and Jake hit Steamboat with a double wheelbarrow slam. Ricky hit Regal with a butterfly front suplex. Regal hit Jake with a tiger suplex. Jake landed the DDT on Regal. He hit a second one much later and busted him open. Ricky then landed a diving crossbody on Roberts to win.

Good triple threat between 3 legends.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady - NXT Tag Team Championship
The challengers wore down Bubba in their corner. Cass landed a suplex and Enzo kept him grounded. Cass hit D-Von with a power slam. Bubba hit Enzo with his own slam and got a near fall. He then hit the Bubba Bomb, but Enzo kicked out again. Bubba hit the Bubba Cutter, but Cass broke up the pin or else this could have been over. Enzo landed a tornado DDT. Cass hit D-Von with a big boot and almost won. Cass then tossed Enzo up and he landed a huge splash on Bubba to win the titles.

Enzo and Cass are the new NXT tag champs! And you can't teach that. What a tag match.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray took out the left leg of Orton on the outside. Bray landed two neck breakers. Orton came back with one of his own. Orton came back with stomps and a t-bone suplex. Bray blocked the RKO, but Orton got right back up. He then landed a super back suplex. Bray placed Orton on the top and hit a super fall away slam. Orton hit another back suplex and connected with the RKO to win.

Nicely balanced match. I'm surprised we didn't see a Sister Abigail attempt.

Match 6. Cactus Jack vs. Kevin Owens - NXT US Championship
Two title matches, two new champions. Is Cactus Jack in trouble? Cactus came out aggressive. Owens ducked a clothesline and hit a German suplex on the outside. The two battled over a bat. Owens grabbed it and clocked Cactus over the head with it. Cactus connected with his running knee. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. Cactus then hit a spike piledriver to retain the title.

Wow. I was not expecting that short of a match. What's next for Owens?

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock vs. Finn Balor vs. Daniel Bryan - NXT Championship
This should be amazing. Lesnar threw Balor into the post multiple times and then hit a butterfly suplex. Rock pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Bryan in the ribs. Bryan caught Rock with a running clothesline as Lesnar hit a super butterfly suplex. Bryan then went to the top and landed a diving headbutt. Bryan broke up Lesnar's F5 attempt. Brock sent Rock to the outside. Bryan locked Balor in the Yes Lock. Bryan and Balor traded near falls. Brock tossed Bryan to the outside. Balor set Rock up for the Coup de Grace and won.

The Demon is champ once again. Lesnar was at a disadvantage. I can't wait for the rematch.

Recap: What a great show. SmackDown has its work cut out for it. Three new champions.

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