Monday, January 25, 2016

November Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascensions

Match 2. Zack Ryder vs. Fandango

Match 3. Paige vs. Asuka vs. Emma
Asuka caught Paige with a bicycle kick. She then landed a suplex and Emma caught Asuka with a back stabber. Paige then hit Emma with a German suplex. Emma and Asuka wore down Paige in the corner. Emma then pulled out a chair and hit Asuka. Asuka hit Paige with strikes and kicks. Paige hit Emma with a German suplex onto the chair. The three women traded signature moves. Emma took out Asuka and Paige hit Emma with a northern lights suplex to win.

An amazing triple threat match. Paige is looking to get her title back.

Match 4. Bret Hart vs. Wade Barrett

Match 5. Round 1 - Baron Corbin vs. Bray Wyatt
Corbin caught Bray with a big boot off the ropes. Corbin countered a belly-to-belly into one of his own. Bray came back with a senton splash and back suplex. Corbin hit two suplexes. Bray landed a t-bone suplex and Sister Abigail, but got a two count. He hit a one-arm slam and a second finisher, but got another near fall. A bloody Corbin landed a sidewalk slam and End of Days to win.

Great match. Corbin moves on to the second round.

Match 6. Round 1 - Edge vs. Kevin Owens
The match spilled to the outside. Owens grabbed the steps, but Edge cut him off. Edge continued with a German suplex and standing leg drop. Owens hit the cannonball splash and got a near fall. Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic and went for the pin. Owens grabbed the bottom rope, but the ref didin't see it and counted the three.

This ended in controversy. Owens has a right to move on in the tournament.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Booker T

Match 2. Neville and Bulldog vs. The Nation
Can Neville and Bulldog make it two in a row? Neville hit D'Lo with a sit-out powerbomb. Neville hit Kama with a suplex and tagged in Bulldog. Kama made the hot tag to D'Lo. Kama hit Neville with a huge diving elbow. Bulldog hit D'Lo with a superplex, delayed suplex and a running powerslam. Bulldog hit a press slam and got the win.

After the match, Bulldog made it official and called the team the United Kingdom.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron vs. Alicia Fox

Match 4. Kane vs. Mark Henry

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Triple H
Mark Henry walked down and stood in Trip's corner. Triple H landed a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and threw Austin into the steel post. Henry distracted Austin and H attacked him from behind. Austin came back with a Lou Thesz Press. H landed the spine buster and Pedigree, but Austin kicked out. Triple H kicked out of the Stunner and went back on offense. H hit another spine buster. Austin landed a super stunner. Trips hit the Pedigree and won.

After the match, H directed Henry to grab a chair and hit Austin. H landed a couple of shots, too.

Great match between two legends. What is Henry's alliance wit Triple H?

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
Angle left the ring as HBK was entering and attacked him. Back in the ring, Angle hit 3 German suplexes. Michaels hit a diving elbow drop and a Sweet Chin Music. He then landed a moonsault, but Angle popped up and locked in the Angle Lock. Michaels came back and locked in the Sharpshooter. Angle landed 3 more German suplexes and got a near fall. Michaels connected with another super kick, but got a 2 count. Angle landed his own moonsault and got the win.

The match was top notch from the opening bell. They pulled no punches in this one.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: SmackDown has been stepping it up recently. The Austin/HHH and Angle/Michaels feuds are going to be good. The second round of the NXT tournament are Lesnar/Orton and Edge/Corbin.

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