Saturday, January 23, 2016

November Week 1, Year 1

This week kicks off the 8-man tournament.

Match 1. Elimination - The Lucha Dragons vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Round 1 - Randy Orton vs. Sami Zayn
The winner will face either Lesnar or Bryan. Orton focused on the back of Zayn with a back breaker from the corner. Zayn knocked Orton down and landed a senton splash. Orton stomped on Zayn and hit the RKO, but got a 2 count. Zayn landed a hurricanrana, but Orton took control right back. Zayn hit an STO and moved into the Koji Clutch, but Orton escaped. Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. Zayn went for another senton splash, but Orton popped up and caught him with an RKO to win.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Asuka landed a hip attack at the opening bell. She continued with running knees and a suplex. Brie came back with a northern lights suplex and German suplex. Asuka dodged a missile dropkick and hit a back suplex. A little while later, she landed a kick to the head and missile dropkick. Brie hit a second-rope bulldog. Asuka connected with another spin kick and won.

Good match. Asuka is building momentum as she pinned the champ.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Cactus Jack

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro
Cesaro had the upperhand early, landing a German suplex. Owens sent him to the outside and threw him into the steps. Back in the ring, Cesaro hit the Very European Uppercut, but got a two count. They went back and forth with roll ups before Cesaro hit the Neutralizer. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro hit three consecutive gutwrench slams and won.

Great match. Does Cesaro take this win and pursue a singles career?

Match 6. Round 1 - Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan

Match 1. John Cena vs. Batista

Match 2. Neville and British Bulldog vs. The Nation
Bulldog and Kama started the match. Neville landed a springboard corkscrew onto D'Lo on the outside. He later hit a sunset flip from the apron to the outside. Bulldog hit Kama with a back suplex and Neville followed it up with a perfect moonsault, but got a two count. Bulldog landed his running power slam, but D'Lo broke up the pin. Kama took Bulldog out with a heel kick and almost won. After a double hip toss, Neville won with the Red Arrow.

Bulldog and Neville worked well together. It may be in their blood.

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. The Miz
Henry wants revenge for Miz eliminating him in the battle royal.

Match 4. Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron vs. Layla
This could be fun. Layla and Alicia went to the outside. Alicia pulled out a chair, but Layla took it away and landed a suplex. Nikki landed a full nelson face buster on Cameron. Cameron took her down with a leg scissors. Layla caught Nikki with a kick to the head and a neck breaker. Cameron caught Alicia with a delayed jumping DDT to win.

Fast-paced 4-way match. Surprising win for Cameron.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Angle attacked Michaels after the match was over.

Match 6. Stone Cold vs. Triple H
The champ's first challenge is the Texas Rattlesnake. H caught Austin off the ropes with the high knee. Austin took him down with a Lou Thesz Press and got a near fall. H threw him into the ropes and hit face smash. He then tossed him up and hit him with the Pedigree on the way down, but Austin kicked out. Austin hit the Stunner, but H kicked out. Austin stomped a mudhole in H and hit a piledriver. H busted Austin open with punches. Austin busted H open with a Lou Thesz Press and won.

After the match, H went to attack Austin from behind, but Austin tossed him out and celebrated.

What a bloody non-title match. This is only the beginning of this feud.

Match 1. Fandango vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Recap: Lesnar vs. Orton in round 2. SmackDown is picking up steam. They have some good rivalries going and some emerging talent.

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