Thursday, August 3, 2017


Six title matches and the Rumble match. Let's go!

Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE World Championship
Ziggler hit a back suplex and snap slam. He continued with a jumping STO. After some back and forth, Ziggler connected with a super kick but got a two count. Del Rio couldn't get his footing in this match. Ziggler DDT'd ADR on the apron. Del Rio hit an arm breaker and jump kick in the corner. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper and Zig Zag to win the title.

Whoa! First match title change. Ziggler is the new champ.

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax - Raw Women's Championship
Sasha ran at Nia, but that was a mistake. Jax hit a huge clothesline. She hit a powerbomb on the outside floor. Sasha tried making a comeback but Nia cut her off. Sasha landed some kicks and a tope suicida to the outside. She hit a back stabber for a near fall. Nia shook off a super back suplex and won with a chokeslam.

Nia dominated Sasha for most of the match. Who can defeat her?

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Big E - United States Championship
E locked in a couple of sleepers early. Cesaro hit a deadlift gut wrench slam. E hit a press slam and tossed Cesaro into the ropes. E then landed a running splash and won the title.

Another surprising finish. E has been a whole new man since turning on New Day.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Intercontinental Championship
These two are destined to fight forever. Zayn hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Owens hit a German suplex. Zayn landed a half-and-half suplex. Owens hit a senton bomb and cannonball splash. He continued with a Koji clutch suplex and pop-up powerbomb but Zayn kicked out. Wow. Owens kept the attack with multiple suplexes. Zayn landed a tornado DDT through the post. Owens countered Zayn on the apron and won with a sunset flip.

Damn. Zayn was mounting a comeback but Owens stole the win and the title.

Match 5. Paige vs. Mickie James - SD Women's Championship
After some holds, Paige hit a German suplex. Mickie came back with punches and a back breaker. They went back and forth in and out of the ring. Paige hit a back suplex and Paige Turner. Mickie barely kicked out of the PTO. Mickie hit a dropkick and Mickie-DT to win the title.

This caps off a big comeback for Mickie. She is women's champion once again.

Match 6. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose - Universal Championship
Can the ref contain these two? Reigns landed a rare dropkick. He hit a power slam. Ambrose hit two back suplexes. Reigns hit a fall away slam and gut wrench slam. Reigns hit a running knee on the apron. Reigns then connected with the spear and retained his title.

Not Ambrose's best showing. Reigns stands tall.

Main Event. 30-Man Royal Rumble
A WrestleMania main event on the line. No. 1 and No. 2 were Brock Lesnar and Carlito. Not a good way for Carlito to make his return. Lesnar immediately hit an overhead belly-to-belly. No. 3 was Bray Wyatt. What a trio. Brock and Bray went at it as Carlito watched. No. 4 was Braun Strowman. Oh man! Brock went after him. Carlito was able to recover from that ambush. No. 5 was Randy Orton. Some big names in here already. Bray eliminated Carlito. Orton eliminated Brock! No. 6 was The Miz. Braun tossed around Orton. Bray hit Miz with a t-bone suplex. No. 7 was Mark Henry. A lot of weight in the ring. No. 8 was Kofi Kingston. We got a full ring. Miz almost eliminated Orton. Braun hit Henry with a powerbomb into a piledriver. What?!

Kofi eliminated Bray. he then hit a diving leg drop on Orton. No. 9 was Karl Anderson. He kicked Strowman off the apron for the elimination. The rest worked over Henry. No. 10 was Jason Jordan. Orton hit Miz with the RKO. He's on a roll. Jordan eliminated Kofi. He and Orton eliminated Henry. Jordan continued and eliminated Orton. No. 11 was Finn Balor. He's the sixth Raw guy to enter. Anderson hit Jordan with a running knee. No. 12 was Daniel Bryan. Some great wrestlers, and Miz, in the ring. No. 13 was Big Cass. Jordan eliminated Anderson for his fourth of the match. No. 14 was CM Punk. Punk hit Jordan with a butterfly back breaker. He then eliminated him. What a run for Jordan. Cass then press slammed Bryan over the top and out of the ring.

Cass then flipped Punk over the top. No. 15 was Christian. He quickly flipped Cass over the top. No. 16 was Chris Jericho. How is Miz still in this?! No. 17 was Chad Gable. Jericho and Balor eliminated Miz. Jericho then knocked Balor off the apron. A disappointing run for Balor. No. 18 was Tyson Kidd. Jericho hit Chad with a brain buster. No. 19 was Tye Dillinger. No. 20 was Triple H. Here we go! He planted Tye with a DDT. Jericho eliminated Kidd. Chad hit Christian with Three Amigos. No. 21 was Sheamus. Trips planted Gable with a spine buster and eliminated him. Sheamus eliminated Christian. Tye, Jericho and Sheamus eliminated Triple H. Whoa! Tye eliminated Jericho. No. 22 was Shane McMahon. Here comes the money! Sheamus kicked Tye off the apron.

Shane eliminated Sheamus! No. 23 was Seth Rollins. He quickly eliminated Shane. Rollins was standing by himself. No. 24 was Ryback. He held on long enough. No. 25 was Rusev. He helped Rollins with Ryback. No. 26 was Rikishi. Rollins, Ryback, Rusev and Rikishi. Rollins hit Rikishi with a super kick. Rusev eliminated Ryback. No. 27 was John Cena. Rusev took him down. No. 28 was Baron Corbin. Cena powerbombed Rollins. Rollins hit Cena with a package DDT. No. 29 was Batista. Cena came back and eliminated Seth. Rikishi planted Rusev with a driver. Cena then eliminated Rikishi. Batista hit Rusev with a Jackhammer. No. 30 was Wade Barrett. Cena hit Corbin with the AA and eliminated him. Rusev dropkicked Cena and then tossed him over the top rope. Barrett eliminated Rusev.

Barrett and Batista were the final two. Barrett hit a German suplex and pump handle drop. Barrett then tossed Batista out and won.

Holy crap! Wade Barrett wins the Royal Rumble. I guess that's what happens when you enter at No. 30. Now, how to make him a viable title contender.

Recap: All the SmackDown singles titles changed hands. The US and Raw Women's titles changed hands too. What a show. Two months left!

Stats: Jericho and Jordan tied with four eliminations. Cena and Sheamus tied with three.

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