Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Seven championships on the line. Things will be changing.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke - NXT Women's Championship
I don't see this going well for Dana. Dana hit a clothesline but Asuka came back with a huge front kick. Dana landed a back breaker. Asuka fired up with a few kicks. Dana hit two front slams and got two near falls. She then hit a neck breaker from the top rope and won with a diving elbow.

Holy crap. Dana Brooke defeated Asuka. I have no words.

Match 2. TM61 vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
Shane put the pressure on Dash early. Dawson landed a spine buster. Thorne came back with a snap STO and inverted 450 splash. This match just got started! Miller and Dawson fought on the outside. The match broke down for a bit. Miller then planted Dawson with a Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

A great tag match with TM61 on the top of their game. I'd expect a rematch.

Match 3. Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Television Championship
Will we have a third title change in a row? Van Dam hit a double heel kick and head scissors. Rhyno landed a deadlift suplex and snapmare. He then hit a fall away slam. Rhyno continued with a superplex and belly-to-belly slam but RVD kicked out. Van Dam hit a tornado DDT through the turnpost. The two stood face-to-face. RVD hit a super kick and won with the split-legged moonsault.

A great wrestling match, which is weird from these two. Three matches, three title changes.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. Hall and Nash - WCW Tag Team Championship
Hall hit Justin with the electric chair drop. Nash hit a sidewalk slam and spinning side slam. He then landed a big boot for a near fall. He then busted Credible open with the snake eyes and won with the Jackknife.

Lance Storm didn't even get into the ring. The nWo dominated Credible. Can Hogan make it a sweep?

Match 5. Brian Kendrick vs. Rich Swann - Cruiserweight Championship
There was some mat wrestling early. Kendrick hit a Complete Shot and a basement dropkick. He continued with a DDT on the apron. Swann tried to get up but Kendrick locked in the Bully Choke. Swann landed a frog splash. He then hit a butterfly powerbomb. He won with a package powerbomb!

Kendrick has been defeated. This could be the biggest win of Swann's career.

Match 6. Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan - WCW Championship
Hogan hit two suplexes and a knee to the face. Hogan taunted and Sting took advantage. Sting suplexed him and Hogan rolled to the outside and took apart the announce table. Hogan hit a big boot and almost won by count out. He then hit Sting with the brass knuckles but Sting kicked out. Sting made a comeback but Hogan blocked the Stinger Splash and busted Sting open. Sting countered the leg drop. Hogan hit a third boot and won with the leg drop.

Hogan wins the world title and will headline Starrcade as the champ. nWo is on top.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Championship
Here we go! The two wrestled around and locked in some holds at the beginning. Joe hit a body slam and t-bone suplex. Nakamura landed a full nelson suplex and Death Valley Driver. He then hit a super reverse suplex. He got a near fall after a Samoan driver. Nakamura hit a superplex. Joe pulled out the Muscle Buster from out of nowhere but Nakamura kicked out. He then locked in a cross arm breaker. Joe blocked the Kinshasa and hit the Chimera-plex. Joe hit a second Muscle Buster and won back his title.

Recap: Holy crap. ALL seven titles changed hands just a month before Starrcade. This is going to be an exciting month.

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