Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Six title matches and an Elimination Chamber match. The winner will face the Raw champ at WrestleMania.

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Paige - SmackDown Women's Championship
Paige hit a belly-to-back slam and DDT. Mickie locked in an Indian Death Lock. After a couple of suplexes, Paige got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Mickie got her own near fall after the Mickie-DT. They brawled on the outside for a bit before Paige won with the Ram-Paige.

Mickie's title reign didn't last that long but it was good to see her back as champ.

Match 2. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Intercontinental Championship
Owens left the ring after creating some space. Zayn quickly followed him and hit a back breaker. He then locked in a Boston Crab and got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn landed a huge dive over the top rope. Owens hit a package powerbomb. Zayn busted Owens open with a DDT. After a half-and-half suplex and second-rope senton, Zayn won with a diving splash.

Zayn becomes the second new champion of the night. Owens threw a tantrum after the match.

Match 3. Big E vs. Tye Dillinger - United States Championship
Big E has defeated some top talents since becoming champ. Tye caught E off the ropes with a perfect dropkick. He hit a superplex for a near fall. Tye continued with a diving cross body and suplex. E landed a DDT on the apron. Tye recovered and won with the Tye Breaker.

The Perfect 10 took down Big E to win his first championship. 3-for-3 in title changes.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus - WWE World Championship
Ziggler hit a hip toss into a neck breaker. Sheamus drove his knee into the head of Ziggler. Dolph landed a missile dropkick and Zig Zag but Sheamus kicked out. Sheamus hit White Noise. Ziggler came back with the Heart Stopper elbows. They both hit their signatures one more time. Ziggler hit a super sit-out face buster. Sheamus hit the Irish Curse back breaker and won the title.

That makes four straight title changes. Sheamus/Barrett for the World title.

Match 5. Chamber - Balor vs. Jericho vs. Batista vs. Punk vs. Strowman vs. Lesnar
Holy crap, what a lineup. The first two entrants were Strowman and Punk. Braun beat down Punk early. The next entrant was Lesnar. Here we go! Braun exited the ring as Brock went after Punk. Braun landed the Omega Driver as Batista entered fourth. Punk made a comeback and took the big man off his feet. Jericho left his pod fifth. He was getting double-teamed by Braun and Batista. Balor finally entered and all six men went at it.

All six men were hitting finishers and high-impact moves but still no eliminations. After another Omega Driver, Strowman made Brock tap out. WOW! Jericho eliminated Punk after a northern lights suplex. Balor eliminated Batista after a Bloody Sunday. Braun eliminated Jericho after the Omega Driver. As he went after Balor, Brock ran back down and attacked Braun. Balor then won with the shotgun dropkick and sunset bomb.

Braun was dominant throughout the whole match and would have won if it wasn't for Lesnar.

Match 6. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks - Raw Women's Championship
Can Sasha overpower the big Samoan? Nia almost took Sasha's head off with a clothesline. Banks kept Jax grounded with a hip toss and stomps. She later pulled out the back stabber but Nia grabbed the ropes. Nia escaped from the Bank Statement and hit a super kick. She then won with the one-arm spine buster.

Sasha tried everything to keep Nia down but she was just too powerful.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose - Raw Universal Championship
This could be Dean's last chance. Balor will get the next shot at 'Mania. The two former friends quickly spilled to the outside. Reigns got a close near fall after a suplex. He hit a huge diving elbow to the outside. Dean locked in a cross face. He then blocked the Superman punch. Reigns recovered and connected with the punch to retain.

Damn. Ambrose could not get revenge against Reigns. Roman goes into 'Mania as champ.

Recap: Four title changes leading up to WrestleMania. Sheamus/Barrett and Reigns/Balor are the top two matches. Can't wait!

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