Wednesday, August 30, 2017

March Week 1, Year 3

The final four weeks start now.

Match 1. Naomi vs. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks
Naomi took down Nia with a hurricanrana. Nia accidentally clotheslined the ref as Sasha ducked. Sasha then pulled out a chair. Nia caught Sasha with a super kick. Nia slammed Naomi on the chair and tossed Sasha over her head. She then took out Sasha with a fall away slam and pinned Naomi with a belly-to-belly.

Nia is just too strong to be taken down.

Match 2. Emma vs. Charlotte

Match 3. Kane vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas
Brock Lesnar came out and stared at Braun.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Tamina
The fall continues for Mickie.

Match 2. Mark Henry vs. Heath Slater

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
The champ takes on the Rumble winner in a non-title match. These two Europeans traded strikes in and out of the ring. Barrett caught him with the Winds of Change and a second-rope elbow drop. Sheamus recovered and hit the Brogue Kick for a near fall. He then won with an Irish Curse back breaker and Celtic Cross.

The champ sets the bar for Barrett leading up to their match.

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens attacked Zayn from behind. Rollins took advantage and hit the Buckle Bomb. Zayn hit a back suplex onto the apron. Rollins hit Zayn with a diving elbow through the announce table. Sami pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb. Rollins came back with a super kick to win.

Owens came back out and signaled he wants his rematch.

Rollins pinned the IC champ. We could have a triple threat at 'Mania.

Match 1. Roderick Strong vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Dana Brooke

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Andrade 'Cien Almas vs. ????
It's...Neville! What is he doing on NXT?

Match 4. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
Joe didn't even let AJ in the ring before attacking him. He then hit the Chimera-plex and made Styles tap with the Coquina Clutch.

Joe showed his ruthless side more than we've seen before.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Roode attacked Nakamura after the match.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Brian Pillman

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Vader vs. Taz

Match 4. nWo vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Rob Van Dam
Will Goldberg make an appearance? He did walk down and sat at ringside. Hogan dodged a heel kick and sent RVD to the outside. He then went after Goldberg but it backfired. RVD hit the frog splash but got a near fall. He then hit a reverse 450 senton and got the win.

Whoa! Rob Van Dam pinned the world champ.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Pentagon Jr vs. Drago
Drago pulled out a chair. Pentagon hit a butterfly suplex and full nelson suplex. Drago landed a few chair shots. Pentagon hit the drive by dropkick. Drago landed a string of moves and won with the rolling heel kick.

A nice opening match between two high flyers.

Match 2. WGTT vs. War Machine

Match 3. PJ Black vs. ????
Cody Rhodes answered the challenge.

Match 4. King Cuerno vs. Matt Sydal vs. Kassius Ohno

Main Event. James Storm vs. Adam Cole
A win for Cole can put him back in the title picture. Cole got a quick near fall. He then hit a knee drop brain buster. Storm caught Cole in mid-air with the Last Call superkick but he got a two count. Cole hit the brain buster again. Cole kicked out of a second super kick. Cole locked Storm in a Figure Four around the post. Cole ducked a clothesline and rolled Storm up to win.

Cole pins the champ. He's definitely deserving of a title shot.

Recap: What a week. We got a lot of matches taking form as we come to an end in Year 3.

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